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Management Action Plan

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Management Action Plan

  • What are some specific activities and/or experiences that will help you develop weaker areas and maximize areas of strength before you complete the BAS program?


Before completing my BAS course, I would like to improve my technical knowledge in project management skills to make me a competent project manager in the future. I wish to imbibe all the skills relevant to project management. In addition to project management knowledge, I would like to enhance my leadership skills because being a manager is all about working with a team and leading a group of people to implement projects and accomplish tasks. By working with fellow students in team and group discussions, i will learn how to lead a team and how to delegate duties to team members. I will also participate in resolving conflicts that may emerge in the course of the team working to improve my conflict resolution skills.



  • Who are some mentors you can identify who will help you develop?

Some of the mentors I will count on to help through my learning process include my lecturers and fellow students. From them, I wish to gain significantly on essential lessons about becoming a good project manager.

  • How will you use the control process and incorporate feedback data to continually improve your management technique as you grow throughout the next few semesters?

I will use the control process to assess my performance against predetermined targets. Through the process, I will evaluate the achievements I will have made over a given period of time. Besides, the feedback data will be critical to getting information on my performance and identifying the areas to improve on.

Develop at least three action points in your Management Action Plan

I will identify the various management topics I am interested in.

I will identify the timelines and the deliverables.

I will keep track of my performance and identify areas to improve on.



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