Mental Health is real
Human beings all over the world are faced with different problems. Most of these problems tend to affect how they carry their normal activities. In the past years, there have been increased concerns over mental health. Various studies have shown that in the recent past, the number of people experiences problems with their mental health has increased significantly. These studies have depicted many people suffer from mental issues without knowing. Mental health is real, and this can be explained using logos, pathos, and ethos.
Mental problems can affect any person at any time, and this affects mental health. Logos can be used to explain that mental health is real by using the statistics to interest various people (McCormack 131). Nowadays, many people developmental problems due to social issues such as being disadvantaged in society, isolation, discrimination, and unemployment. Another factor that has led to increased mental issues, which is affecting the mental health of many people, is stress. These days, many people are stress with a lot of issues concerning life. As much as stress may affect a person, one needs to take constant rest so that the mind could let off some pressure. A good number of people who are currently being affected by these mental health problems are the youths. The number of youths who are experiencing mental health problems is quite high, and the main reason is social problems such as the desire to fit it. Seeing that there are a large number of people with mental health issues is appealing to logos in the sense that shows the impact that it will have on these individuals.
Pathos can be used to explain that mental health is real by focusing on the elements that will appeal to the emotions of people. Human emotions is one of the most delicate things that can be easy affected (Athon, Almassi & Brennan, 26). In this case, Pathos, about human emotions, can be achieved by describing the effects of mental problems. As mention above, various factors result in a mental problem that interferes with the mental health of a person (Emanuel, Rodrigues & Martins, 67). For example, when a person is going through a mental problem, various effects are experienced. One such effect experienced when a person is going through a mental problem is depression. Many people with mental issues tend to be depressed by various elements, and in most cases, it is the social factors. The second effect that is associated with the mental health problem is aggressiveness. Prolonged mental health problems may affect a person to the extent that he or she decided to use drugs to feel like other people. These drugs will do the person more harm than good as it will increase the mental disorders he or she is experienced.
Lastly, ethos can be used to explain mental health by using the factors that enhance credibility. One factor that can be used to show the credibility of this issue is that there has been a lot of studies that have been done by various researchers (Stucki & Sager, 46). These studies have played a significant in showing mental health in different areas and the effects associated with it. The factor that explains the credibility of this issue is that the people who conducted these studies were professionals. In their studies, they showed that various mental problems had a negative impact on the mental health of many people (Harmon and Green Jr, 76). As a result of this problem, appropriate action has to be taken to ensure that the cases of mental health within the society is reduced and that the youths are can be able to focus on their lives positively.
Concluding, it is true that mental health is real, and it should be given a lot of attention. Many problems are presented, which has greatly interfered with the mental health of many people. Mental health has been explained using logos, Pathos, and ethos. In the first scenario, logos have been used to appeal to the audience. The mode in which it has been used is to show the high number of people who are affected by mental problems where the most affected are the youths. Pathos was the second concept that was used to explain mental health. This concept showed that mental health is real, but several effects may be experienced in case of a mental problem. Some of the effects that may develop due to mental illness include depression, aggressiveness, and anxiety. The third concept used to explain mental health is ethos. Ethos was used to show there the information used to support the ideas presented was obtained from a credible source. Therefore, all the information that was presented was the truth since qualified scholars conducted the studies.
McCormack, Krista C. “Ethos, Pathos, and Logos: The Benefits of Aristotelian rhetoric in the courtroom.” Wash. U. Jurisprudence Rev. 7 (2014): 131.
Ghaisas, Smita, et al. “Ethos, pathos, and logos to prevent sexual harassment at workplaces: a regulatory solution based on operant conditioning.” Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion. IEEE Press, 2017.
Athon, Amanda, Ben Almassi, and Christopher Brennan. “Logos, Pathos, Ethos: Intersections of Philosophy and Rhetoric.” (2016).
Emanuel, Barbara, Camila Rodrigues, and Marcos Martins. “Rhetoric of interaction: Analysis of pathos.” International Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability. Springer, Cham, 2015.
Stucki, Iris, and Fritz Sager. “Aristotelian framing: logos, ethos, pathos, and the use of evidence in policy frames.” Policy Sciences 51.3 (2018): 373-385.
Harmon, Derek J., Sandy E. Green Jr, and G. Thomas Goodnight. “A model of rhetorical legitimation: The structure of communication and cognition underlying institutional maintenance and change.” Academy of Management Review 40.1 (2015): 76-95.