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Metformin is a drug usually used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The drug can as well be administered to an individual who is at a higher risk of developing diabetes to prevent the contraction of type 2 diabetes. In some instances, the Metformin drug can be used in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which impairs the normal function of the ovary. The use of Metformin Drugs in the treatment of PCOS is, however, not yet officially approved. Metformin is available as a tablet or liquid. Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. is one of the drug companies approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to make the Metformin drugs.

The metformin drug is relevant in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and PCOS due to various reasons. Type 2 diabetes mainly occurs due to the insufficient production of insulin by the body, or the body’s not reacting in a better way with the insulin produced. As a result, an individual may develop a high sugar level. However, the application of this drug aids in the efficiency of the insulin produced, hence lowering the blood sugar levels. As a result, the drug contributes to the prevention of type 2 diabetes. The metformin drug can also stimulate ovulation, and result in regular periods in women. The drug is, therefore, relevant to the treatment of PCOS. Even though most women have been able to get pregnant through the prescription of Metformin drug, it should be noted that this drug has not been officially approved for fertility improvement.

For the metformin drug’s efficiency, it is best if one follows the doctor’s prescription in drug usage. Usually, the maximum daily dose for the metformin drug is two thousand milligrams per day. It is important to note that the metformin drug comes in different strengths; hence the user should be cautious to avoid drug abuse.

The achievement of the desired result of the metformin drug relies much on various aspects. First, the drug tablet should be swallowed whole, with a glass of water and not chewed. The medicines which are swallowed are referred to as the slow-release tablet. Therefore, the drug should be consumed and left to dissolve slowly to achieve an effective outcome. The other type of metformin drug referred to as a standard release tablet as well exists. The standard –release tablets, unlike the slow-release tablets, are released quickly hence administered several times during the day. For the user to avoid the side effects related to drug use, one can take the drug with a meal.

The impact of metformin drug is evidenced through the various marked effect evidenced by its use. The drug use results in the management of the effects of type 2 diabetes disease. Consequently, the body cells become more sensitive to the insulin produced; hence the glucose production is decreased, and the absorption of this glucose in the gut is also reduced. Applying the drug in the PCOS treatment process also results in a woman’s regular period, hence the higher chances of conception. However, the use of the drug is linked to some side effects. The user is likely to develop digestive problems, hence flatulence, vomiting, and even diarrhea.

Additionally, one is likely to develop vitamin B-12 deficiency, thus nerve damage, shortness of breath, and body weakness. A slight weight-loss is also expected to result from the use of Metformin. Due to the side effects which are expected to result from drug use; therefore, one may consider seeking medical advice if these effects arise.

Since metformin drug is one of the World’s essential and effective medicines, specific sustainability criteria have been introduced to avoid its depletion. The drugs are usually tested for impurities, and unfit products recalled. This way, the patient’s health is considered, while at the same time avoiding the burn of the metformin drug from the market. The Metformin drug is also administered in combination with the other drugs to achieve its effectiveness. Drugs such as Rosiglitazone, Pioglitazone, repaglinide, and many other drugs are used in conjunction with Metformin and sold under a different brand name.

In conclusion, the metformin drug is an effective treatment and should be prescribed to a patient in case the side effects are tolerable. Many individuals can employ this medicine in the treatment and avoidance of type 2 diabetes and increase fertility in women. However, in the instance that the medication is not compatible with a patient’s system, other treatment approaches may be initiated. For example, one may consider making dietary changes, losing weight, or exercising regularly.


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