Min and Natalie are born and raised in different backgrounds with Min and Natalie are born and raised in different backgrounds with a lot of diversity. In spite of that, the girls will be similar in many ways for instance; the development of language, attachment behaviors, as well as maturation. Both girls will go through a similar development process, with regards to various particular aspects such as cognitive development, social-emotional growth as well as physical growth.
Cognitive development means their intellectual development will assist them in learning the world in a way that makes sense. Natalie cognitive development will be similar to that of Min; an example is in the development of models, in instances where they come across new information. The expansion of their cognitive skills will allow them to process thoughts in an organized manner and in a more logical way. At this stage, both will be able to understand presence, past and future concepts (Bjorklund & Causey, 2017).
The social, emotional development entails their abilities to comprehend other people’s feelings, developing healthy relationships with other kids and their ability to control their personal feelings. Their emotional expression will be impacted by cultural, social, surroundings and family influences. Such influences will impact on the girls’ abilities to express both negative and positive emotions equally in a culturally and socially acceptable way. Both kids physical development will include changes in height, sizes and weights. Their physical development will be determined on their nutritional behavior and health status. In this case, for both kids to experience proper physical development, they must adopt a healthy balanced diet and be free of illnesses while on the other hand frequent illnesses and poor nutrition will threaten their physical development (Payne & Isaacs, 2017).