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AMMARI, N., GHALLALI, M., EL KALAM, A. A., EL HAMI, N. O. R. E. L. I. S. L. A. M., OUAHMAN, A. A., & EL OUAHIDI, B. O. U. A. B. I. D. (2014). MOBILE SECURITY: SECURITY MECHANISMS AND PROTECTION OF MOBILE APPLICATIONS. Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, 70(2).


The main title of this research paper is mobile security. Under this title, the authors seeks to research on the security mechanisms and protection applications.  The research paper falls under the journal of theoretical and applied information technology. The paper aims at proposing new security policies and mechanisms that can be used in mobile phones to meet the market demand and user’s expectations at the level of the mobile network.  The main focus of the study is limiting the malware spread through the use of text and MMS emails that are sent from one user to another.  For this reason, the main framework use for this project is the mobile security scheme to operate telecommunication networks. The use of MPSS is aimed at increasing the level of information security through the use of network and avoid the loss of data used by many users.

The study’s main purpose is the development of the new mobile security application which consists of different levels and layers. Each and every layer of the model is responsible for the security of the components which are used in an appropriate manner. Mobile phone evolution can be used anywhere even on their growing trend in the future and performance. This use have trigged security issues with a huge number of android phone now having serious security problems. The paper has three major objectives. The first objective is to develop a system that will control and protect the use of mobile devices as well as mobile application. The second objective is to come up with a way to limit and reduce the spread of malware through SMS and MMS, the other objectives are to implement strategies that can be used to provide data protection and the final objective is to enable companies to secure the activities of businesses whole using mobile devices given a widespread of mobile devices used in the workplaces.

Summary of the research findings:

Summary of the major research findings of the paper in your own words.

According to the paper, there is an increased number of mobile phones in recent years due to improved technology and memory that come with this phone. The phones come with improved processors and the devices that not only allow people to make calls but also to do other things like connecting in the real-time world. The use of mobile phones has brought more convenience to our daily lives. Through this platform people can surf the internet and exchange data, more additional features also make work easier for people. Such features include 4G technology and 5G technology. To come up with the findings the authors have used several experiments to test certain security functionalities of the mobile devices.  The first test is the node infection test. From these experiments, the researcher found out that when the nodes are infected, it allows the attack to spread the malware to the other devices through the MMS. It behaves like an email virus on the internet. This attack begins with sending MMS messages to all the contact that are found in the phone directory or by launching the attack to phone by the generation of a combination of numbers that belongs to the region where the operator resides.  The virus spreads further when the message is opened by these users. The opening of the message allows and provides an environment that allows the spread of malicious programs between the mobile nodes where there is limited geographical coverage. The research has also found out that the spread of virus is facilitated by mobile phone use of a number of interfaces that malware takes advantage of and spread without the knowledge of the users.   In the social network, the malicious virus uses the interface to propagate using MMS and Bluetooth, through the use of malware centralized method implemented in the networks operated to existing distributors.

To secure mobile devices, there are several findings that are presented by the authors of the article. The article states that the traditional ways of detecting malware is becoming approach that aims at preventing and mitigating the threat that is posed to mobile devices by malware.  A survey done on the prevention, states that experts must measure the integrity of the malware base on the mandatory access control which is used to control a hostile behavior of programs. The main challenge in this is to determine automatically the sound rules without any human intervention. Another method is the variation of the electric power of the mobile devices which helps in detecting malware through direct observation of the extra energy caused by hostile consumers.  These two techniques are very important in ensuring that the level of malware attack is minimum.

On the other hand, the research finding states that there is major drawbacks of the techniques presented. One major drawback is the lack of precision and accuracy in modeling energy consumption for multitasking mobile platforms. The use of these techniques has also failed because other industry efforts only focus on two mechanisms which are: access control at different levels and the use of antivirus such as Kaspersky. It is reported that if another method is applied to control the spread of malware, then there can be a significant reduction of the spread to mobile device platforms.

To solidify their findings the paper presents four different modules that can be used to control and reduce mobile device infections. The first module is strategy and policy. This module focuses on generating all the security strategy and policy that must be followed to secure mobile devices. Module two presents the security of mobile telephony and integrity checks. This is the heart of MPSS framework. The model results is presented in three different forms. The first form is access control which deals with the safety and steps applied in accessing user level and filters and trusted mobile phones. The second part is data security, data security allows encryption of the critical data during the transfer of data of the same telephone operators. The third part is applied security. This section of the module deals with the detection and elimination of the real time spread of malware of all mobile phones. This is done at the telecom operator’s level through the use of application firewall on the incoming or outgoing traffic.

The third module that is also applicable to security is the security and audit module. According the author, the mobile system should be audited periodically in order to give security reports. The model is fully supported by vulnerability testing which is done manually by the subscribers through the use of VPN. The vulnerability testing is done through the security guard that is normally integrated into mobile phones system such as android. The other module is warning system. It is considered as the last module of the MPSS framework. According to this finding, the telephone companies have sole responsibility of notifying customers of the risks related to the existence of malware. The owner of the phone should initiate a manual or periodic scan of their phones. The module allows users to be informed of the real danger of security and the status of their systems and devices.






Did you think the research is well-done and/or useful? Why or why not?

Based on the analysis and the presentation of the paper, I think the research is well done. This is because the researcher presented relevant information that may be required to perform a perfect analysis and draw conclusion.  The research is well done right from the abstract. From the research principles, any good research must have a clear introduction, objectives, analysis and conclusion. The above research has meet all this criteria which means that it has been done in accordance to the principles. It can be concluded that the research is well done because the researchers have used experimental analysis to explain mobile phone security issue that exist. In some part the researchers even used diagram to show how malware affect and interfere with the mobile system. This is very important in meeting the research objectives.

Do you believe this research has applications to the real-world? Why or why not?

The research is applicable to the real world in so many ways. This is because information security is subject of concern to each and every person who uses mobile phone. Secondly the use of mobile has increased significantly with more sophisticated phones coming up and every time a new mobile phone is developed it must come with its security loopholes. A research on how to secure this mobile phone is applicable in the real world because it gives people more information on how to deal with the emerging information security threat to mobile data. Another reason why this research has applications to the real world is the fact that in the real world, most companies are using mobile technology to transact their business and this means that this company must get a dipper understanding of how to secure their mobile devices.

The strength of this paper is based on its presentation. The paper is well presented in a simple readable language that make the reader get to know what the authors are talking about. Secondly, the information presented in this paper is clear and concise and any reader who has knowledge of information technology can understand. Thirdly, the paper is well divided. It begins with a very clear introduction, followed by presentation of clear objectives. Finally, the paper is well structured and has used images to explain the experiment that has been used to deduce the conclusion. Some of these images used may even be used without reading the entire paper. By the look of the paper, it is easy to understand what the authors are talking about. On the other hand, the paper has several challenges. One of the major challenges is lack of references. Although the paper has used several sources, the authors did not include enough in-text citation to back up the information they are trying to convey. The second weakness that is evident in this paper is the language used. The paper has used technical terms in information technology language to convey the most of the information presented. Although this has been perfectly presentation, it can hinder understanding, especially to those who do not have enough information technology knowledge.

Based on the detailed analysis presented by the authors, I agree with the conclusion provided. The conclusion is based on what has been done to improve mobile security. The first conclusion presented around mobile security mechanism and mobile protection in the wireless networks.  It has concluded that the new framework that has been proposed would help secure mobile data from the telecommunication network point of view. This means that in case the users do not understand how to secure data from their end, then they can be helped by the network providers. I also agree with the new layered model proposed by this research because these layers will be responsible for the mobile security.

The other research area that could relate to this topic is organization mobile security deployment and implantation. This would focus on how hackers can access an organization’s mobile data and how organizations should protect their mobile phone data. This is because when hackers get access this data, there is a high possibility that they will work against the organization. The authors need to go behind mobile data and malware and conduct a research on how malicious people can access personal or organization phone and temper with the information in this gadget.

Based on the analysis and the objectives this paper has achieved; this paper can be recommended to others since it has so much that anyone can learn from.  One of the main reason why I recommend this paper to others is the fact that mobile security is a key area that everyone should get a deeper understanding. This because everyone uses mobile phones and can be victims of fraud. Due to this, we need to help others learn the security measures that can help improve security.





Advance our knowledge and understanding in this area? Area there any related papers/research out there? What are they? Finally, do you recommend this paper to others? Why or why not?

Finally mobile security is managed and controlled at different security level for the mobile devices. If in the case where the security is not assured, then there is high chance that the layers will be generally affected and there will be not control of information by the users. According to the findings, users should be informed on the dangers that come with use of mobile phones and how they can mitigate them. It is clear that the use of online websites can affected different layers of the phone’s operating system and due to this, users should mitigate the use of internet on their phone or perform a periodic scanning to their phone without fail.

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