Money ball in baseball
The history of baseball in the United States can be traced back to the past century when non-experts played a baseball-like game with their own rules. The popularity of the baseball sport inspired the semi-professional clubs. The players initially performed using a bat and gloves between the two opponent terms using the apparent rules that they had established. The origin of the game is thought to have been England, and the legend can be traced back to a young man by the name Abner Doubleday. For the Money ball approach, it is a strategy that was invented some decades ago and has led to impacts on the entire game of baseball. Some of its consequences make the game boring as one has to keep waiting for whining around the umpire. Further implications are discussed as follows;
As discussed earlier, money ball is a strategy where one of the competing teams finds a value where the other team may not be seeing at the time of getting to the base. The strategy was laid down as a tactic to enable smart thinking and evaluation among the players (William and Scotch, 71). However, the tactics have made the entire game look like a lawyer ball, where rules are to be strictly followed by the players. Therefore, some people consider it a boring game since the strategy got to work. Defensive shifts are a result of the money ball strategy, with the knowledge of clearly defined objectives. The earliest players to employ the tactic were the closest emulators of the money ball strategy. Secondly, bullpen usage is used in the approach- beginning pitchers are hit significantly harder (Pete et al., 669). This makes the other players keep whining around the umpires. Similarly, the velocity spike determines the success of the players. When a pitcher is hit harder, it moves at high speed and longer distance allowing the opponent players to whine many times around the umpires. This will eventually determine the winner of the entire game. The aimed tactic was to end, but due to different attributes, the tactics remained.
Base-ball in post-season PlayoffsPlayoffs.
The playoffs are the wedge between the season and the near world series. In the Us, there are no baseball playoffs during this period. The is a virtual marsh into the world series, and therefore there is no play of the game. The mid-break makes seasoned players, as well as the fans, to have a discontent. The break makes them feel like they have lost a lot and give them a feeling of a waste of time.
Similarly, three divisions were created to mark the playoffs of the game. Since then, the divisions have never been altered, and hence it is operating like initially. The division was introduced through voting by the club owners, and the rule was foregone with the result of the after successful democratic ballot for the idea (Simon, 251). Research tells that no one understands why such a decision was made and why the choices cannot be switched back once again.
How money ball compares small ball and how they have competed favorably.
A small ball is used as terminology in baseball to refer an offensive strategy in the battling team. The approach favors situational hitting and base running tactics to increase the chances of scoring higher in the baseball game. The tactic though, seems to be unfair is employed by the competing teams but was never removed until Babe Ruth came in and decided to get rid of the tactic. Alongside several other rules changed, which made it a better game to either play or watch. Before the changes were made, the game was more of playing rules rather than playing the game itself, hence annoying (Simon, 256). When the small ball tactic was removed, some players fund it hard to adapt to the new system as they found it easier to outdo their opponents using the strategy.
How small market teams outdo the big market teams in baseball
In the team offensive strategy, the baseball coach may make specific calls based on the situation of the game (William and Scotch, 77). The play is known as the hit and runs, which where the base runner runs immediately after the pitches throw the pitch, then the batter tries to make contact with the ball.
Secondly, the small team may employ the money ball tactic where they reason out like chess players before deciding to make a move. This enables them to predict the result of a movement and as well as guiding them to know how to choose wisely.
From the Research above, it can be concluded that baseball is a game that was introduced one century ago, and the rules which were used were formulated among the first players. With time the rules got advanced, and eventually, different tactics were introduced to make the game more competitive. However, as more tactics were introduced, some people found it annoying while others found it functional. Formulated rules for the game were further dismissed as the time went to date. The game has close similarities with the softball game.
Gamson, William A., and Norman A. Scotch. “Scapegoating in baseball.” (1964): 69-72.
Palmer, Pete, et al. Total baseball: The official encyclopedia of major league baseball. Ed. John Thorn. Viking Penguin, 1997.
Rottenberg, Simon. “The baseball players’ labor market.” Journal of political economy 64.3 (1956): 242-258.