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Most aviation accidents are coming from low human performance, as discussed below.

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Most aviation accidents are coming from low human performance, as discussed below.

1) How does each impact the other?

The system requires for human factors include;

System efficiency.

According (Mitchell, Williamson and Molesworth,2016) impact of human factor on aviation safety can be illustrated by accident in 1977, two B-747s collided while on the runway at Tenerife, causing 583 deaths. The accident was caused by miscommunication procedures and not able to understand the verbal message. Efficiency in work is created by illiteracy in human factors; to increase the performance one has to be trained.

The health of operational personnel.

The factors that affect the health of operating personnel is fatigue and insufficient sleep. Other factors are temperature change, workplace design, among others which can cause loss of efficiency.

2) Summarize the SHELL model and how it facilitates a better understanding of human factors.

Wiegmann and Shappell(2017) show the model was derived from the initials of the following components; software, hardware, environment, liveware. The model has an instructive value, and the aim in the human factor is to facilitate greater understanding. The model is mainly centred in human, which is the most sensitive component as well as a flexible system. Liveware key component of the model which its interface was all about human and procedures as well as symbols. Computer-software; the interface was started mainly for adaptation between social and its environment by introducing fresh air and pressurization. The main concern of this interface include better leadership as well as members of a team cooperating; majorly teamwork is a more critical element and the level interpersonal interaction. Some of the factors that can affect human performance are management relationship as well as work climate, and other factors include organization climate as well as the pressure of the organization.


3) Finally, analyze how you expect this entangled relationship might change in the future.

Friedman and Carterette (2014) how to solve this, we have to understand human management errors, and they occur. Mainly they occur if there is a lack of attention as well as negligence. Furthermore, some may occur due to faulty design of equipment.


Errors at the model interfaces; liveware software interface is the leading cause of mistakes as it brings the improper placement of the display as well as control devices. The create confusion because they don’t have adequate maps as well as documents.

Information processing: Perception process is productive ground for the error. The below sense organs has a direct influence on perception, such as expectation as well as motivation and attitude.

Control of human error is in two directions; there is a need to minimize the frequency of errors. It is attained by making sure of a high level of competence for the operational personnel as well as designing controls to reach the needed anthropometric characteristics, adequate maps as well as noise reduction (Siewert and Hochman,2015).

Training and evaluation are helping to gain a broad knowledge and skills needed to construct a psychological power. The training helps in learning development skills.


The main aim is to understand the reason behind individuals and organizations are taking place in designing and maintenance as well as management of aircraft operations to prevent aircraft accidents.


References APA.

Wiegmann, D. A., & Shappell, S. A. (2017). A human error approach to aviation accident analysis: The human factors analysis and classification system. Routledge.

Mitchell, R. J., Williamson, A., & Molesworth, B. (2016). Application of a human factors classification framework for patient safety to identify precursor and contributing factors to adverse clinical incidents in hospital. Applied ergonomics52, 185-195.

Siewert, B., & Hochman, M. G. (2015). Improving safety through human factors engineering. Radiographics35(6), 1694-1705.

Friedman, M. P., & Carterette, E. C. (2014). Human factors in aviation. Academic Press.

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