Myanmar LPG
Myanmar has experienced rapid changes in the oil and gas sector after the European Union and US sanctions in 2013 were lifted in 2016. Even Myanmar had experienced many years of economic isolation, authoritarian rule, and ethnic conflicts, but it continues to emerge from these issues. However, inadequate infrastructure is also one of the problems which have made it difficult for local companies to move LPG products store at Myanmar shores.
The majority of Myanmar LPG is imported from Thailand and some from China. The imports are estimated to be about 7,000 tons per month, which can hardly meet the current demands. The yearly LPG consumption in Myanmar is about 100,000 tonnes, but it is growing as the country becomes more developed. This supply only represents about 5% of the population. However, the government has identified the prevailing challenges and has been laying strategies of increasing LPG storage and supply. One of the strategies includes a partnership with the private sector.
Elite petrochemical is one of the private companies that has invested heavily in Myanmar LPG. Once Elite receives imports at its Myanmar terminal, oil and gas are stored in tanks before moving to the cylinder filling plant. Later, the cylinders are transported to wholesalers who send them to retailers and consumers. Elite petrochemical company imports about 4,000 tonnes of LPG every month, stored at its terminal before it is distributed across the country. However, this capacity is still low, and Elite had pans of importing more LPG to reach about one million households by the end of this year.
Elite distributes its Myanmar LPG products under the brand name known as eff, which implies that it supplies eco-friendly fuel. Elite petrochemical has built several filling stations across the country so that it builds networks across the state. It also has lorries and trucks for distributing LPG gas cylinders to retailers and consumers. If you are a resident of Myanmar and wish to order any LPG products for cooking or commercial purposes, Elite petrochemical is the company you should trust.