- Name some characteristics of the sexually deviant crimes that can impact minors.
Characteristics of sexually deviant crimes include forced interaction, seduction, manipulation, and taking advantage, persuasion, and creation of emotional dependence (Québec, 2020). Abusers may use force on the child because they are little or less strong and defy them. The children may also be manipulated by the use of gifts or privileges to stay quiet. Offenders may even persuade them that the acts are not wrong or they enjoyed them hence affect their emotional and psychological states. The abusers threaten the children if they refuse to take part or want to tell another person. Abusers may also take advantage of the child’s innocence, physical and mental states, or impair their conduct with drugs. The majority of sexual offenses on children are thought-out because these factors characterize the relationship with the perpetrator.
- What types of preventative measures can be taken to cut down on the occurrence of these types’ crimes?
Many preventive measures can be taken to prevent the occurrence of child sexual abuse. The first measure is raising public awareness on the unacceptability of child sexual abuse and promoting the fight against it. The awareness also educates the public on the nature and effects of child sexual abuse to increase public understanding of the risk of child sexual abuse (preventchildabuse.org, 2020).
The second measure involves parents and their children. Parents or adults should know the warning signs and talk to children if they suspect sexual abuse. Once a parent sees uncommon behaviors and mental instability or physical injuries on the child, they should engage the child or use an expert to open up the child. Parents should also talk about the media with children because violence is frequently covered by the news and showed in television shows. Parents should also show interest in the child’s day to day life and know the people in their child’s life (RAINN.ORG, 2020).
Lastly, Parents should encourage children to speak up, educate them about personal boundaries, and tell them they will not get in trouble for speaking up about what they face.
org, p. (2020). Preventing Child Sexual Abuse. Retrieved from https://preventchildabuse.org/resource/preventing-child-sexual-abuse/
Québec, I. n. (2020). Understanding sexual assault. Retrieved from https://www.inspq.qc.ca/en/sexual-assault/understanding/perpetrators
RAINN.ORG. (2020). Child sexual abuse. Retrieved from https://rainn.org/articles/child-sexual-abuse