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Natural Calamities

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Natural Calamities

The Kilauea is one of the volcanoes in the Hawaii, United States of America, and for several months now the volcano has reduced its activity to normal from 2018. The volcano has low rates of gas, deformation, and seismicity emissions at East Rift zone and the summit. The Kilauea volcano last recorded eruption was in 2018 CE, a shield primary volcano type (Brodsky, 2019). The most explosion occurred at the end of May 2018, where the lava lake at Halema’uma’u sent ash to the higher altitude and lava flow of approximately 13 km for just five days. Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and has been active since 1983 to 2018.

Moreover, the volcano has moderately low elevation, clear peak, and several craters making it one of the most interesting volcanos to discuss. The lava from the fissures affected over five hundred homes and entered the Kapoho Bay Ocean. Furthermore, the amount of Tephra ejected was less than 10,000 m3 and covered the town of Nā ‘ālehu approximately 63 km in the 1984-1986 eruption (The VEI of 0). The volcano is impressive because of the potential it has in eruptions and the impacts it can have on the people around the place (Cubellis & Luongo, 2018).

Chiapas Earthquake

According to McNamara, Petersen, Thompson, Powers, Shumway, Hoover, & Wolin, (2019) et al., (2019), the Mexican 2017 Chiapas earthquake is the strongest in the decade and has resulted in several deaths. The quake affected the people of Juchitán de Zaragoza where it killed approximately 60 people at the time the earthquake faded (McNamara et al., 2019). Moreover, the earthquake originated from its epicentre out of the pacific coast and killing the people off with a high magnitude of 8.2. During the time of the earthquake, the waves were felt by millions of people as far as Guatemala and Mexico. The main focus or the interest of the area is because of the continuous threat of the earthquake with the likelihood occurrence in the future (McNamara et al., 2019). The earthquake has always been causing havoc to the people of Mexico and its surroundings over the past years.

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