Natural Disaster in Miami
Miami is usually affected by various natural disasters ranging from hurricanes, tropical storms, and depressions, tornadoes, wildfires as well as floods. Since Miami is near the sea level, flooding in Miami is a common problem; whether minor or major they hold the potential for disasters for the people. Floods tend to cause damage to millions of dollars’ worth of businesses and homes. Flooding can also occur in the form of heavy rains as they experience frequent strong thunderstorms mostly in summer. These storms tend to produce a great amount of rain very quickly and if their drainage system ail to keep up with the rising water levels then flooding occurs.
Tropical storms and tropical depressions strike South Florida and are usually less intense than hurricanes and they tend to develop quickly into hurricanes. Large areas can be flooded because Hurricanes as well as tropical storms can bring major storm surges. Tornadoes tend to occur at any time of the year and can form on their own or can accompany hurricanes and tropical storms. Generally in Miami, the months between February and May the strongest tornadoes are produced by weather patterns.
Due to hurricanes that have struck Florida leading to the killing of many people and the evacuation of millions of people from their homes strong buildings, agencies that are well developed to responding, insurance and access to grants for individuals and businesses have ensured effective response and recovery from most intense hurricanes by Florida. In Florida, an agency like Division of Emergency Management was established to coordinate relief efforts among FEMA, private organizations, volunteers, and state agencies and helps maintain mitigation plans, which go a long way in assisting the local communities in mitigating the natural disasters. In South Florida Miami they also build flood barriers that are effective and essential in preventing flooding the area.