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For many years, Black Elderberry has been used as herbal medicine, especially during the winter season. In native America, it was used infections while in ancients Egypt, it was used to improve complexions and heal burns. Black Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is a European Native plant. Its berries and flowers are rich in flavonoids, which provide beneficial effects. All parts of the elder are rich in vitamins and minerals, especially the berries, which are high in Vitamin C.

Nature’s way black elderberry capsules contain pure natural ingredients such as; 1 percent of Black elderberry per serving, Total Carbohydrate Amount per Serving being 1g% daily value, Black Elder(Flower) amount per serving: 230 mg % daily value. Other ingredients: Plant-derived capsule ( modified cellulose), silica.

Each container of Nature’s way black elderberry comes with 100 capsules, but packaging may vary. It has no artificial flavorings, corn, animal by-products, salt, soy, wheat, yeast, or artificial color. It is also a NON-GMO product that is Tru-ID Certified.

Suggested Use: Take two (2) capsules two times per day, preferably with a meal.


Fight coughs and flu

Study research shows that elderberry reduces the duration of cold or cough. It also fights common cold with the help of Vitamin C, which is antioxidant.

Immune Support

Research shows that elderberry has antioxidant and immune-modulating properties. Elderberry has been long known to support the body’s natural defense. Since elderberry is high in flavonoids compounds, it exerts antioxidant protection on cells.

Can be useful for heart health

Study shows that elderberry juice reduces the level of fats in the blood and reduces cholesterol. High flavonoids like anthocyanins reduce the risk of getting heart-related diseases.

Enhances body defense

Nature’s way blackberry capsules contain flavonoids that have antioxidant properties. This helps get rid of free radicals that damage the body cells.

Acts as an antidepressant

A study found rats fed with 544 mg of elderberry extract per pound had improved performance and mood markers.


This is most frequently asked by individuals who want to try Nature’s way black elderberry or any other elderberry supplement. We should keep in mind that we are different, which leads to getting different results after supplement consumption.

“I have read numerous articles on the benefits of Black Elderberry on the immune system. I began taking this product for the very first time back in the early fall. For the VERY first time in 33 years of public education, I did not develop one cold, sniffle, sinus infection, flu, bronchitis, upper respiratory infection, etc. I sincerely can not believe it.

Could be luck, could be many things, but I choose to believe that adding Black Elderberry to my daily routine has helped keep me healthy.”

“I swear by elderberry! I started taking this at the beginning of the year when a friend told me about it because I came down with influenza B. I primed it and started taking it as soon as it arrived and was feeling back to myself in no time. Now I take it regularly to keep myself regulated and my immune system to par. As a teacher I have no time to be sick and thankfully I have not! Even with a common cold I seem to be hit for less time than those around me. Wise buy!”

“I never took antibiotics in my life because it affects adversely bacterial/fungal balance in the intestine, creating a chain of reactions, promoting chronic infections, and then opening the back door for more medical conditions starting at the molecular level.

So I use a Mediterranean diet and take supplements to restore any deficiencies in my body, support the immune system, and more.

Black Elderberry is just a small part of antifungals that I use to prevent infections. I use a combination of:

Oregano Oil, Pau D’arco, Garlic, Caprylic Acid, Olive Leaf Extract, Black Elderberry, and more.

Dealing with supplements, it is an art. It would be best if you had a professional to advise you, and unfortunately, the market is unregulated.

Nature’s Way Black Elderberry Capsules are a product that I’m using for six months, taking two capsules two times per day, and I didn’t get sick, no matter that two family members got bad flu, and it took them more than 3 weeks to get some relief.

Using my protocol, my Absolute Neutrophils went up from 2.7 to 4.0 K/MCL, and are staying there.”

The above are testimonials/ feedbacks gotten from Natures way black elderberry capsules consumers. These capsules are effective.



Causes diarrhea

May cause nausea or vomit

May cause allergies to some individuals

CAUTION: Consult a doctor before consuming these dietary supplements, especially with pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children under 18 years, and persons with autoimmune diseases. Please do not exceed the recommended dose.


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