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Executive Overview

DoD has been experiencing issues with the cleaning of its navy ships, which has reduced its operational efficiency owing to increased docking period and increased costs associated with the repair of corrosion caused by cleaning. In order to attend to its 450 navy ships, DoD has focused on the implementation of advanced equipment to clean its hull in a manner that will reduce corrosion and increase operational efficiency. Although there are many cleaning devices in the market, DoD will focus on the Hull Skater, an innovation by Kongsberg to clean its collection of ships (Kongberg, 2020). In a bid to implement this initiative, the institution will receive a proposal outlining an effective implementation plan, a strategic planning process stipulating the processes of operation and stakeholders involved. Lastly, the report will address emerging technologies that will facilitate further growth in the initiation. The strategic plan will focus on the provision of information that will improve the cleanliness of the hull while reducing the time and costs involved in the cleaning of the ships. The adoption of this proposal will reduce the current issues evidenced in relation to cleaning the hull at sea while it is docked.

Situation Analysis

Cleaning services at the DoD have been contracted to Boatswain Mates (BM) who engage in the maintenance of the fleet of the ship both internally and externally. Cleaning of the hull is demanding, dangerous, and tiresome in that cleaning is often executed by having the cleaners hang over the ship which increases the chances of accident occurrence. Although the institution has undertaken an array of safety precautions to prevent the risk of injury, the cleaning process is dangerous and often involve fatal accidents (Kongberg, 2020). The occurrence of accidents often impacts manpower and motivation to undertake such operations, an aspect that reduces overall productivity and operational efficiency. Additionally, this process often causes the loss of time that could be utilized elsewhere due to a high focus on the cleaning and the consequent corrosion caused by the cleaning process (Dormehl, 2020). Although ships are often cleaned to prevent corrosion, the use of traditional methods of cleaning increases corrosion which causes the ship to reduce the period it is active out in the sea.

Recommendation and Rationale

DoD should implement Hull Skater on ships that are deployed out in the sea for 6 months in the sea and six months on land. The implementation of this technology will reduce the emission of CO2 emissions to approximately 10 million tones every year. This technology will ensure quick execution of activities, an aspect that will facilitate operational flexibility with many free time to undertake other tasks in the facility. The proposal should be approved in that consistent cleanliness will reduce the overall fuel costs and the environmental footprint through enhanced fuel consumption thus reducing the greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, this will reduce the risk of dispersing invasive species through the removal of hull fouling at the geographical origin.

In order to avoid operational risks that are inherent in the cleaning process, DoD should implement the Jotun HullSkater, which is a technical robotic solution that is remotely operated to enable 24/7 operation.

This tool is versatile and often uses magnetic wheels that helps to attach tightly to the hull and handle extreme curvatures thus reducing the risk of accidents.

According to Jotun (2020), this technology should be implemented in that it permits for cleaning when the ship is at anchor quayside within 4 G coverage thus reducing drydock.

The rationale of implementing this technology is to reduce the costs, time, and risks associated with traditional hull cleaning mechanisms that is often carried out by a team of experts. Insufficiency in the available experts to undertake this task can cause delays and affect hire time for other ships (Dormehl, 2020). Additionally, manual cleaning is likely to cause damages to the coating which often necessitates the need to repaint coupled with additional costs and delays.

Alternative Analysis

Failure to adopt this technology will cause DoD to work with BMs which is costly, timely, and risky. The organization has been using this alternative which has resulted in delays caused by longer docking periods to undertake the cleaning process (Jotun, 2020). Although there is no apparent mechanism for measuring the extent of injuries and the delays caused by this method, records show that technology-enabled methods are the most efficient in that they result in cost and reduction while expediting the execution of tasks such as to reduce inherent delays.



Implementation Plan

ActivityPeriodStart DateTarget Finish DateComments
Presentation of the proposal to test run the Hull Skater to DoD officials1 week15/06/202024/06/2020Proposal to provide background information on the need to adopt and implement HullSkater technology as a cleaning tool
Baseline testing for ships leaving to the sea8Weeks15/06/2020 To be conducted on a continuous basis after every 3 months
Definition of concrete baseline10 weeks15/06/202030/08/2020Provide information on the management and details on ship deployment for a period lasting between 3 months to 6 months
Test run on Hull Skater ship on 6months deployment28 weeks    
Data collection and analysis21 weeks15/06/202004/06/2020To be conducted on routine basis
Training of sailors3 moths15/06/202015/09/2020Training to continue even after the completion of the stipulated timeframe
Introduction and adoption of technologies and tools, coupled with additional education and training2 months15/06/202015/08/2020Soldiers and staff at the DoD to be trained on a continuous basis to improve the usability and functionality of adopted tools and technology



Setting Concrete Baseline

Establishing a concrete baseline is a crucial element of this project without which DoD will lack a perfect measure of performance in order to earn credibility and value for the project (Semcon, 2020). In the adoption of a Hull Skater, the management should consider the implementation of essential work and deliverables that are necessary in the accomplishment of the objective of improved cleanliness, reduced cost, and time used in cleaning.

The management should also consider the likelihood of making changes to the scope of work and schedule in a manner that affects the baseline, resource plan, and performance, positively. The execution of the baseline revision should be carried out every 4 weeks. In order to enhance the performance of the project, the management should be concerned of the possibility of problems including the lack of proper functionality to support the software and the fact that changes could make the baseline a target that is moving continuously.

The management should:

  • Establish a performance baseline and measure its performance
  • Make changes to the cleaning baseline when necessary
  • Maintain previous performance details after changing the baseline
  • Establish the date for the original baseline and inherent revisions.

This concrete baseline will provide information on the time and performance of ships after using the HullSkater and the inherent difference in the ships after a period of 3 months and 6 months.

Baseline Testing.

Undertaking baseline testing will help to create a definite base for the project in relation to measurements, calculations, and inherent comparisons. Adopting this technology will help to solve issues related with the technology from scratch and solve complex issues, an aspect that will save time in the long run (Jotun, 2020). Additionally, the baseline is essential in that it will analyze the performance of the Hull Skater in relation to the anticipated level of performance to identify gaps, issues in operation, and the likelihood of failure in operation.

Data Collection and Analysis

Data collection will take a period of 21 weeks. Data collected will include the difference in performance when using the Hull Skater, extent or reduction in corrosion, cleaning time, and inherent costs (Dormehl, 2020) After data collection and analysis, the soldiers will engage in a continuous collection to identify changes in the baseline.

Strategic Planning Process

The Jotun Hullskating solution (HSS) is an effective solution to DoD cleaning services in that it provides an array of technical services, proactive monitoring of conditions, inspection & cleaning, and a guarantee of service and performance quality. The implementation of this device will assist in the delivery of proactive monitoring services that are tailored for each of the vessels through the use of proprietary algorithms and big data to predict the cleaning schedule (Kongberg, 2020). The development of the Hullskater technology by Kongsberg will enable DoD to operate in challenging and harsh environments while cleaning the vessel surface through the use of especially motorized brushes that will prevent the damage of the surface and consequent paint damage. Additionally, the use of the Hullskater will help to eliminate biofilm and bacteria before macro-fouling is undertaken. The use of this technology will decrease the overall costs incurred by DoD to clean the hull of its ships while reducing the total time taken to clean the hull, an aspect that will provide time and resources to undertake other tasks.

DoD has been undergoing high costs and has incurred resources to clean the ship, an aspect that has reduced the resources in terms of manpower available to invest in other aspects of operation due to high focus on the corrosion in the ship. Although ships are often cleaned to avoid the occurrence of corrosion, current cleaning methods have been causing excessive corrosion in the ships thus the ship is active less time while additional costs are spent in repair and additional construction (Jotun, 2020). With the introduction of Hullskater technology, DoD will experience simplified operations in that it is reliable and highly flexible. The device uses battery technology and advanced technology to provide connectivity solutions by combining the sensors with machine learning. The Skater had magnetic wheels which are equipped with electric motors for continued steering and propulsion while the vehicle has been fitted with sensors and digital cameras to generate quality images and film that are availed to the user. Continued use of this technology will help to save costs, increase operational efficiency, and improve the environmental footprint.

The purpose of adopting advanced technology is to increase efficiency in the manner that ships are cleaned. The main business need is to decrease the cleaning costs and time in order to increase ships readiness and overall efficiency (Jotun, 2020). This way, DoD will maintain the ships in rotation for a longer period than the normal time frame, an aspect that will increase the overall productivity of the department.

Key Performance Indicators

Upon successful implementation of the Hullskater technology, DoD will analyze its ships readiness and use of manpower as a performance indicator. Decrease in the overall manpower needed will be an indication that the performance is increasing. The current operations are characterized by high degree of hazards and injuries – the reduction of injuries and potential hazards on the navy personnel will be an indication of improved performance as a result of the technology.

Plan Validation

The plan to implement Hullskater technology in DoD will improve operational efficiency and reduce resources used in resources. The manufacturer, Kongsberg is an ocean expert that specializes in various segments that range from energy management, climate, sea transportation, and security. Through its continued efforts, Kongsberg has managed to deliver systems, technology, and solutions to various navy ships, an aspect that has result inefficient operations and diminished emission of CO2 (Jotun, 2020). Navy ships in Japan have implemented (example) this breakthrough technology that has managed to address an array of biofouling which is often known to increase ship resistance and reduce the efficiency of the propeller thus increase fuel consumption. It is thus evident that implementing this solution will enable DoD to increase the hull performance through innovative and proactive cleaning solutions through the use of high-performance coat, proactive cleaning and condition monitoring, and the provision of high-end technical services.

Communication of the Plan

In order to ensure the success of this initiative, the management should strive to reach out to the fleet to participate in on-going planning. In order to communicate this program successfully, the management should adopt digital mechanisms including the use of emails, messages, snapchat, and memos.

Pertinent Stakeholders

The main stakeholders in the implementation of this cleaning technology include:


Secretary of Defense


Navy Captains

Kongsberg Mission, Vision, and Goals

It is important to use the services Kongsberg as a service provider in that its mission, vision, and goals are aligned with the institution’s vision and goals.

Its mission is to use the HullSkater to clean ships in order to reduce complexities and increase efficiency.

Its vision is to ensure that train sailors are trained on the use of the HullSkater

The main objective of the organization is to research new technology in relation to usability, accessibility, functionality, and feasibility.

Business Vision, Goals, and Values

DoD’s vision is to decrease the total time used to clean the fleet of ships in order to increase productivity.

Its vision is to increase longevity by reducing corrosion through the adoption of advanced cleaning mechanisms.

The organization’s objective is to increase operational efficiency by preparing the sailors to use the device and create additional time to undertake other tasks.

Business Initiative

DoD’s main initiative is to implement the use of Hull Skater technology in the cleaning of its sheep. The main goal is to enhance the cleanliness of the hull, reduce the time used to clean, and implement other aspects of the organization to increase efficiency. The organization aims to change the manner in which is being cleaned at sea while it is being docked.

Mapping IT Strategies to Business Initiatives

The sailors must be trained on the use of the HullSkater to avoid injuries that could reduce operational efficiency. Training of the sailors will begin by educating the employees on the software and the system to understand the technology behind its operation. The sailors will be encouraged based on the benefits derived from the use of the device such as reduced operational time and decreased chances of corrosion (Jotun, 2020). During the training process, the management will set realistic and clear operational deadlines as well as rollout methods. In order to achieve successful training, the management should ensure the selection of an appropriate training format that takes into concern the individual weaknesses in relation to the use of technology. Training materials and the learning objectives should be evaluated to ensure success in the implementation of the Hull Skater technology.

Mapping IT Objectives to IT Strategies

            In order to increase operational efficiency, the management should delve to educate the team of sailors on the features of the HullSkater including the use of magnetic wheels that enable the tool to remain attached to the vessel. They should also understand that high speed of manoeuvring is often facilitated by the self-powered driveline that are built-in and it is connected to the control centre using an umbilical that enables it to get operated remotely through 4G coverage. The team should be informed on the cleaning and inspection of the hull that often takes between 3 and 8 hours which is dependent on the condition and size of the hull (Rogers,  2020). They should also understand the technology behind the improved efficiency in the machine which has been facilitated by the installation of an array of sensors and connectivity solutions through the combination of various sensors with technology.

Chapter III


Chapter III

IT Benchmarking Study

Kongsberg created the Hulls Skater with the aim of creating a more sustainable society by reducing biofueling issues which are characteristics with the use of traditional cleaning methods. The Hull Skating solution will utilize proactive cleaning in a bid to deliver a clean hull in challenging operations while reducing the risk of spreading an array of invasive species by bringing fouling from different parts of the world.

In the adoption of this technology, the DoD will need to familiarize themselves with various components of the technology along with emerging technologies (Jotun, 2020). For instance, the sailors need to familiarize themselves with the sea quantum skate which is a high-quality and performing coating that is included in the solution. High-performance coatings will help to optimize the performance along with the HullSkater technology.

This antifouling is often tested thoroughly and designed to work harmoniously with the technology. The device is also characterized by proactive condition monitoring of the hull that facilitates perfect prediction in the event of proactive cleaning and monitoring of the vessel performance.

Proactive condition monitoring is an essential component of the hull that the sailors should endeavour to understand. Understanding inherent technology will enable them to make fouling predictions on the basis of algorithms, big data trends and analyses coupled with fouling prediction thus enabling the Skate operator to time the perfect time for deploying the vessel.

It has a high-end technical service which is a component of the solution that entails committed highly-skilled managers and coating advisors at the dock who supervise HullSkater installation and the operation of the Skater and ensure high performance of the coating exercise (Rogers, 2020) Taking these aspects into consideration will assist the sailors to improve efficiency by utilizing the device that provides solutions with excellent service and performance level guarantees that have the ability to thrive through the most challenging conditions.

This robotic device has components that enable it to undertake high inspection and proactive cleaning capacity that enables it to remove fouling without causing any damage to the anti-fouling coat (Jotun, 2020). The fact that the HullSkater is always onboard means that it is always available to use both when the ship is an anchor and in the harbor.

Deployment and IT Benchmarking Study

Upon understanding the technology inherent in this device and its functioning, the team of sailors will undertake a benchmarking study to ascertain the efficiency of this device before implementing. To begin with, the team will engage in ship cleaning using sailors and the Hull Skater to compare the time and efficiency of both. According to records, cleaning using the Hull Skater has shown increased efficiency such that the time spent in cleaning decreases by 85% compared to that consumed by sailors (Semcon, 2020). After the deployment period that lasted between 3 to 6 months, records show that 30% increased their efficiency by staying out in the sea for longer (Kongberg, 2020). According to DoD, cleaning the ships using sailors often resulted in high cases of injury and fatal accidents. However, with the adoption of the Hull Skater, the management at DoD can expect to experience a reduced number of injuries on the sailors by approximately 99%.

IT Trends

With the advancement in technology, DoD should consider the implementation of devices that improve efficiency and productivity while reducing the risks of injury. As part of the strategic planning process, research on IT trends shows that the world has incorporated technology in all facets of life including communication, transportation, manufacturing, supply, and distribution. Approximately 30 navy institutions have also implemented technology in their recruitment, construction operations, and cleaning, in a bid to improve the efficiency of sailors and the department (Kongberg, 2020). The use of technology has created more time for the soldiers to engage in other activities that have enabled them to benefit from a competitive advantage in the industry.

Measuring Progress toward Our Goals

Hull Skater functioning shows that the Jotun Kongberg manufacturers engaged in both qualitative and quantitative changes to improve the tool’s efficiency. For instance, the device has the ability to undertake proactive cleaning and has managed to reduce characteristic emissions of CO2 by 12.5% or 22,0000 tonnes within a period of 60 months. This has reduced costs by more than $4 million which is equivalent to 12.5% as well as the reduction of the likely spread of aquatic organisms that are invasive from one location to another.



DoD has a total of 450 navy ships that are deployed for a period between 3 to 6 months in the sea. In order to increase efficiency, the institution should purchase a Hull Skater technology for every ship to avoid sharing of the devices to ensure that the ships can be cleaned onshore and aboard. Considering that every Hull Skater is $50,000, DoD should develop of the budget of $ 22,500,000 to purchase the Hull Skater for all the ships. In addition to this cost, the institution should budget for installation of the devices on the ships, training, and cleaning services.

Purchase of Hull Skater$50,000 for 450 navy ships=$22,500,000
Installation Costs$1000 for every ship=$450,000
Training of sailors$20,000 for every month (training takes 3months)=$60,000
Repairs and maintenance$100,000=$100,000



Since the invention of the Hull Skater device, more than 30,000 vessels have implemented them for cleaning to improve efficiency and overall productivity. As such, the Department of Defense should consider the purchase of this technology in order to reduce corrosion and biofueling that is characteristic of the traditional method of cleaning. The use of Hull Skater in cleaning will help to reduce corrosion which reduces the ships economic life and increase the time that ships remain deployed in the sea. This will reduce the costs employed in producing new ships, repairs, and treatment of injuries caused by traditional cleaning mechanisms. This revolutionary and cost-friendly solution will facilitate proactive cleaning of navy ships while allowing efficient removal of fouling at the initial stages before getting attached to the hull. This will reduce the costs involved in cleaning and create more time for the sailors to other profit-driving activities.















Dormehl, L., (2020 March 17). Cargo ship-scrubbing HullSkater robot is like a Roomba for the high seas. Retrieved from

Gunton, P., (2020). Retrieved from Jotun’s HullSkater to revolutionise hull cleaning. Ship Insight. Retrieved from

Jotun (2020). Jotun Hull Skating Solutions. Retrieved from

Jotun (2020). Jotun Hull Skating Solutions. Retrieved from. Retrieved from

Kongberg (2020). Jotun Hull Skating Solutions. Kongsberg Maritime. Retrieved from

Kongsberg (n.d.) Jotun Hull Skating solutions. Kongsberg Maritime. Retrieved from

LibGuides: Department of Defense Publications: DoD Background. DoD Background – Department of Defense Publications – LibGuides at Michigan State University Libraries, Retrieved from

Rogers, M., (2020 March 18). Ground-breaking Hull Skating Solutions: A revolution in proactive hull cleaning. Retrieved from

Semcon (2020). New robotic technology for cleaning of ships. Retrieved from

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