Networking and Data Communications
Computers came to assist in many aspects of life; for instance, in organizations, all computers are connected to Wi-Fi connections which work through local area networking to assist in normal daily functions of organizations. Thus networking has become an essential part of human life as it helps people come together and communicate from wherever they are. In most parts of the world, Local Area Networks (LAN) and World Area Network (WAN) are used to connect computers. The world is advancing, and it is doing so fast, as people make moves in the technological world, it becomes essential for programmers. This paper aims to explain the different types of networks and network topologies, how information is transmitted, the significant types of encoding, how encoding is done, and the major protocols used in networking focusing on TCP/IP.
In the modern world, communication is done majorly done through signals, radio, televisions, and mobile phones for effective transmission of information require different signals. In many countries, communication service providers have migrated from analog types of networking to more modern wireless connections which are easier to install and have more extensive coverage than previous networking. A network refers to a given numeral of interconnected lines giving a net and a network way. In short, to create a system, there has to be interconnected line with one goal to provide a technique or a way that all devices in the network can communicate. Network topology refers to the way a system is laid out, in terms of nodes created to relate to each other. Network layout or configuration depends on the costs, manageability among many other factors that are looked out for in setting up networks. There are five major types of geometric arrangements of how computers and many other devices such as televisions are connected; and they include bus, star, mesh, ring, and hybrid topologies (Singh, 2012). In a mesh topology, all devices are connected through a point to point link which means only two computers communicate at a time, which is a good network layout strategy given that if one part of the system fails the other parts of the network are not altered like in star or bus topologies; however, the lines or wires of communication required are many. Star layout means that all devices are connected central device (hub). For the tools, to communicate they have to communicate through the hub, the system if easy to install and requires less wiring; however, the collapse of the hub alters all operations of the other devices connected to it. Bus topology uses drop lines which all connect the devices to the main cable, and the main problem is that in the occurrence of a fault, it would be challenging to detect, unlike in star layout. In ring topology devices that each device is connected side to side with two other methods, link failure in this configuration also affects the whole system. When more than one topologies are interconnected, they form what is called a hybrid topology which is the highest maintenance of all the network layouts discussed.
Information Transmission
Communication success depends on the ability of the correct message through network media travelling from the sender to the receiver. Most data transmissions are connected through Local Area Network (LAN) which connects all devices within a network to an integrated point. Information from a physical layer is transmitted through current in a wireless and wired LAN, of which wired or analog LAN involved broadband connections. However, over time and globalization new wireless connections such as Bluetooth, modems, scanners, and app connections data can easily be transferred from one device to another. Information is sent through various sets of numbers and codes created in a system within seconds to form a current depending on the programming of the devices. Networks require physical tools or software for the transmission of data through current and to operate successfully within a LAN. Therefore data transmission requires devices, whether hardware or software and an interconnection methodology.
Frequency Spectrum and Bandwidth
Frequency refers to the number of times something occurs; thus, a frequency spectrum is inclusive of the number of times given a range. Current is what transmits information as discussed earlier, which means that frequency spectrums refer to the rates at which current flows and the bandwidth if the differences in the patterns of current transmission. Frequency spectrums determine the rate at which information is passed to the recipient. In contrast, the bandwidth creates the rate difference, which frequencies pass. The differences between two frequency spectrums are shown in the bandwidth as either normal, fast, or slow. Large bandwidths show low transmission of information and vice versa; thus in any network transmission, the aim is to reduce the bandwidth to as low as possible to create faster connections. Bandwidths and frequency spectrums are therefore interconnected though different as they mean different things, but bandwidths are dependent on the frequency spectrum.
Encoding in general terms means turning thoughts into communication which is done by an encoder who is the message developer and who uses a channel, for instance, a phone call to reach the specified audience. This section aims to look at the process of encoding and the various kinds of encoding in computer science. Encoding in technological terms means a reduction of bandwidth through the conversion of available data to a particular or specific format while transferring it. There are different types of encoding, for instance, character encoding, image encoding, and video encoding, among many others. Encoding saves on disk space given that file forms can be encoded to compressed formats which are similar to the previous large files. Gupta (202), explains that character encoding refers to simply telling a computer how to interpret characters such as zeros, or ones into real character symbols, letters among others, and expounds that main types of encoding include UNICODE, ASCII and BASE64 among others. ASCII operates on 6,7 and 8 bits which offer 127 numerals which represent real characters for instance capital A is number 65, UNICODE works on 8,16 and 32 bits which presents a billion characters which a programmer can give, and finally BASE64 converts binary numbers to ASCII which are readable as they are textual such as mails. Each type of encoding technique is subject to a program which can read and understand it for it to work efficiently. ASCII can be combined with BASE64 to achieve texts, and UNICODE is a combination of both USCII and BASE64.
Encoding techniques exist which are either analog or digital. The analog encoding requires amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, and phase modulation. Digital encoding usage of ones and zeros to represent signals of high and low, respectively. Digital encoding reduces bandwidth which enables more explicit transmission of messages to the recipients due to little noises and transducers, encoders, and digital modulators which mitigate the barriers to signal transmission, unlike analog encoding. Analog encoding has many disruptions to spread of the signals and distorts information. Encoding, as stated earlier, involves the transformation of data from one form to another, thus digital encoding uses numbers 0s and 1s while analog encoding uses scalable characters. Digital encoding has made data transmission more comfortable and reduced the disruptions caused by analog wire transmissions. All combinations of digital and analog encoding form digital encoding modulations, shifts, and phases. Digital to digital encoding techniques are evaluated through signals non-return to zero, block coding which involves processing bits and bi-phase encoding where the message is checked twice initially and at the mid. Digital encoding techniques defer for instance non-return to zero is quite tricky when the string of 1s and 0s while bi-phase requires bandwidths which reduces the rate of transmission. Non-return to zero is slower than bi-phase techniques and block coding techniques. Digital to analogue signal modulations techniques include Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), Phase Shift Keying (PSK) and Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) among many others. Amplitudes are measured through studying wavelengths of frequencies and determining the shifts required to change the signals. Each phase of wavelengths is also estimated to give more quantitative data on the transmission of messages. Variations in the frequencies are also calculated to see the change to modulate the digital signals to analog signals.
TCP/IP Protocols
Communications from one computer to another in a network are done through the protocol, and the TCP/IP protocol suite is the most commonly used. LAN connected devices use network controllers that are TCP/IP directly enabled. TCP/IP is an OSI model which helps improve and allows internal and external web communications. Other protocols used to enhance internet connection for large institutions, including IBM’s SNA, Microsoft’s NetBEUI among many other protocol developments. However, even corporations like Microsoft end up gravitating towards TCP/IP due to its adaptability. Mundra and Taeib (2015) describe TCP as transmission control convention and IP as Internet control convention protocols which aid in interconnecting in the web (p.415). Many other protocols enable communication in the network such as Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) among many others which are layered differently. TCP/IP is used because it is highly adaptable and extensive scope usage which transcends to sectors of transport, and computer technologies among many others. The protocol is internet-related through four layers and the IP aspect of the protocol. According to Mundra and Taeib (2015), the TCP/IP has four layers the Network Interface layer which puts TCP/IP packets on the structured medium and receives TCP/IP packages off the system medium, the internet layer in charge of addresses, the transport layer which deals with giving the application, and the application layer which applies and characterizes protocols (p.415-416). The TCP/IP protocol is necessary for internet connections given that it helps in making connections faster and adapts with many computer systems, unlike other protocols which do not easily adjust. The protocol, through its layers, can relate to various internet frameworks through proper connectivity. TCP/IP is the language or the basic unit used to communicate on the internet; therefore, without IP connections Ethernets, private internet, among other internet connectivity cannot function.
The most critical communication functions of TCP/IP include: first the functionality of mobile phones applications are tied to the performance of TCP/IP; secondly, the IP obtains addresses and the TCP delivers the data collected from the addresses, thirdly, it allows communication through cycles of collecting addresses, fourthly it provides security through IPv4 and v6, and lastly, connects different locations to forms a global network. The TCP/IP allows people to access their mobile applications and communicate on the internet; however, cases of spoofing and lack of security in TCP/IP connections. IP was initially used for the USA government’s communications before it spread all over the world as a globe preferred protocol. The TCP/IP protocol is not difficult to understand because it is the system used to help access the web. When comparing the TCP/IP network layout, it is clear that its mostly embedded design has much lower costs than other protocols, and also has simple implementation techniques. TCP/IP is also more efficient when it comes to creating a dynamic network communicating system, which can be easily connected with applications and allows room for development. The major disadvantage of TCP/IP is the security practices as most IP configurations are not safe.
IP v.4 and IP V6
TCP/IP was the outcome of protocol investigations and trials on the packet-switched network by the ARPANET assembly financed by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects). This protocol entails a sequence of protocols allotted as Internet standards. Several applications grind on top of TCP, and they include SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), FTP (File Transfer Protocol), and TELNET to provide remote login functionality among many others. TCP/IP v.4 is the fourth version used to identify devices based on an addressing scheme. Recently in 2012, the v.6 version came out in place of v.4 which is slowly being wiped, but it has not yet been extensively used. IPv4 and IPv6 are versions of TCP/IP protocols of which IPv4 came before IPv6. IPv4 operates on 32-bits packages while IPv6 operates on 128-bits packages, IPv4 limits data options up to 40bytes while IPv6 is not limiting as there are extension headers for optional data, and IPv6 allows for broadcasting. At the same time, IPv4 does not (Wong, 2012). The differences between IPv6 and IPv4 show that IPv6 is the future, while IPv4 is the past as it is slowly running out. Domain Name System (DNS) servers offer a circulated mechanism for undertaking domain names to IPv4 or IPv6 address which is one of the main similarities of both versions. The comparisons between the two versions come in that both DNS records address records and map them but in IPv6 takes up to four addresses. IPv4 used broadcast ARP whereas IPv6 uses multi-cast neighbour solicitation. IPv6 has increased security tips such as private block which IPv4 did not have; therefore, the IPv6 version provides better connectivity and a chance for users to adjust their devices connectivity protocols to suit their interests. Change is paramount, and the shift from IPv.4 to IPv.6 is for the better.
In conclusion, TCP/IP are network protocols that are encoded to suit specific applications and network programs. This paper has discussed significant technical terms in computer science such as the art of encoding, the different tactics of encoding, the TCP/IP protocols, and how they are used to ease communication. The paper also discusses the changes of TCP/IP protocols and the increase in the layers of the protocol from version 4 to version six. The article describes the meaning of network and the various network topologies that exist. The world is becoming more and more modernized. As the world becomes more modernized, the same happens with technology as each year, new developments and improvements are made to the existing technologies. Technology has contributed too many advancements in human civilization, and this paper is proof that networking and technologies surrounding it are significant achievements in the human technological world.
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