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New Civic Crypto Wallet to Premier Proof-of-Health Verification for Employers

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New Civic Crypto Wallet to Premier Proof-of-Health Verification for Employers


Civic Technologies has launched a state-of-the-art digital wallet that will enable users to store and transact with digital identity and currency globally safely. The Ethereum-based App will have the ability to provide secure and regulation-compliant health checks for employers, called Health Key by Civic.


The San Francisco-based innovator of digital identity solutions announced via a June 16, 2020 blog post its wallet was already available in Google Play and the App Store. The has inked a deal with a Circle Medical, a hospital in San Francisco, to create a Covid-19 vaccination-proofing tool for Circle Medical’s employees.


According to Civic, the initiative is in response to the market need for proof-of-verification. The firm states that the technology is designed to protect individual identity privacy first. Users will be able to control what information they do and do not want to share. The form stated:


“When a user signs up with Civic Wallet, they are authenticated as a real person, using both AI and blockchain-based technology. Once verified, Civic Wallet holders have more control over the information they share with third parties. For example, Civic Wallet users may share their Health Key but not provide their name or address to a requesting company.”


Commenting, Circle Medical co-founder and CEO George Favvas stated:


“Civic is not only compliant from a regulatory standpoint, but they are also deeply committed to doing what’s right for their users.”


Some blockchain and crypto enthusiasts have become apprehensive that the mechanism developed by Civic will become a sort of prison. A Forbes article on June 16, 2020, raises questions of personal freedoms in light of the ingoing Covid-19 pandemic. The report says in part:


“Imagine a world where 40,000 screaming fans are packed shoulder to shoulder in a stadium where their favorite teams clash in head-to-head combat, and everyone knows that everyone else has been vaccinated against Covid-19.”


The initiative by Civic Technologies comes at a time when world leaders are calling for a free vaccine against Covid-19. However, the appeal has been drowned by a chorus of complaints against Microsoft co-founder Bill gates. His plans for developing and implementing vaccines are surrounded by conspiracy theories about plans to check the world’s population. A statement by Civic Technologies Founder and CEO Vinny Lingham that has tongues wagging says:

“If you’re part of a society where the majority of the people want everyone to be vaccinated, and you don’t want to be part of that social change countries, move somewhere else.”


The new crypto wallet will no longer require a users’ signature, password, or a seed phrase. The wallet features multi-signature access that function allows custodian companies, such as BitGo and Coincover, to hold part of a user’s key. Your funds will still be recoverable even if you lose your phone.



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