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New Cutting Edge Advanced from the perspective of teaching material

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New Cutting Edge Advanced from the perspective of teaching material

The essay evaluates the New Cutting Edge Advanced from the perspective of teaching material in English. I will provide an overview of the book, the content, and the importance of its use as a subject matter for English learning and the essentials skills, particularly with advanced learners. The conclusion of my essay will be on a statement on whether I will go-ahead to use the book as the primary teaching material for advanced learners.

Having a look at the book’s contents, it has been sectioned in particular important segments that are effective to use in real-life cases. It is essential to know that the background of the learner considered is advanced before evaluation. It ensures the basic grammatical notions, phonological, syntactic, and discourse elements, and basic LSRW skills have already been established in place. The students are required to give specific outputs as defined by the framework on common European Reference. They entail fluency in substantial communication and expression in tricky situations. When the book’s content is evaluated, it is ascertained that the units are not explicitly directed towards teaching grammatical rules and structures.

However, the subjects of every unit are rooted in giving support for most real-life skills. For example, the first unit is entitled Global living; from the title, it is obvious to the learners that the teaching contents are represented globally. Besides, it constitutes the book’s language concepts; for example, the vocabulary, speech, reading, and grammar are most inwardly directed to ideas that entail the global lifestyle more centered towards being utilized as a resource for more enhancement of those skills.

For my teaching, I will be using the textbook for various reasons; one, from assessing the needs, the books target specific advanced learners and can evaluate and gain from a particular source. Additionally, the units are purposely designed to elaborate personality concepts and practical skills compared to the central linguistic knowledge. By upholding the concepts of a particular genre- based linguistic skills development, the book caters suitably to the learners. For these reasons, it will be an excellent resource for my classroom as well.

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