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New Study Shows Blood Test Could Detect Alzheimer’s

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New Study Shows Blood Test Could Detect Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease has been a problem for many people since it leads to progressive memory loss and other essential mental duties. Without early management, the disease can lead to dementia. Several tests have been put forward to try and detect this disease at its earliest stages.

However, the good news is that the novel and direct blood test could now offer better results as it can detect Alzheimer’s disease’s early symptoms. According to the researchers, despite detecting Alzheimer’s, the new blood test could also show other brain damage conditions such as multiple sclerosis and stroke.

The functioning of Alzheimer’s blood test

The test works in such a way that it detects conditions through the identification of neurofilament light chain (LFC). These are kinds of structural proteins that normally make up the internal neuron skeleton. These proteins leak into the cerebrospinal fluid circulating the spinal cord and the brain, and leaks into the bloodstream when it is damaged. High levels of protein in the blood always indicate there is a problem in the body. Furthermore, that also indicates that the spinal tap is not needed.

The trial of the novel blood test was conducted on a population of 400 individuals to try and find out the root cause of Alzheimer’s condition. The number included 247 individuals who had damaged genes suspected to cause Alzheimer’s condition. The individuals with the faulty genes Also showed continuous rising levels of LFC. The study also showed that the chances of affected individuals passing these conditions to their children were 50%.

Additionally, the test also indicated that Alzheimer’s could be detected 16 years earlier before it shows its first signs and symptoms. It could be a boost as it could enable the physicians to focus on new treatments that could alter the onset of the disease in those with high LFC levels. The researchers also added that it could also be easy to in cooperate testing of these diseases into the screening test in a neurology clinic.

The screening test was validated on people with Alzheimer’s condition because their brains undergo a lot of neurodegeneration. However, the screening test does not give specific signs and symptoms for this condition. Furthermore, high levels of LFC does not necessarily mean that you have Alzheimer’s disease, it could be a symptom that you are suffering from other different neurological ailments and injuries.


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