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North cultural context and missional church

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North cultural context and missional church

Culture Trend Description

Culture, sport and food form the cultural context of North American culture. Moreover, individuals from the deeper part of the North American societies. Individualism occurs as the core and primary value of the American as well as Canadians that forms the North American countries (Hoover & Nash, 2016). Equally, individualism possesses significant impacts and influence in various fields such as religion, culture, politics and social life of American. As per Hoover and Nash (2016), such individualistic culture among the people of North American forms a system of self-centred. Hence in most cases concentrating on achieving individuals’ goals instead of the community like in collectivistic cultures.  The structure explains that individuals hold special rights and moral connotation that originates from human nature, inheritance or divine (Hoover & Nash, 2016). Furthermore, individualisms make people have experienced, thinking, existence an act by their bodies hence forming a unique character within specified space and time.

Claims and Meaning of Individualism

The individualism characteristics comprise independent personality as the primary value. As a result, people exist in a separate unit hence staying focused on self-orientation as well as acquiring various knowledge, skills and experiences that nature independent living (Hoover & Nash, 2016). Individualism provides the North American societies with values such as self-efficacy, self-determination, self-regulation, self, sufficiency and self-competence. On the same note, under various conditions, the individualistic communities such as those found in North American would practice self-reliance, self-advocacy as well as self-direction.  According to Gorodnichenko and Roland (2012), Americans receive training right from the education system by encouraging children to practice self-reliance. For instance, after reaching 18 years of age, young adults get allowed to make their own money and start staying separate ways from their parents (Hoover & Nash, 2016).  In the case of American, the children get trained on self-identity responsibility and achievements from the day of birth. At early age’s children lives in their separate rooms, making any personal achievements celebrated as well as encouraged. By living alone in their rooms, they walk, dress and feed themselves.

However, most of the cultural practices like individualism significantly impact on how people within society think and behave concerning social and religious issues. As per Hoover and Nash (2016), Individualisms make the North American societies autonomous and independent, which determines the social behaviors through preference and attitude of people.  Furthermore, the individualistic culture of North American communities experiences low-context communication methods (Gorodnichenko & Roland, 2012). The communication in such individualistic societies comprises the specific, short and direct type of conversation which primarily focuses on the content instead of concentrating on dimensions of relationship building.

Individualism and Post-Modernisms

Postmodernisms comprise the comprised the question of the artistic, cultures, sexual and political ideologies in the wake of mass culture and scientific development and growth during the last quarter of 20th century (Brooker, 2014). Post-modernism involved various thinking and ideologies from the western philosophers that expressed different ideas closely related to the individualistic cultural practices. As per Brooker (2014), post-modernisms reject the ideologies of the traditional opinions and view on the values of religion thus supporting the ideas of the individualism which describes the personal ethics, origins together with eschatology. As explained by Boyne and Rattansi (2017), post-modernism indirectly or directly occurs as the individualist philosophy which focuses on the personal desires and goals. Individualistic societies philosophers argues that the interest of the individual exist s more significant to those of social groups or state (Boyne & Rattansi, 2017). As a result, the system limits the external influence on individuals’ interest by government or society. Post-modernism expresses the ideas of self-creation as well as experimentation hence contradicting natural methods of mass opinion and popularity behaviors (Boyne & Rattansi, 2017). Postmodernity critically shaped the lives of the North American from all angles living no individuals unaffected.  Brooker (2014) posits that, the period comprised radical systems of individuality leading to personal isolations and individualized aspects of moral values that comprised social issues such as sexuality and family matters. Post-modernism close associated with enlightenment thinkers that formulated individualisms as the way of gaining personal freedom.

Individualism and Modernism

Modernism in North American societies occurred from 1900 to 1960 in which the period accompanied new ideologies and concepts in literature, culture and art, which marking transition into the urban cities. According to Brooker (2014), the ideas changed the way North Americans acted and thought, which significantly associated with individualism. In this perspective, individualism concentrated on personal beliefs, wellbeing and achievements instead of the whole society (Hoover & Nash, 2016). Equally, individualism existed as a significant characteristic of the modernism that conceptualized that a person forms the starting point for the entire action and knowledge.  As a result, society existed as a product of actions and thoughts collected from different individuals (Brooker, 2014).  Furthermore, how people aim and live their lives directly influenced the social, religious and political system of a particular society as well as associated institutions.  Based on individualism, self-regulating actions comprises those activities that concern individuals, thus the state cannot interfere in the exception of offering advice and persuasions. On the same note, the modernity created the culture of self-contained individualism hence discerning the truth as well as knowledge, which provided the channel for achieving personal freedom. Moreover, modernity changed the face of various aspects such as social, political, and economics hence affecting the structure of different societies of the North American countries like the United States and Canada (Brooker, 2014). Modern self guaranteed people their freedoms and rights, leading to constructed identity. However, post-modernism comprises various technological developments leading to globalization that directly or indirectly affects different cultures.  Similarly, other factors such as simulation, power, desire, economics, as well as differences affect the cultural systems due to various factors experienced in the postmodern era (Brooker, 2014). Moreover, such development in technology would significantly affect the emerging generation due to globalization hence changing and new trends expected in a different culture of the North American region.

Individualism and Gospel Reception in North American Contemporary Culture

Individualism plays a significant role in society reception gospel introduced by various missional churches in contemporary cultures such as that of North America. As per Guder and Barrett (1998), the church comprises communities of many people working together for the common goal, which significantly contradicts the cultural structure of individualistic societies. For instance, individualism eliminates evangelism from its significant productive context.  Guder and Barrett (1998) posit that most of the North American while reading the Bible or involved in church activities, the carry out the practice as individuals fulfilment instead of instruction offered to the community by Jesus Christ before his ascension. Based on the scripts, Jesus provided instruction to his disciples top continue what he has started “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” Mathew 28:18-20. On the same note, North American contemporary society’s practices individualism which makes the reception of the churches as optional based on various factors such as modernism, post-modernism and globalization. Jesus died to establish the church but not rescue the isolated people; hence the word of God not get treated with enthusiasm but not optional and received among the North Americans.

Church in North American Individualistic Culture

Different aspects of culture, such as traditions, food and customs, offer people their distinct identity. Orobator (2001) explains that the church lives among diverse cultures for missional purposes. The existence of the missional churches among various communities enables the exchange of cultural values such as language, customs as well as food (Herbert, 2017). Moreover, as witnessed from the time of Jesus, the gospel never exists as cultureless since Jesus himself carried about mission in various cultural contexts.  While in missional work, the information about the reign of God gets delivered through concentration on the cultural system of the church within the specified time and place. As per Guder and Barrett (1998), to maintain the church presence in the individualistic cultural setup such as that of North America, the church takes the responsibility of translating the gospel for the understanding of the surrounding culture. Equally, in such influential cultural structure, the churches in North America engage directly and indirectly with some communities but never allow to get controlled by the contemporary culture hence staying focused on their evangelism work (Herbert, 2017). Nevertheless, contextualization plays a significant part in this system, which involves studying and understanding the context carefully by the church. Moreover, modern life in North American critically influences how people perceive the truth based on scientific and logic methods (Guder & Barrett, 1998). Influence and power from diverse institutions result in shaping the identity of individuals hence submerging personal freedom into a broader context of corporate interest. However, the concepts of modern self influence people and their institutions like Christians and churches. Furthermore, development in technology and techniques profoundly affects the culture of people and their institutions like church seating arrangement, lighting, and sound in the church (Herbert, 2017). Nevertheless, post-modernism resulted from shifting from modernity in recent decades.

The Concept of Alternative Culture

In various challenging environments that comprise harsh societies and governments, the church acts as the source of the alternative culture. Percy and Ward (2016) explain that different churches in North American complicate and dynamic employ this principle for their survivals in such challenging cultural backgrounds. According to Guder and Barrett (1998), Christianity provides the alternative understanding of politics, economics and power hence accommodated by the dominant individualist culture of the North Americans. The modernity period marked a significant era to the Christians more so in western societies (Orobator, 2001). The period comprised the enlightenment thinking that eliminated the notion of truth being embedded in tradition the idea of truth discovery through the rational method.  As a result, the truth revealed at a personal level concerning the Christian faith significantly helped in understanding God’s hypothesis better instead of finding the truth based on scientific explanations (Herbert, 2017). Modernity, through technological development, substantially benefits the Christians in spreading the gospel in diverse cultures (Guder & Barrett, 1998). Globalization enhances multicultural environments, which provide a more natural way of conducting evangelism in different cultural conditions such as those in Canada and the United States.

Expressing God’ Grace and Truth to Community in a Winsome Manner

Winsome get defined as “sweetly talking and or innocently charming resulting in engaging and winning of the audience”.  The religious landscape of North Americans changes daily hence some of the Canadians, and American never possess any religious affiliation (Guder & Barrett, 1998). For the Christians in a different world of missional churches, words significantly matter while reaching out to diverse communities. First of all, Christians in North American contemporary societies should invest in the surrounding communities. Christians cannot expect to pass the gospel messages to the societies around while they get isolate themselves from the experience of the people around (Boren, 2018). Spreading the word of God in such a culture requires Christians to effective dwell and engage the local customs. Bible indicates that “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).

For the Christians to express the grace and love of God engagingly, they must possess a high level of wisdom and know-how to interact with various people in diverse cultural backgrounds. As per Boren (2018), different communities hold multiple negative perspectives of the evangelists and hence using wisdom would help in dealing with many challenges encountered through engaging and sweet-talking to the people. As the Bible explains “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity” (Colossians 4:5). Moreover, Christians would acquire wisdom from walking in the ways of Christ, obeying the God’s commandments as well as participation in Christ activities since Christ acts as the source of knowledge to Christians (Boren, 2018). Just like Jesus carried out his missional activities with wisdom and so should Christians follow his footsteps to express God’s truth and grace in various communities. Furthermore, winsome Christians require wisdom from God as bible states “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord” (James 1:5-7). Similarly, being gracious would enable Christians to express God’ grace and truth in diverse communities and cultures through monitoring their words in various contexts. How Christians show, themselves matters critically while in evangelic work. Bible states that “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:6). Through winsome speech, Christians would understand when to listen and talk. Equally, should persist as experimental individuals so that acts as exemplary to the communities hence engagement and winning them into Christina perspective

Effects of Contemporary culture of North American

The contemporary culture of North American that possesses individualism backgrounds holds various challenges to the missional church apart from other related issues like globalization. As a result, most people perceive gospel based on individuals accounts rather than for the benefits of the whole society. According to Guder and Barrett (1998), North American societies express individualism as the cultural structure, which significantly affects the church in many ways. The concept of expressive individualism makes the church to encounter challenges in spreading the gospel since God word come for “Us” but not “Me” (Orobator, 2001). Equally, the people in the North American societies get isolated, polarized and fragmented in the contemporary world, which negatively impacts the church (Guder & Barrett, 1998). The decline of the individuals’ trust in the institutions such as churches giving people increased the number of choices about their lives hence decreasing solidarity resulting in fragmentation as well as disorientation (Percy & Ward, 2016). As a result, the church encounters difficulties in reaching every individual in such cultural set up for the word of God.

How North Americans Perceive Church-Based On Individualism

Individualism form the essential background of the North American cultural system making individuals perceive the church based on various personal understanding and values. For example, North American societies possess the pragmatic view of the church, thus relegating their faith towards the private sphere based on individual values (Orobator, 2001). As a result, individuals relegate the religion and church issues to a matter of personal and privates hence not expressed in the public sphere. On the same note, most of the North American societies see the church morality as old version as well as dangerous or extreme. Guder and Barrett (1998) explain that the contemporary culture of North America experiences the moral revolution hence changes in the longstanding cultural beliefs and practices. As a result, the expressive individualism exists as dominant, therefore considering the fundamental Christianity as old fashioned and extreme.

  Christian Narrative and Presentation of Gospel

Individualism, as a cultural practice among the North America communities impacts on the church narratives as well as the presentation of the gospel by different missional churches. As a result, communities focus on the Bible, church and entire Christianity from different directions hence the presentation of the gospel in multiple cultures requires many approaches (Percy & Ward, 2016). For instance, patterns of behaviors introduced by individualism among North American culture would impact the spread of the gospel in various communities (Guder & Barrett, 1998). Some of the behaviors contradict the Christian way of living as well as its conduct in private and public life. Notably, every cultural system possesses its belief structure and shared among the people (Roxburgh, 2004). Beliefs affect how the church would get introduced into a particular community since beliefs offer the people with logic and categories used in experiencing and viewing the world concerning the word of God (Boren, 2018). Feelings impact some of the emotional expressions such as aggression towards different individuals more so visitors like in case of evangelism in North American individualistic system (Guder & Barrett, 1998). Similarly, values and allegiances directly or indirectly affect the evangelism work in various cultural environments.


Herbert, D. (2017). Religion and civil society: Rethinking public religion in the contemporary world. Routledge.

Orobator, AE (2001). Challenges confronting the church in the 21st century. Hekima Review .

Percy, M., & Ward, P. (2016). The Wisdom of the Spirit: Gospel, Church and Culture. Routledge.

Roxburgh, A. J. (2004). The missional church. Theology Matters10(4), 1-15.

Guder, D. L., & Barrett, L. (1998). Missional Church: A vision for the sending of the church in North America. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.

Boren, M. S. (2018). God’s Beautiful Mission: Missional Church and Leadership in the Light of Theological Aesthetics.

Gorodnichenko, Y., & Roland, G. (2012). Understanding the individualism-collectivism cleavage and its effects: Lessons from cultural psychology. In Institutions and comparative economic development (pp. 213-236). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Boyne, R., & Rattansi, A. (Eds.). (2017). Post-modernism and society. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Brooker, P. (Ed.). (2014). Modernism/post-modernism. Routledge.

Hoover, H., & Nash, G. (2016). American individualism. Hoover Press.






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