Nursing Assignment
Nursing process: The nursing process functions as a systematic guide to client-centered care with 5 sequential steps (Leoni‐Scheiber, Mayer & Müller‐Staub, 2019). These are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation (Azevedo et al., 2019). Assessment is the first step and involves critical thinking skills and data collection; subjective and objective (Black, 2019).
Azevedo, O. A. D., Guedes, É. D. S., Araújo, S. A. N., Maia, M. M., & Cruz, D. D. A. L. M. D. (2019). Documentation of the nursing process in public health institutions. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 53.
Leoni‐Scheiber, C., Mayer, H., & Müller‐Staub, M. (2019). Measuring the effects of guided clinical reasoning on the Advanced Nursing Process quality, on nurses’ knowledge and attitude: Study protocol. Nursing Open, 6(3), 1269-1280.
Black, B. (2019). Professional nursing E-Book: Concepts & challenges. Elsevier Health Sciences.