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Nursing intervention related to the disaster

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Nursing intervention related to the disaster







Nursing intervention related to the disaster

Primary prevention– The goal of the primary intervention is to assist people from any sort of fatal injuries that may arise. The intervention also helps them in showing people how to prevent any infections while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Disease management also involves the use of surgical and medical equipment. The main cases that are paid attention to in this phase are those that involve burning and trauma. Some of the case management used include therapy on antibiotics as well as intravenous fluids.

 Secondary prevention– The phase ensures that the patients who have already gotten out of danger don’t get any infections. For instance, a person with a wound injury, the precaution is taken involves vaccination. Tetanus immunization is also part of prevention. Essentially, the prevention helps limit any secondary repercussions that may arise from the disease.

Tertiary prevention– The prevention helps prevent any dire damage that may result from the disease. The patient is put under medication for a long time as well as informing the patient of all the precautions they should take. Some include proper nutrition for children, sanitation, drinking clean water as well as general hygiene. The Haitians can use the information in improving their health and rebuilding society.

Innovation Example

My innovative idea would be to work closely with the health workers in the primary phase to help me understand the basics and urgency of the situations. I would also participate in the counseling and educative sessions on personal hygiene. My main focus would be on young girls since they’re the ones who are more likely to be affected by poor body hygiene. Delivering food and medical equipment would also be a good way I could use to aid in them restoring their community.


Phase under which of the disaster do the three proposed interventions fall

Primary prevention falls under the disaster pre-impact phase: the phase involves preparedness for the disaster and mitigation strategies upon impact. The mitigation phase entails efforts to minimize the impacts of the earthquake on families such as the immediate provision of shelters by reestablishing homes and available structures. Being a tropical state Haiti experiences heavy rainfall rechanneling of runoff water and the drainage system was a priority primary mitigation. Similarly, primary prevention has the sole purpose of preventing injuries by limiting movement in areas prone to aftermath landslides, broken sewer systems, and points prone to more tremors.

Secondary prevention falls in the response phase: It occurs during impact and posts impact the emergency stage of the disaster. The goal is to outreach the people in dire need such as rescue and search explorations and provision of basic human needs. Secondary prevention focuses on impact reduction by treating injured people, testing for microbial infections, and dietary needs.

Tertiary prevention kicks in after the impact of the recovery phase. Whereby, long term solutions are structured for the community to soften the impact of the misery, injuries, and diseases caused by the earthquake. The community evaluates the magnitude of damage done by the disaster and channel a recovery plan. The international organization also contributes to the recovery of the disaster-stricken communities in the redevelopment of hospitals, schools, and homes.

People or agencies that I would work within facilitating the proposed interventions

After understanding the interventions, I would propose Health Agencies, the governments, the World Health Organization, and Red Cross to work together towards carrying out the 3 interventions. The agencies should also monitor the phases very closely to help them understand the urgent requirements they may need. Charity Organizations would also help in funding medical workers with equipment, medicine, and other necessary gears.

















Schucany, W. G. (Director). (2010). Diary of Medical Mission Trip, Haiti [Motion Picture].

(2020). Retrieved 24 July 2020, from



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