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OCBC Bank Case Study

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OCBC Bank Case Study

OCBC bank has a unique approach to development and management of their employee’s talents. OCBC bank as ranked at the top among the most successful banks in talents development. The bank developed a 3-year course to its employees known as the OCBC E-learning that encourages the employees to work to their level best. This paper is aimed at looking OCBC bank based on talent management and development.

OCBC Bank has its headquarters located in Singapore. When a person identifies a suitable business and decides to set up the business, things are made easier because of the help of OCBC’s talents by employees. Finance will be readily available at a lower interest. After a few days, one will be able to set up the business—the OCBC E-learning program aimed at improving employee’s capabilities to do work in the best way ever. An entire massive floor of the OCBC bank space was dedicated for proper teaching of the program. OCBC is very serious when it comes to training its employees. It encourages their employees to be more hardworking during their training period to give quality services to their customers.

OCBC’s approach to talent development and management is very different from most other organizations. OCBC is very different in dealing with talents compared to the Florida Department of Health. In the Florida department of health, employees undergo a minimal period of training where they are made to pay for the services offered. By so doing, not very many employees would prefer to undergo the training. The department does not put more emphasis on training its employees. OCBC provides most allowances to its employees, thereby creating a good relationship between employers and the administration. All this is aided by the fact that there is a policy that governs the involvement of employees and administration in OCBC.

OCBC’s approach to talent management has made significant results that have made the bank to be successful until today.  The method has made OCBC attract top talents who can give high-quality services to its customer. By so doing, many potential customers are invited to the bank, thereby making OCBC be a more profitable organization compared to others. The approach used by OCBC has helped a lot in increasing employees’ performance through the OCBC E-learning program. By so doing, OCBC can identify different employees who fit best in various activities carried out within the organization, thereby making OCBC successful.

Talent management has made OCBC make systematic and consistent decisions concerning the development of staff who can save money on unnecessary events and activities that might be carried out in the organization. By so doing, the costs of the OCBC are minimized, thereby increasing the profits. Talent management has also helped OCBC in retaining top talents. The reason is that employees are ranked during the training period, whereby the senior performing employees are absorbed permanently by the OCBC. This ranking has helped the organization a lot in providing quality services to the customers, thereby making high profits.

Talent management has helped a lot in improving the performance of OCBC, which was recently ranked as the most successful bank. The reason behind this is because of having engaged, skilled and motivated employees who are focused on customer’s satisfaction. These employees have made a significant impact in making OCBC a successful bank. Talent management has also helped OCBC have higher client satisfaction. Many clients have confidence in investing with the bank because of the high-quality services provided by skilled employees.

Other organizations and industries can apply the extent at which OCBC has carried out talent management. For instance, making the employees feel appreciated and giving them a free will to do what they want without fear, just like in OCBC. Other organizations should introduce training sessions to their employees to increase productivity and efficiency in their organizations, just like in OCBC. Other organizations can also adopt the e-learning to make their employees access more information concerning their organizations. By so doing, other organizations and industries can be successful just like in the case of OCBC bank.

However, though other organizations may decide to adopt the practices done at OCBC, some limitations can follow in the process. For instance, the organization or industry might lack enough space required to set up an academy like the one at OCBC, which is of great significance in training their employees. Other organizations may not be in a position to explore in other markets outside their countries the way OCBC does it.

In conclusion, it is seen that talents development and management in an organization is of great significance. For an organization to be successful, proper talent management and development skills must be employed. For instance, OCBC has emerged to be among the most successful banks because of using talent developments and management in their organization.





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