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Online gambling slots skyrocket in Indonesia — amid the government ban.

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Online gambling slots skyrocket in Indonesia — amid the government ban.


Gambling in Indonesia is entirely illegal. There are no Casinos or betting centers except an old state-run lottery that is despised by many gamers since it’s outdated. Being a Muslim dominated state, Indonesia turned gambling into a religious issue. Islam prohibits gambling. While Asia treats gambling as a human right, the Indonesian government banned gambling claiming that it’s against Islam doctrine.


Surprisingly, despite the government’s ban, online gambling slot games seem to skyrocket. The gamers gamble through the internet, which the government has little or no control over. Besides, the Indonesians have established online gambling casinos which are easy to handle.


Here is why online gambling slot games are so popular in Indonesia.


Anybody can gamble

Anybody — who has a phone and internet connection — can participate in online gambling slots. The games are customized in a way that both rich and poor can get a slot to gamble. While there are those games that require a lot of money, there are those that need a few dollars. Irrespective of the gamer’s financial status, he/she can always access the right casino and the slot machine. Furthermore, some online casinos offer free money to frequent gamers. More so, some of these betting sites are in the Indonesian language, making them user-friendly. Meaning anybody can access these online gambling slot games and play.


It’s Illegal

Since gambling is illegal, someone who loves betting can’t go out in a betting center to play. Thus the gamers feel that the government is too much into their space. The gamblers, therefore, engage in online gambling slot games to liberate themselves — they need to be fine on their own. Gamers need a reputable VPN and a reliable internet connection to access online casinos. With those two requirements, Indonesians can access the Judi slot machine online to play their favorite games.


Gambling is in Indonesian History

Gambling has been in Indonesian’s past. Before Indonesia had independence, the Chinese invaded the region and introduced card and coin games. So, most of the Indonesians have gambled at some point in life. When Indonesia gained independence in the 1960s, gambling was permitted, and most of the Indonesians resorted to gambling. In 1973, the government reverted to religious traditions and banned gambling. Since then, the Indonesians have ignored the law and embarked on playing the slots online. The online casinos have made it easy for gamers to play the slots. Although the government has announced plans to ban online gambling slots, it has turned out to be nearly impossible because it’s not easy to control the internet. Since the government has chosen to go silent on the issue, online gambling slot games appear to skyrocket in Indonesia.



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