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Personal Narrative Essay: The Time I Stood Up for the Right Reasons

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Personal Narrative Essay: The Time I Stood Up for the Right Reasons


After graduating with a degree in human resource management, I secured a job opportunity at MultiChoice Company Limited. I was charged with the responsibility to maintain conducive working environments within the working place by ensuring the wellbeing of company employers and proper ensure the proper relationship between the employees the company management. In consideration, I would attend to employee’s concern and seek the intervention of the company management whenever necessary. On the hand, I would address company goals and the responsibility assigned to every employee to help them understand their specific role in helping ensure the success of the company. In the course of my duty, I stood up for justice to ensure the satisfaction of all company stakeholders and maintain a conducive working environment.

The Time I Stood Up for the Right Reasons

            The company developed a good marketing strategy and developed innovation t improve the quality of their products which facilitated the competitiveness of the company in the market. In relation, the market share of the company increased steadily demanding an increase in the quantity of production to meet the market demand. To increase the supply, the company management resolved to extend the working hours for the employees from with two hours per day upon which employees would offer extra labour to meet the demanded quantity. The new regulation was mandatory where employees would leave the workplace at 7 p.m other than 5 p.m which was leaving time before an increase in demand. However, the development of the regulation did not put into consideration the availability of the employees for the extended two hours and did not provide an additional salary to compensate for the added working hours.

The affliction generated employee’s uproar protesting the exploitive nature of the company since it no longer considered their wellbeing and offered low salaries to increase the profits to the entrepreneurs. In response, the company developed threats to lay off employees who did not abide by the new regulation and hire new employees to replace their positions. The move depressed the ability of the employees upon which they complied with the new rules. Upon witnessing the oppression and exploitation of the employees, I sought to demand justice on their behalf upon which I approached the company management and raised the concern. The management developed that the company financial conditions were not stable to support additional salaries which did not comply with the effect of increasing market share. Also, the company threatened that he would lay me off if I raised again. Despite the threat, I asked the employees to develop a go-slow and demand their rights that is favourable working hours and an excellent salary to compensate for their efforts.

The move affected the productivity of the company since the production rates were regulated, thus affecting the efficiency of the product and service delivery to consumers. The manager called for a meeting and maintained his prior position, outlining that increasing the salaries would affect the financial stability of the company. I addressed the employee’s grievances in the conference and demanded the employment of new employees who would help fill the exiting workforce gap. Increasing the number of employees would eliminate the need to extend working hours and maintain the company’s financial position by limiting the increase in employee’s salary.

The employees demanded the fulfilment of the outlined recommendations which would facilitate their effectiveness in performing assigned duties. The company fulfilled the demands, and later the management laid me off on the basis that I had incited the employees not to perform their respective functions. Despite losing the job opportunity, I attained my purpose to ensure that the company followed the right protocol to adjust to market changes, thus limiting the oppression of subordinates by their superiors. In this regard, I stood up for the right course and attained it at the cost of losing my job opportunity.


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