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Pharmaceutical Care and Evolving Role at Community Pharmacy in Developing Countries

(Especially in Pakistan)

Name of the Student

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Author Note


Table of Contents

Background: 2

Aims of the Study: 2

Significance and Innovation of the Proposed Study: 3

Expected Outcomes: 4

Methodology: 5

Sampling Method: 6

Data Collection and Data Analysis: 7

Ethical Consideration: 8

Limitations of the Study: 8

Administration of the Research: 9

Reference: 11




It is evident in past few years that the profession of pharmacy has been developed drastically. It is now a days considered as an important profession in all around the world. It is known that the scope for the pharmacy profession in comparatively lower in the developing countries than the developed parts of the world (Brown et al. 2016). The community pharmacists of the developing countries are still unrecognized and unappreciated. The socio-economic structure of the developing countries is different from the developed countries. The high population rate, low income level and lack food and facilities, people of developing countries, especially Pakistan often suffer from various deadly diseases. Thus, the importance of the health care is highly required in this section of the world. Eventually, it has enhanced the requirement of the pharmaceutical professionals in these countries. It is often witnessed that pharmaceutical professional plays vital role in the treating the chronic diseases. Thus, the developing countries like Pakistan, where huge number of people dies every year due to chronic diseases, the growth of the pharmaceutical professional has put a strong impact on the social structure of the countries. At the same time, it has put significant impact on individual life as well. The advancement of science and technology has opened a new path for the aspiring pharmacists to sharpen their skills and qualities to offer better way of treatment to the people of developing countries (Saramunee et al. 2014).

Aims of the Study:

The aim of the research is to find the importance of pharmaceutical care and community pharmacies in the countries with emerging economy, especially in Pakistan. Hence the study aims at reviewing different literatures and gathering immense knowledge in this respective field. At the same time, the research will be concentrating on the growth of the pharmaceutical professionals in the developing countries. The aim of the writer is to find out the role that is played by the community pharmacies and health care professionals in the countries where the socio-economy structure of the country is not as stable as developed countries. In order to draw the conclusion line, the researcher will enlighten various aspects of the social and financial structure of the developing countries as well as he will be discussing about the growth of the pharmaceutical professional in the countries like Pakistan, as it will be beneficial to reach to the desired consequence. By analyzing the health report of the developing countries and the report of the pharmaceutical industry of these countries, the role and importance of the community pharmacies in providing the efficient health care treatment to the civilians can be judged. This analysis will be conducted in the research to provide a vivid concept about the growth of this industry in the emerging economies.

Significance and Innovation of the Proposed Study:

The significance of the study is to enlighten the impact of the pharmaceutical care and community pharmacies in the health and life of the people from developing countries, as it puts significant impact on the socio and economic structure of the country. It is considered that healthy people produce more work, so if the majority of the country will be healthy and will be able to work, they can work as a contributor for the financial structure of the country. Financial structures of the developing countries are considered as major concern for the government of the countries. Thus, by this study, the researcher has tried to highlight the impact of the pharmaceutical professionals on the financial infrastructure of the developing countries. This study is highly required in this scenario as the drastic advancement of the pharmaceutical professionals in past few years has changed the health care structure of the developing countries in a significant manner. Thus, it is highly required to recognize the effort and caliber of the community pharmacist now. By this study, researcher wants to enlighten various aspects of their profession and their practices that distinguish them from many other professionals. The research will discuss how by putting tireless effort, these professionals are protecting huge number of civilians from many life taking diseases.

The research paper will present a broad picture of this sector. It will discuss about all the possible corners of pharmaceutical industry to help the future researchers and the readers of the study. All the scientific and useful method will be used in this study to provide real picture of the industry and the role of the professionals in the developing countries. It will be discussing about the difference between the community pharmacy of the developed countries and community pharmacy of the developed countries, so people can observe the why it is important to recognize the effort of the newly emerging pharmaceutical professionals. Although, the researcher will use many conventional methods to analyze the present scenario of the pharmaceutical industry and pharmaceutical professionals in countries like Pakistan, it has been used in a unique and efficient manner. Thus, here the lies the innovation power of the researcher. The researcher will be making all the possible effort to maintain the efficiency and uniqueness of his study and it will distinguish this study from other researches.

Expected Outcomes:

It is being expected that the study will successfully reach to its conclusion due to the tireless effort put by the researcher. In order to highlight all the corners of the community pharmacy and community pharmacists, the researcher will be gathering vast knowledge from various places and he will be putting his gathered information altogether in this study, so the outcome will go to the favor of the researcher and it is being expected that the researcher will be successful to communicate all his thinking, views and opinion to the rest of the world in an appropriate manner. At the end of the study, the researcher will be able to enlighten all the corners of his study by using his efficiency, intelligence and skills.


Pharmaceutical industry of the developing countries like Pakistan, India faces various challenges due to the weak financial and technological structure of the country. There are many aspects that need to be enlightened through this research. Thus, the research will be following both primary and secondary research method (Mackey and Gass 2015). The primary research will conducted among the citizens of developing countries and the pharmaceutical professionals. Civilians will be asked about their experience with the pharmaceutical professionals and community pharmacies. On the other hand, the pharmaceutical professionals who operates in the developing countries will be asked about their experience in performing within challenging atmosphere in developing countries where they may face various challenges every now and then by the society, government, weak financial structure and weak technologies. They will be asked about the changes they have witnessed in past few years. It is not possible to conduct research on the entire pharmaceutical industry of all the developing countries of the world. Thus, researcher has selected some of the people from the industry to conduct his research. Therefore, researchers have selected some people from the local community of the developing countries to conduct his primary research (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault 2015).

In order to conduct the secondary research, researcher will be gathering relevant and effective information from various authentic websites, web journals, reports, articles that are related to the community pharmacy of Pakistan and other developing countries. Research will be discussing about various books and journals as well while conducting the secondary research. The research will be using only authentic and reliable sources to lead his work towards the right path. He will not leave any stone unturned to reach to the desired conclusion. The health care policies and health care reports of the government of developing countries and reports of the community pharmacies will be studied while conducting the research.

Sampling Method:

Sampling is the way to select a large number of people for gathering information from them regarding the research. There are two types of sampling method, such as- random sampling and non-random samplings (Fraley and Hudson 2014). These two types of sampling methods are completely different from each other. There are other two methods that help to determine the suitable sampling method for the research work, that are- probability sampling method and non-probability sampling method. Probability sampling method consists of simple random sampling, systematic sampling and stratified sampling. On the other hand, non-probability sampling indicates convenience sampling method, judgment and quota and snowball sampling. In this scenario, the researcher will be using simple random sampling method which comes under the probability sampling, as it is convenient in this structure. By using simple random sampling, the researcher will be collecting data by questionnaire (Ranganath, Gerrish and Blei 2014).

Simple random sampling is used when data is collected non-biased manner. It is considered as an easy method to collect data. It is more suitable when the researcher is aware of the characters and the attitudes of the samples. In order to collect the data from the samples, 60 people from the various developing countries will be interviewed online. On the other hand 15 pharmaceutical professionals will be interviewed. The respondents will be chosen irrespective of the culture, income, gender and age. They will be chosen randomly by the writer and will be answering all the question of the writer that will lead him towards the right direction. In this work, simple random sampling is highly suitable as people from different age or income group can avail the facilities of community pharmacies. Thus, on the basis of income or age group samples cannot be chosen.

Data Collection and Data Analysis:

Both primary and secondary data will be collected and used in this research work. Primary data will be collected directly from the sources through questionnaire. Questionnaire plays crucial role in the data collection method of every research work. In this aspect questionnaire has been set in such a manner so, people who will be giving interviews can easily present their views. Data have been collected and measured by using excel sheet and document. In the case of secondary data collection, the researcher will be use these data in the literature review of the research paper to provide a vivid idea about the growth of the pharmaceutical care and community pharmacy in the developing countries (Thomson and Emery 2014).

After finishing the data collection method, the data will be analyzed by the researcher of the study. The growth and the effectiveness of the community pharmacy will be analyzed and measured in the data analysis section. The report of the pharmaceutical industry and government report for health will be used in this scenario (Ott and Longnecker 2015). The revenue and annual income report of the countries are also will be used to determine the effectiveness and benefit that has been offered by the community pharmacists. It will be beneficial for the researcher to become ensure about the health of the local people of developing countries. By evaluating the reports of community pharmacies, researcher will be able to reach to his desired conclusion. The writer will evaluate all the aspects of these reports to provide a vivid idea to the readers. All the evaluated data will be maintained in a excel spread sheet.

Ethical Consideration:

The writer will pay close attention to the ethical aspects while conducting the research work. Writer considers ethical aspects as an important part of the research work. It is not possible to conduct any efficient and effective research by entering into any kind of unethical practices (Rid and Emanuel 2014). The ethical aspect is related with both primary and secondary method of data collection. While collecting data from the general public, no permission will be required. Thus, writer can generally ask from public about their opinion. While interviewing the pharmaceutical professionals and the management of community pharmacies, the researcher will be seeking permission from the management end (Lyles et al. 2017). The questions of interview have been set in such a manner, so it will not harm the emotion or sentiment of any interviewee. The researchers will pay close attention to the fact. No personal and confidential answer will be expected from the end of the interviewee. Neither the writer will be asking such questions nor he will be forcing any of the interviewee to provide such answers. The data that will be delivered by the interviewees will be presented in accurate manner. No manipulation of data or modification of data will be occurred during the data analysis method or data collection method. The annual reports or reports of pharmaceutical companies will be analyzed in an ethical manner. The writer will avoid all kind of unethical practices while constructing this research work.

Limitations of the Study:

The key limitation of the study is the low scope to collect data from majority. There are many developing countries. Hence, it will not be possible for the writer to visit different countries to collect raw data from their civilians as well as pharmaceutical companies. Thus, it is one of the major weak points of this study. One of the major limitations of the research is the time of the research, which will not allow the researcher to gather information from the worldwide and study numerous journals or books or reports of various authors. Due to lack of time, the writer may need to hurry to gather information and he needs to analyze whole data within a short span of time. It may cause various mistakes in the data analysis part. Another limitation of the study is the money, which has restricted the scope to avail more data to enrich the study. The limitation of money has restricted the writer to visit different places to conduct face to face interview. He will be relying on internet to gather information from the sources.

Administration of the Research:

The important resources that will be required for conducting this research in an appropriate manner are the access of various libraries for availing books and journals, the internet access to connect with the consumers of the community pharmacies of developing countries. Internet connection will be required to gather information about the community pharmacies and pharmaceutical professionals of the developing countries. Some money will be required to buy books and all other required equipments for the research.

There is a limitation of budget in this research work. Some money will be required to for accessing internet. As well as, some amount will be used while purchasing books and other stationary products. However, the project is designed in such a manner that will not require heavy amount. Research work is the key word of this project.













Getting Permission from the Pharmaceutical industry











Interviewee the sources











Gather secondary information











Data Analysis











Design Research Paper











Submission of the Paper












Fig: Timeline

Created by: Author



Brown, T.J., Todd, A., O’Malley, C.L., Moore, H.J., Husband, A.K., Bambra, C., Kasim, A., Sniehotta, F.F., Steed, L. and Summerbell, C.D., 2016. Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions. Public health research., 4(2), pp.1-162.

Fraley, R.C. and Hudson, N.W., 2014. Review of intensive longitudinal methods: An introduction to diary and experience sampling research.

Lyles, C.R., Fruchterman, J., Youdelman, M. and Schillinger, D., 2017. Legal, Practical, and Ethical Considerations for Making Online Patient Portals Accessible for All. American Journal of Public Health, (0), pp.e1-e4.

Mackey, A. and Gass, S.M., 2015. Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge.

Ott, R.L. and Longnecker, M.T., 2015. An introduction to statistical methods and data analysis. Nelson Education.

Ranganath, R., Gerrish, S. and Blei, D., 2014, April. Black box variational inference. In Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (pp. 814-822).

Rid, A. and Emanuel, E.J., 2014. Ethical considerations of experimental interventions in the Ebola outbreak. The Lancet, 384(9957), pp.1896-1899.

Saramunee, K., Krska, J., Mackridge, A., Richards, J., Suttajit, S. and Phillips-Howard, P., 2014. How to enhance public health service utilization in community pharmacy?: General public and health providers’ perspectives. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 10(2), pp.272-284.

Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015. Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley & Sons.

Thomson, R.E. and Emery, W.J., 2014. Data analysis methods in physical oceanography. Newnes.

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