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It is the objective for organizations to provide a learning process with protocols specifically to promote a transformational change both individually and collectively as an organization. The desired outcome is to establish knowledge that will remain within the organization and foster strategic accelerated performance within the personnel. Linear learning is one of the methods used, as discussed in the Information Technology and Organizational Learning (Langler, A.,) with different phases of change scenarios.

Phase One

This phase is an early stage of introductions of new language accompanied by the shift of culture that the employees are not used to and may lead to reshuffling of other personnel from the organization or the departments. It is a phase that is also faced with difficulties when it comes to adapting to a new culture since the previous culture had evolved, practiced, and adopted by staff. Fortunately, there is the consolidation of a strong message that the line managers deliver to the top managers’ team that now changed from individual to social, organizational level that aligns with the goals and vision of the organization. The Individual learning process is discarded, and social, organizational learning is adopted. This is also a phase where technology use is accelerated towards achieving knowledge. It is the responsibility of the IT department with the leadership of the CIO (Chief Information Officer) to design systems under regular consultations with line managers that will be suitable for the learning purposes. In the process, new relationships are made between the IT department and line management, hence the development of cultural assimilation between the two personnel in the organization. Learning is based on individual reflective methods that are part of the operation and line management establishment. This approach is focused on personal strengths and weaknesses that are important to discover in the learning process. The desired outcomes for the Responsive Organizational Dynamism (ROD) from the short period of learning are not seen easily since people are still captured on the older culture. More so, there is minimal change in the cultural assimilation clouded with a lack of trust, competition, and internal politics against the move. In this phase, the lack of involvement with the executives also results in limited integration. This is the earliest stage of the linear development that requires patience and engagement.

Phase Two

This is where the IT department is required to be integrated with other departments that are based on technology but within the business pedagogy. IT department is decentralized, and the aim is to learn and provide expertise and technical solution to business units. The IT staff are spread to other business units where departments cross relate and undergo the learning process, and there is rapid cultural assimilation. Restructuring within the organization for behavioral change occurs, and acceleration of formation change within the business and IT departments. IT and other departmental units work together for a common goal and in solving arising problems as a team more often. It is under this stage that the line managers embrace and supports a new culture and promotes it to the executives by encouraging social-based learning to be more than event-based. The results produce a combination of event-based and social organizational learning methodology suitable for staff, line managers, and executives. The systems undergo cultural assimilation based on IT drivers and supporters. The learning language becomes coherent from top to bottom of the organizational hierarchy. The strategic integration of the ROD contains social systems that revolve around the organization’s business needs that are handled with efficiency.



Phase Three

After months of experimenting, correcting, and implementing, the organization reaches another phase of learning maturity. The merging of IT and business departments is realized and the need to involve the top management of organizations in the learning process. It is at this stage that the driver components of an already integrated business line unit provide a window and assistance necessary in engaging the executives in the learning process: not under individual learning but organizational methods: not based on events but group learning. The inclusion of executives is important when with the integration of ROD connection and also to foster them to appreciate the value of IT on business units. The learning methods are designed to be functional in the organizations that are structured differently from holistic IT nature to the singular driver and supporter characteristics. The integration of learning on both individual and organizational methods is essential for this process. This phase of learning produces outcomes of achieving movements towards making social-based decisions. The ROD factors that are realized are the establishment of a hybrid culture while maintaining the organizational structures still in place within the organization. Lastly, the strategic integration from the ROD creates systems that emphasize the business priorities and needs of the organization.

In conclusion, proper monitoring of each stage, an organization that focuses on the adoption of ROD principles by employees, acts as a guide on how their execution of the three phases has been conducted for successful strategic integration, learning, and cultural assimilation maturity for personnel in an organization.










Langer, A. M. (2017). Information Technology and Organizational Learning: Managing Behavioral Change in the Digital Age. CRC Press, 2017.


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