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phenomena that occur in Vietnam and England

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phenomena that occur in Vietnam and England

This study has used qualitative methods to study the phenomena that occur in two countries, namely Vietnam and England. The author has chosen a very suitable way because of this qualitative method for this social-cultural study. Even with this method, the author has successfully parsed the findings of the study.

In this study, the authors have successfully found that the Vietnamese government supports gender equality in schools but fails to implement it due to the attitudes of educators, communities and students in Vietnam influenced by hegemonic culture and history that put girls at a reduced level in schools. The authors in this study have used a sample of reviews taken from two secondary schools and staff at a pedagogical university in Vietnam and staff at the secondary school as well as the Department of Basic Teacher Training at a University in England selected based on different geographical and social locations and reaching standards. In my opinion, in terms of the number of samples taken in both countries, especially in Vietnam, it is small. The author only took the study sample in two schools in each country. In my opinion, it is not fair to say that all schools in Vietnam practice gender inequality. It only compares two educational institutions. What is stated in the study is that the difference between these two institutions is only in terms of geography and standards. The author should conduct research using more samples across educational institutions in Vietnam.

The authors of this study have also managed to obtain research data using interview methods. Data collected by the authors from the interview process of all samples showed their attitudes that supported gender equality but were not implemented. The interview method is an appropriate method for researchers who use qualitative methods to study the social-culture of the community in the community. However, the author has used this method by using this small sample to represent the entire Vietnamese people. In my opinion, this is not enough in terms of data findings. In this study also, the author did not state in detail the criteria of the interviewee selected. The author should use ethnographic methods. To collect data that requires the researcher to approach the respondent, record personal experience based on the respondent’s experience and observations made on the respondent. According to Fetterman (2010), ethnography involves stories that are reliable and authentic from the perspective of human life and culture chosen.

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