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Physical development in physical education

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Physical development in physical education

Throughout the course, I observed two different education settings which focused on the context at both Elementary school and High school settings. The students in the educational settings exposed students to various aspects of anxiety-evoking as well as potential stressfulness. Nonetheless, in this paper, I will compare and contrast both Elementary school setting (Kindergarten through 6th grade) and High school setting (grades 9 through 12). Besides, I will examine the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional theories implementation in the two educational settings.

Clinical experiences during professional education, clinical experience equip educators with opportunities to hone and develop their craft. For the elementary school setting (Kindergarten through 6th grade) at St. George’s Elementary school, I observed that students were placed in classrooms that trapped their attentiveness, which gave them both an urban and suburban school experience. The clinical experience for the kindergartens was typically 1 hour, which is from 8.00 am to 9.00 am. The students were supposed to coordinate their schedules with the educator. During the observation time, the students were involved in full learning opportunities within the underlying school as well as working hand in hand with the clinic teacher to pinpoint various learning opportunities. Besides, in a high school setting (grades 9 through 12), I observed the Gallipolis High school, where took 1 hour 30 minutes from 12.00 noon to 1. 50 pm. The clinical experience began with the educator for physics class, asking students a few questions about the previous class. The educator successfully maintained the constant flow of queries to students eliciting their recommendations and remarks. However, learners actively participated throughout the lesson by answering various questions concerning the lesson. For both educational settings, educators understood the central concept they were delivered to students and created learning to be meaningful to the learners.

Physical development is a crucial aspect of physical education, which is the foundation for many academic tasks. For instance, it is crucial for Elementary school settings, whether children can effectively operate a pencil, while for a high school setting, it is crucial to observe how long students can settle without distress. Considering both Elementary schools (Kindergarten through 6th grade) and High school (grades 9 through 12) settings, I observed striking similarities and differences.  First, both educational settings students, I observed that they could group related things. However, the two educational settings exhibited thinking capability differences. Throughout my course, I observed Piaget’s cognitive theory development, which focuses on human intelligence, also known as developmental stage theory. Also, I observed Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory, which is almost to Piaget’s though it is concerned about individuals thought processes and how they impact the person’s understanding and interaction.

Generally, throughout the observation, I was surprised by the different physical development for every observation; for instance, I was amazed to observe how elementary school setting kindergartens had strong motor skills, which was not the case to the high school setting students. However, with a flash of insight from my observations, I realized what it meant by various physical development for both Elementary schools (Kindergarten through 6th grade) and High school (grades 9 through 12) settings. Nonetheless, I learned some tutoring tips which I should apply in my profession. For instance, if the physical development of my student does not match from what I observed, then I should seek for a talk from the relevant professionals.

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