Planning and controlling activities in recruiting young graduates
Imagine that you work for a giant multinational company that needs to recruit young graduates and would conduct a campus drive. What planning and controlling activities will you carry out for this?
Answer: The first thing to do is to make a shortlist of the recruits. This will help to know the number of people being recruited and the names. If possible, make an independent recruitment team to help organize the candidates in various groups. The grouping may be based on academic qualification, sex, or age. In the case of a large number of recruits, sample the graduates into segments of course qualifications. Secondly, it is essential to determine the recruitment goals to ensure that you hire the right personnel for the job. Reviewing the reasons for hire makes it easy to know whom to hire and who not to hire. In connection, the job description should be reviewed before having a clear picture of the type of qualifications needed for the job. This may help reduce the possible sample of recruits to few, thus helping get the job done faster. Thirdly, as the recruiter, consider using other people-finding strategies since the campus may have many potential recruits. Since you are dealing with youths, it is better and efficient to make use of technology that may involve an online job opening app. It is also essential to identify the available vacancy and evaluate the needs. Know the job openings you have before embarking on the hiring process.
Further, evaluate the needs of the company before hiring. In this case, it is possible to have a search committee to help in the evaluation. If the number is large, reduce the number of questions or interview surveys into the minimum amount possible to make it easy to go through many candidates as possible. Finally, ensure you have a recruitment plan. The plan should be able to cover all the needs of the company by hiring the right personnel.