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  1. “Roar” – Katy Perry (2013)
  2. I first heard this song in a moving public service vehicle.
  4. “Bo$$” – Fifth Harmony ( 2015)
  5. I first heard this from a video sent by a relative.
  7. “Breathe ” – Telepopmusik (2002)
  8. I first head the song from the Spotify website.
  10. “Bulletproof ” – La Roux (2009)
  11. I first heard this song on the radio.
  13. “Stronger ( What does not kill you)” – Kelly Clarkson (2012”
  14. I first heard the song from the youtube application playlist.


Playlist Response

The playlist reflects an interview or work-related scenario.  The first song by the ever-talented Katy Perry is a depiction of manpower and the will to get through obstacles. The second song clues to money or a source of income in a context where it is perfectly palatable to chase some papers. What other way can it pronounce an interview because the job is money? “Breathe “ is the perfect song to listen to when one ponders about the forthcoming questions and pressure that probably awaits them. It is a rehearsal of how to respond to simple but fiddly questions such as “ Tell me about yourself ?” The singer; La Roux relates bulletproof to the power associated with dominance. In an interview standpoint, the playlist surfaces as a bit of advice for anyone heading to the board not to be too confident, or else they might be mislabeled for being bossy. `Stronger ` speak about a job because, in the lyrics, Kelly voices that even though the applicant may lose the job, it is not the end of it. It becomes a lesson rather than a failure and the upshots are spectacular if the victim takes it confidently because disappointment does not kill anyone.


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