Please have a look at this paper and let me know asap whether you can
handle it satisfactorily:
Type of service: Writing from scratch
Work type: Essay (any type)
Deadline: 6 hours (STRICT)
Academic level: College (1-2 years: Freshmen, Sophomore)
Subject or discipline: English 101
Title: Writer’s choice
Number of sources: 3
Paper format: MLA
# of pages: 5
Spacing: Double spaced
# of words: 1375
CPP = 275
Paper details:
Book: ‘The Brothers Corona’ by Guedea, ‘Signs Preceding the End of the
World’ by HERRERA
We read literature because it is fun. We also read because an artist’s
work may tell us something about the world in which that work is
created. Narco-narratives, sometimes, can be fun to read. But they can
also be productively troublesome by exposing the sham of things we are
told are real or illuminating once-hidden truths. The challenge in
doing so is to remain faithful to the subject of an artist’s work as
well as the different ways that story is told. This idea of close
attention to the language of a story, rather than being swept up in
its theme (or vice versa) and thus over-emphasizing a single aspect of
the form-content dynamic was vocalized in 1923 by a writer named D.H.
“Truly art is a sort of subterfuge. But thank God for it, we can see
through the subterfuge if we choose. Art has two great functions.
First, it provides an emotional experience. And then, if we have the
courage of our own feelings, it becomes a mine of practical truth. We
have had the feelings ad nauseam. But we’ve never dared dig the actual
truth out of them, the truth that concerns us, whether it concerns our
grandchildren or not.
The artist usually sets out—or used to—to point a moral and adorn a
tale. The tale, however, points the other way, as a rule. Two blankly
opposing morals, the artist’s and the tale’s. Never trust the artist.
Trust the tale. The proper function of a critic is to save the tale
from the artist who created it.” Your goal in this essay is to perform
the role of a literary critic. Specifically, make an interpretive
argument by comparing and contrasting how the respective themes of The
Brothers Corona and Signs Preceding the End of the World are formally
In order to make this argument, you must be clear about what you read
as each text’s primary theme, as well as the key formal strategies
used to communicate this theme. As a result, your introduction must
include: a debatable claim; the key theme of each text; and the
techniques that most effectively showcase these subjects.
Format: 4-5 pages, double-spaced; 12 point Times New Roman font; one
inch margins all around; all citations according to MLA conventions
(this means you must have a works cited page).
If you can not find the books online, please leave me a message.