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Plot in Claudia Rankin’s The White Card

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Plot in Claudia Rankin’s The White Card

Kelley Griffith stipulates the different elements that need to be understood when interpreting drama. One of the most important elements is the plot. Griffith defines plot as the main events that the drama is based on. In his definition, he provides that the play needs to be set up in a way that allows it to flow freely. In doing so, it should not have numerous subplots within the same drama. Considering that the audience is supposed to experience the drama in one sitting, then the writer must come up with a plot that airs out the intended message. Claudia Rankine has been able to duly fit her play, The White Card, within Griffith’s definition of a plot.

It is evident when one looks at the flow of ideas throughout the play. Griffith provides that the plot needs to be brought out by the interaction of the characters. Since the play’s theme is on race, Claudia ended up reiterating it as the different characters interacted giving out their conflicting ideas on the same.

Furthermore, Griffith provides that plots are complex, but the writer must ensure that the occurrences are related throughout the play. For instance, Claudia can connect the party and studio scene. From the play, they occurred a year apart. One can see that Claudia was building the play from the beginning, and the conflict arises at a later time. Griffith provides that the nature of plays do not allow the audience time to review the work. Therefore, the plot should be well-structured to make it easier for them to connect the occurrences. Which Claudia Rankine did in her play.

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