Political Campaign Plan
The Candidate
The candidate’s name for the senator’s seat in Texas 2022 is Mary Daniels. Daniels was born in Texas general hospital in March 1976. When she was seven years old, Daniel’s mother was married to an Army veteran, where she developed an interest in the army. In 2000, Daniels received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas, where she studied world, religion, and criminology. In her early career, Daniels served in the U.S air force, and have served on active duty as part of an aircraft maintenance team. In the military, Daniels was top in her class and served in two deployments and over 100 missions. She has worked as a trainer and a pilot in various military units. In addition to deployment, Daniels has been involved in drug eradication missions throughout the country, performed pilot duties in various evacuation missions, especially in hurricane-devastated cities, in California and overseas. Daniels has received multiple army recognition awards related to combat, medicine in the army, and writer.
After serving the army for 15 years, Daniels relocated to Austin, Texas, where she began to work on various community projects. She worked as a program manager in healthcare facilities and has worked as a consultant with large technology companies such as Dell and Apple Inc. In 2017, Daniels had her first book printed, related to the leadership and struggle of a woman in the army and leadership. The book and her connection to the community have made her a wealthy activist in Texas. Daniel’s political life began in 2017 when she announced her first candidacy as a U.S representative in Texas. She has won more than three nominations as a republican nominee. Her leadership experience has allowed her to refine her leadership skills and set herself apart from other politicians. Her involvement in veteran affairs and policies, especially combat, has put her at the forefront of the media as an experienced, conservative republican candidate. Besides, Daniels’ family is currently involved in successful businesses throughout Dallas, and Daniels has been involved in the business on occasion.
Campaign Message
Daniels is a social conservative; as such, her political campaign will be based on the expansion of equality, healthcare costs, gender identification, domestic abuse, and women’s health, and clean government. The message for the campaign will be “Texas deserves a fighter and a leader who shows courage, independence, vision, and one who does not value weaknesses and partisanship.” The campaign message is driven by Daniels’ experience in the military, thus effective in a state where social convention and dedication to the government is critical. As a fighter and a white woman, Daniels demonstrates that she is a fighter and a courageous leader who is ready to fight for and represent Texas with compassion and dedication.
As a veteran, Daniels understands what the military goes through than what many politicians understand; as such, the message that a strong leader is needed in Texas is effective. Having been in military leadership, Daniels can show that she is the best candidate when it comes to supporting the responsible community and national security policies. Gun violence is a critical issue in Texas, and being a conservative woman in the military sends a message that gun violence and related issues are critical. The message of showing courageous and compassion is demonstrated in Daniels’s military experience and political life. It tells women and the minority and immigrants that anyone can make a difference. She will be at the forefront in advocating for equality, women’s rights, and other social values.
Campaign Strategy
Based on the Daniels campaign message and her extensive experience in the military and community position, the public who are likely to vote for her are the Republican Party members. Members of the Tea party are likely the largest supporters. Member of the Tea Party often calls for a reduction of national debts but opposes a universal healthcare system. The party has a considerable influence in Texas because it is composed of libertarian and conservative activists. Being an advocate of these issues as a republican candidate, Daniels will have her largest proportion of voters from this party. She may also gain support from the bedroom and the boardroom Republicans from Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston. While the two often differs in various area, they are very keen on their rights. They advocate for equal rights, rights for identity, and social values on domestic abuse and sexual identity issues. Daniels may also have a share of Conservative Democrats votes primarily from the east and rural southern parts of Texas.
Voters from these parties are mostly middle-class males and females. Daniels is in her mid-forties, college education, married and living in rural areas. Such voters are also likely to be young people between the age of 25 and 50 years, small business people, and parents with young children. She is less likely to appeal to the young population in the city. Women and lower-income populations are likely to relate to Daniels’ experiences and struggle as a woman, and as veterans, they will be more likely to vote for her. Notably, those with a strict stance on immigration, such as the African American minorities, are less likely to vote for Daniel. Having been in the military and retired, she is likely to appeal to pensioners, veterans, workers with less education, and those from the east and southern rural of Texas; however, she will need to communicate a persuadable message to win this group of voters. Bedroom Republicans may be more focused on taxes, free-market issues, and debt policies; however, they may vote for Daniels because of their association with the military and community-related policies. The conservative Democrats have similar viewpoints to that of the bedroom, and Board Room Republicans, such as individualistic culture and responsible social spending; hence are also going to vote for Daniels. Democrats and independents will win the primary opposition in this position.
Campaign Resources
The money will be a critical campaign resource, especially because it will help promote Daniel’s political message through the media to the rural east and south of Texas. Money buys credibility; as such, it will be critical in this campaign. People who will be donated for this campaign include the Republicans, individuals from the boardroom and bedroom. The movement is the largest donor for Republican campaigns as long as the candidate has received a nomination. The Tea Party Movement, in particular, has become a strong force to republicans as such; it is expected that they will be the largest donors in Daniels’s campaign. Given that Daniels has a long experience in the military and huge community connections, It is likely that she will gain colossal support from upper-class donors. As a successful writer and publisher, Daniels has the ability to support a large proportion of her campaign with her financial resources. The first volunteer will likely be the loyalist who is involved out of the commitment from the party. Some will likely be involved because they feel strongly about a certain pressing issue ad believe that Daniels will be critical in making change and would not stand by and see the opponent win. The other volunteers are the people who want to use her position in the community to advance their political career.
Notably, Daniel’s success in community and involvement in the family business means that the Tea Party movement will likely support her. The movement supports business-related policies; hence, Daniels’ business and financial status make her a credible candidate, hence making huge donations from them. The Tea Party has enormous resources in terms of money and people. It will provide volunteers and political enthusiasts to do campaign-related tasks such as a knock on doors campaigns, mail campaign ads, and pass out fliers. Notably, these resources will be critical in improving Daniels’s popularity, which will grant Daniels victory over his opponents.