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Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and blessings.

Praise be to Allah SWT for giving us convenience so that we can complete this paper on time. Without His help, of course, we would not be able to finish this paper well. Shalawat and greetings may be abundantly bestowed upon our beloved king, the Prophet Muhammad, whom we will later turn to his shari’a in the hereafter.

The author thanks God Almighty for the abundance of His healthy favors, both physical and mental health, so that the author is able to complete the paper making SOCIAL AND POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS

The author certainly realizes that this paper is far from perfect and there are still many mistakes and flaws in it. For this reason, the author expects criticism and suggestions from readers for this paper, so that this paper can later become a better paper. Then if there are many errors in this paper the authors apologize profusely.

The author also thanks all parties, especially to our Lecturer in Political Sociology for guiding me in writing this paper.

Thus, hopefully this paper can be useful. thanks.



Batam, May 2020









Social institution is a system of values ​​and social norms and forms or social organs. According to Soerjono Soekanto, social institutions are a set of norms at all levels that revolve around a basic need in people’s lives. Social institutions are related to a set of interrelated norms, a set of norms that can be formed, a set of norms that govern relationships between citizens. One type of social institution is a political institution.

Etymologically the word “politics” still relates to politicians, policies. The word “political” means things related to politics. The word “politician” means people who pursue politics. Politics itself comes from Dutch politics and English politics, each of which originates from Greek.

If we discuss the world of politics, it is endless, because politics itself is a very broad branch of social science. Politics is used by someone to control and run the wheels of government of a territory under their control, generally the state. With politics the ruler can influence society, control an area and run the wheels of government.

In running the political wheel needed a body called a political institution. The function of the political institution itself is to run the political wheel by carrying out its duties as closely as possible so that the political wheel can run smoothly.

  2. What do you mean by social and political institutions?




  1. Social and Political Institutions

In general, an institution is understood as a body or an organization, but an institution can also be interpreted as a pattern or patterned behavior. Marriage is a social institution, both recognized by the State through the KUA and Indonesian Civil Registry, as well as those recognized only by the community without State recognition. In this context, an organization is also patterned by giving positions to certain people to carry out certain functions in order to achieve common goals, the organization can be formal or informal. Thus, political institutions constitute political behavior that is patterned within certain structures or political systems.


  • The election of a state official is the process of determining who will be a certain position and then performing a particular function (often called a leader in a particular field / society) is a democratic institution. Not the general election institution (or now the KPU), but all the behaviors that are patterned in our search and determine who will be our leader or representative to sit in parliament.
  • The main problem in a country that is central through the process of transition to democracy, such as Indonesia today is the institutionalization of democracy. Namely how to make decision-making behavior for and on behalf of the people can run according to democratic norms, generally what must be overcome is to change feudilitis into an open institution and reflect the desire of the people to get prosperity.
  • To institutionalize democracy requires laws and regulations as well as structural tools that will continue to push for democratic behavior to become a way of life. It is believed that the actual prosperity can only be achieved, when each individual is blocked by his rights, even each individual is assisted by the state to be actualized, when individuals relate to other individuals in accordance with applicable norms and laws.
  • Institutions can also be interpreted as, a pattern of human behavior that is well established, has a structure and has a relevant value framework. There are two elements; (1) structural elements, namely the system of relationships regulated by institutions, which are regular and stable, (2) elements of belief, namely the outlook on life, value systems, beliefs, ideals of established institutions. For example, political institutions that have political power if they embody the highest values ​​aspired by society. Power becomes legitimate if the community is happy to carry out the policy of political institutions. Power becomes invalid if it gets resistance from people from all directions. Legitimacy comes from consensus; collective agreement based on democratic procedures.
  • According to Duverger (Political Sociology, 1982), there are 2 types of institutions; (1) Institutions, namely structural model institutions, systems between human relations, such as economics, politics, law and others. (2) Organizations namely formal technical and material model institutions such as parliaments, offices, associations, and others.
  • The place of individuals in social institutions is status and role. Social institutions give people status and roles. Status is social position due to certain social relations. The role is the expected behavior due to a certain status.
  • Hokum, moral, and social habits cannot be separated from the existence of an institution. In general, they overlap and even conflict occurs between them. Conflicts between law and morals often occur. In hierarchy, moral status is higher than law. From an ethical standpoint, moral norms are the most important in human life. Conflicts also occur between moral principles and social habits.
  • Types of Social Institutions Judging from the way they were formed
  • (1) Automatically occurs (institution by pure fact)
  • The process of occurrence is not intentional, due to the play of force and events that occur in society such as social class, income level.

Formed intentionally (institution by design)

Normative institutions are built based on certain norms, have laws, regulations that must be obeyed by their members. People are bound by certain voluntary, legal, moral, social obligations that are voluntary and self-awareness.

Normative institutions are divided into three types; (1) based on laws that have reference values, such as the common good, social order, the interests of all people and justice. These values ​​appear in the form of regulations, decisions made by the government. (2) based on morals have a reference value of good and bad. (3) based on the habit of having a reference value of what was made and what was not made by individuals with a contract that was ratified by law / government.

  1. Resilience of social institutions

Social institutions are also called social inertia. One feature of institutional autonomy is that it survives even though the founders of the factors that produce them have either become extinct or have disappeared. This is what is called Institutionality. Social inertia means the nature of opposing changes found in social institutions (pro status quo). For example, the structure of the Ancient Roman Empire is still maintained by the Catholic Church, back in the nagari system of government in West Sumatra. The existence of 3 New Order parties with various structural and vision reforms. State peritensi can lead to political antagonism if it is not accepted by society and can create political integration if accepted by society.

Political institutions are institutions that deal with power, such as transfer organizations, implementation, legitimacy and so on. Political institutions take the form of political regimes. There are 3 classifications of political institutions:

Ancient Classifications • According to Heredotus (5th century BC) there are three forms of government, firstly monarchies of government by one person, secondly oligarchies of government by several people, thirdly democratic governance by all people.

  • According to Aristotle, good governance takes the form of monarchy, aristocracy and timocracy (democracy with limited elections). While bad governance takes the form of tyranny, ologarchy and democracy.
  • In practice monarchy is the worst because it can make the person concerned become authoritarian and arbitrary. While the aristocracy is the best because of the government by some people who have expertise and not based on a derivative system.

Legal Clarification Now 3 types of classification of political regimes

  • The centralizing regime of all important decisions taken by one institution (absolute monarchy and dictatorship).
  • Power separation regimes, governance with a system of representation and conventions.
  • Parliamentary, the distinction between the head of state and the head of government. The Head of State does not have a real honorary position, only has an honorary position, while the government position holds executive power, elects ministers and is responsible to parliament.

Classification of Modern Sociology of Pluralistic Regime / Democracy

  • General freedom is recognized, anyone can express opinions verbally and in writing through political parties or demonstrations.
  • There are 2 minimum political parties.
  • The press is free to get information and confirmation.
  • Open political upheaval / conflict.
  • The people elect the head of government directly or through their representatives.

Unitarian / autocratic regime

  • Closed political conflict.
  • Must not oppose a ruler who is the sole highest authority.
  • Power is monarchical and hereditary.
  • There may be options / differences of opinion but within certain time limits. And this only exists in moderate autocracy governments in contrast to totalitarian autocracy.

Political institutions and techno-economic structures. Which is the political system that determines economic activity, because economic activities require political decisions. Conversely economic activities and their results can affect political policy.

Based on the assumption that democracy is a form of cultural and political prularism of society. Certainly, democracy requires substantial consolidation efforts. In order to consolidate it requires the ability of the agents within it to organize the plurality of society so that it becomes a democratic force. Consolidation is needed to increase the conditions needed to build democracy. One of them requires that democratic forces can anticipate old forces or anti-democratic forces.

Political institutions related to other institutions. We can see the political institutions in that country in the structure of the state administration. The biggest is the country itself. Like, what are the structures of political institutions in that country? If you answer or analyze, it depends on the needs of the country. And it can also change depending on social change, depending on the condition of the community as well. So, every gap in the field of life is included in political institutions. Because, people will try to make their own institutions. Like this political institution itself that is in the midst of society. It can be seen that the political structure is manifested in a number of political institutions such as the legislative body, the executive branch, the judiciary or the judicial bodies, the bureaucracy, political parties, and interest groups. These institutions by some political scientists can be grouped into political superstructure and infrastructure.

Political institutions that can not stand alone without any relationship with other institutions, such as economic, social and so on. That we know political institutions with other institutions such as economic and social are very closely related. It could be that the relationship between political institutions and economic institutions or the relationship between economic institutions and social institutions and vice versa with other institutions.

Social and political institutions which have their respective roles. Where social institutions in the strict sense itself is a group of people who collaborate with certain goals that are bound by certain norms. Likewise with political institutions.

Social institutions themselves can be divided into 2 categories, formal and informal. Formal itself is an institution recognized by the State, such as government institutions. While non-formal is lemabaga formed by the community without official permission from the existing government, such as motorcycle gangs. If we talk about social institutions very much, including:

  1. Social institutions in the field of law, such as courts, prosecutors and the police;
  2. Social institutions in the economic field, such as banks, market associations, cooperatives, and village unit cooperatives;
  3. Social institutions in the political field, such as KPU, Party, DPRD, DPR, DPD and so on.

In Contemporary Political Science, published in Unesco 1950 there are fields in political science, one of which is political institutions, which include:

  1. Basic Laws;
  2. National Government;
  3. Regional and Local Government;
  4. Economic and social functions of government;
  5. Comparison of Political Institutions.

International Political Institutions, in the classic form of international relations are relations between countries, but in the development of this concept shifted to include all interactions that take place across national borders. In its classic form international relations is played only by diplomats (spies) other than soldiers in the battlefield, while new concepts in international relations, nonprofit companies, even individuals can become actors who play an important role in international politics. The role of multinational companies, such as Monsanto in the World Trade Organization (WTO) may be far greater than the role of the Republic of Indonesia. As such, this depends on the role it plays.

The United Nations or United Nations is the most important international organization because almost all countries in the world are members of the United Nations. In the cold period the role of the United Nations reflected the reality of bipolar politics so often it could not make effective decisions. But after the end of the cold war, political reality tends to be unipolar with the United States (US) as a Hyper Power, the United Nations becomes relatively more effective in legitimizing an international act as a multilateral action and not a unilateral or unilateral action. The US effort to gain support for its initiative to invade Iraq by establishing the United Nations is proof of the need for multilateral legitimacy by the US through the United Nations.

To overcome the various armed conflicts that often erupt quickly in various parts of the world, there are currently proposals to create a permanent world peace force (peace keeping force) that is under UN command. This is expected to accelerate the reaction of the United Nations in overcoming various armed conflicts. For example, the United Nations already has a permanent police force which can at any time be deployed by the UN Secretary General to operate in the area of ​​UN operations. This UN police became the first Civpol (Civilian Police) when East Timor separated from the Republic of Indonesia.

International relations have shifted away from the exclusive world of diplomats with all their protocols and order, towards the complexity of the possibility that everyone can become an actor and influence the course of politics both at global and local levels. On the other hand also seen the possibility of the emergence of “world government” in the form of the United Nations, which leads to the regularity of a State (confederation?).




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