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Informatics for Transforming Nursing Care




Sociodemographic Profile

Key Findings

  • Several aspects of sociodemographic are presented in the county’s data.
  • The overall rate of high school graduating students is at 83%, 96%, and 84% showing higher rates of education in the county. This means that many children are enrolled in schools and hence the betterment of education. Educated children later acquire good-paying jobs that reduce the level of unemployment and income inequalities.
  • On the other hand, some colleges have also exhibited better models of educating students in the region and have at least a 62% rate of students graduating from the learning institutions (S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Berkeley County, South Carolina; United States. (n.d.). The county shows good progress in ensuring that its citizens are well educated hence reducing the rates of poverty, income inequality, and unemployment.
  • The rate of unemployment is extremely low, at 3% meaning that many of the radiates secure jobs early after graduating. This means that many of the citizens in Berkeley have a good income and lifestyles.
  • The number of children who are in poverty is at 18 percent showing that the county is better in handling economic hardships and hence bettering the lives of children.
  • The average rate of income inequality is at 3.7-4.0. this means that the county has few people who earn low incomes with the majority able to cater to their needs and maintain their lives from better pay.



State and county of investigation (Berkeley, South Carolina)


Introductory paragraph

The data below is presented by the United States Census Bureau. The agency is responsible for the production of data about the economy and people of the USA. It is also a part of the department of commerce and has the president appointing its director. The primary mission of the Bureau is to conduct a census in the U.S after 10 years used for the allocation of seats of the representatives of the U.S to the various states based on the citizens’ population. The various censuses help in the allocation of billions of dollars in federal funds helping businesses, communities, and states make good decisions. The data provided in the databases informs decisions on areas to develop hospitals, schools, fire departments, and transport infrastructure for the benefit of the US citizens. The data presented below provides the various aspects of the population in Berkeley SC and helps the various governments to better the lives of the people using the provided information.

From the data, several findings can be observed in Berkeley. The population of the county is relatively low and totals to 227,907 citizens, change by 27% of the previous censuses. Additionally, the county has more aged people over the age of 65 years based on a comparison with the entire US population. Women are relatively many when compared to their total number in the whole country. Furthermore, Berkeley has more computer literate people as many of the households have computers in their homes.  In this country, many people are disabled and mostly lack healthcare insurance. The county has better per capita income on its people that is relatively conducive for better living (U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Berkeley County, South Carolina; United States. (n.d.). More graduates are also observed from the data and hence a better education system and literate people in the county. A small number of citizens in the county are poor and using the data below, the county can focus on further improving the areas of weaknesses. Furthermore, more focus must be given to the poor people towards ensuring that they have access to essentials such as foods, shelter, and clothing to help transform their lives within the county. Health insurance is also a major area of focus where the local government can pump more capital to enhance healthcare delivery to the people. While education models are well equipped in the region, there is the need to introduce educational funds to students in low income earning families for better learning.

  1. Sociodemographic Profile for Berkeley SC


Population CharacteristicsCountyUnited States
Population Estimates227,907328,239,523
Population Percent Change27.8%6.3%
Percentage of Persons Under the Age of 18


Percentage of Persons 65 Years and Over14.2%16.5%
Percentage of Women50.4%50.8%
Percentage White Alone69.0%76.3%
Percentage Hispanic Alone7%18.5%
Percentage of Foreign-Born Persons5.4%13.5%
Percentage Language Other Than English Spoken at Home, Percent of Persons Age 5+8.2%21.5%
Percentage of Houses with a Computer91.1%88.8%
Percentage with High School Graduate or Higher88.8%87.7%
Percentage with a Disability, Under Age 65 Years10.2%8.6%
Percentage without Health Insurance, Under Age 65 Years12%10%
Percentage in Civilian Labor Force Age 16 Years+62.1%62.9%
Percentage of Women in Labor Force Age 16 Years+59.1%58.2%
Total Healthcare and Social Assistance RevenueN/AN/A
Total Retail Sales Per Capita$9119$13443
Per Capita Income in the Past 12 Months$28,331$32,621
Percentage of Persons in Poverty12.8%11.8%
Population Per Square Mile161.887.4


  1. County Health Trends & Rankings
  2. Introductory Paragraph

The data for the health trends were collected to help in assessing the county’s level of the various health behavior rates towards helping in their management and allocation of funding. This would be essential in ensuring the citizens of the county are fully supported with adequate programs to help in managing the various cases. The data was collected from various respondents through phone calls with the major source of data being the behavioral risk factor surveillance system

  1. Discussion of Health Trends

From the 7 trends, several aspects can be pointed out based on the health outcomes presented in the county. Figure 1 shows the trend of Obesity from 2004 to 2016 and depicts that the county is getting worse on this health trend. It indicates that the number of obese people increased from 24% to 44% with an overall score of 33 percent in the entire state and hence the need to implement the suggested programs and action plans. Figure 2 shows a reduction of physical inactivity with a range of 17 to 41 percent. The reduction in physical activities implies that Berkeley ought to implement the suggested strategies towards the betterment of the heath of its people before it gets worse. Figure 3 shows increased rates of deaths due to drunk driving. Nonetheless, the overall rate of deaths has seen a drastic decrease in cases associated with drunk driving from 2008 to 2018 implying that the county might be utilizing policies that reduce drunk driving. Figure 4 shows that there is a reduced number of sexually related infections and has an overall rate of 641 cases. Figure 6 shows the number of premature deaths in Berkeley county and it can be observed that the numbers have reduced drastically. This shows that the county is doing good in addressing the cases and hence a major improvement. Figure 7 shows that the rates of infant deaths have reduced and this reveals a better healthcare system in Berkeley and hence many improvements in care delivery.

Health Trends (Visual Graphs)

Figure 1: Adult obesity

The graph shows the trend of Obesity from 2004 to 2016 and depicts that the county is getting worse on this health trend. It indicates that the number of obese people increased from 24% to 44% with an overall score of 33 percent in the entire state (County Health Rankings & Roadmaps | County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (n.d.).

The health trend is a metric for limited physical activities and poor diet with high reliability. Obese people have high risks of hypertension and cancer and hence the importance of the trend in managing these diseases.

Figure 2: Physical Inactivity

The trend shows a reduction of physical inactivity with a range of 17 to 41 percent.

The trend is important as reduced physical activities are related to various diseases such as stroke and cancer. At least 11 percent of premature deaths in the US are attributed to inactivity.

Figure 3: Alcohol-impaired driving deaths

The long-term trend for the measure is fairly good but in recent years, it has worsened based on the number of deaths due to drunk driving. Nonetheless, the overall rate of deaths has seen a drastic decrease in cases associated with drunk driving from 2008 to 2018.

The trend is important as it provides an analysis of the relation between crash deaths and alcohol consumption, essential for the government to outline laws and guidelines on the same.

Figure 4: Sexually transmitted infections

The county is doing good in this trend with an overall rate of 641 cases.


The measure is important for enhanced health equity as the disease affects communities that have adolescent women.

Figure 5: Adult Smoking

The percentage of adult smokers dropped drastically to 16 percent in both men and women in Berkeley. Overall, men are more actively involved in smoking at a higher rate than women. At least 19% of the population in South Carolina is involved in active smoking. The trend is crucial in providing guidelines to help reduce lung-related illnesses and curb the effects of nicotine on users.

Figure 6: Premature deaths

The cases of premature deaths in the county have been reducing significantly since 1997 and hence the county is doing good on this particular trend.

The measure is crucial as it focuses on the deaths that may be prevented and help better the lives of the people in the county.

Figure 7: Infant deaths

The overall death of infants reduced over time from 1990 to 2013 showing aspects of better healthcare delivery in the county.

The health trend is important as it provides a model of measuring the overall healthcare delivery in the county as well as acting as a basis of decision making on areas to improve and contain infant deaths.

Health Trends Discussion

Figure 1 shows the trend of Obesity from 2004 to 2016 and depicts that the county is getting worse on this health trend. It indicates that the number of obese people increased from 24% to 44% with an overall score of 33 percent in the entire state and hence the need to implement the suggested programs and action plans. Figure 2 shows a reduction of physical inactivity with a range of 17 to 41 percent. The reduction in physical activities implies that Berkeley ought to implement the suggested strategies towards the betterment of the heath of its people before it gets worse.

Figure 3 shows increased rates of deaths due to drunk driving. Nonetheless, the overall rate of deaths has seen a drastic decrease in cases associated with drunk driving from 2008 to 2018 implying that the county might be utilizing policies that reduce drunk driving. Figure 4 shows that there is a reduced number of sexually related infections and has an overall rate of 641 cases. Figure 5. Shows the reducing rate of adult smokers with at least 16% of active smokers in Berkeley. The data is crucial towards aiding in mitigation measures to further suppress health behavior. Figure 6 shows the number of premature deaths in Berkeley county and it can be observed that the numbers have reduced drastically. This shows that the county is doing good in addressing the cases and hence a major improvement. Figure 7 shows that the rates of infant deaths have reduced and this reveals a better healthcare system in Berkeley and hence many improvements in care delivery.



  1. Health Factors
  2. Health Factors Table

The major health factors include clinical care that details access to quality care, health behaviors showing the rates of alcohol and sexual activities, physical environment to measure the quality of water and air, and socio factors that involve employment, education, and income among others.

Factors Influencing HealthCounty


Top U.S. PerformerState Data
Percentage of Adult Smoking16%14%19%
Percentage with Access to Exercise Opportunities79%91%68%
Percentage of Excessive Drinking19%13%17%
Primary Care Physicians (Ratio of Population to 1 Physician)3200:11,030:11,500:1
Percentage with High School Graduation83%96%84%
Percentage with Some College66%73%62%
Percentage with Unemployment3.0%2.6%3.4%
Percentage of Children in Single-Parent Households32%20%39%
Social Associations (Number of Associations Per 10,000)6.6
Violent Crime (Number of Violent Crimes Per 100,000)33863500
Injury Deaths (Number of Injury Deaths Per 10,000)765885
Percentage of Children Eligible for Free or Reduced-Price LunchN/AN/AN/A
Air Pollution (Average Daily Density of Air Pollutants)
Percentage with Severe Housing Problems14%9%15%


  1. Comparison of Data

Based on the above data, the county has records that are close to that of the overall state. Furthermore, the data derived for the county shows various aspects that have high numbers compared to that if the entire state. This means that the data has variations based on specific influencing factors and may be due to the management models utilized in both regions. Comparing with the top performer data, there are also variations based on specific factors, and from a critical observation, the county may meet the target if the recommended action plan and programs are well utilized.

  1. Summary
  2. Significant Finding(s)

The rate of obesity in Berkeley is high and hence a major concern to the citizens. This requires an immediate action plan and strategies to aid in managing the health condition. The condition affects many of the citizens in many parts of the US. Energy balancing can be a great model and action plan for improving the overall outcomes of the people. It involves the maintenance of an energy balance at a healthy weight while protecting nutritional, growth, and overall health statuses. This plan can leverage the issue of physical inactivity as obese people are prompted to be involved in weight loss activities as well as the change of dietary models.

  1. Action Plan(s)

Implementing the action plan will involve a team of professionals who will help in listing the action plan components. Strategic timelines will be set and sources will e designated to ensure a smooth process. Measurement and evaluation processes will also be established to ascertain the effectiveness of the proposed strategies. The plan will then be communicated to the team as well as to the citizens for better awareness to help obese citizens manage the condition while they get involved in better health diets and physical activities.

Services or Programs

Several programs can be presented to help manage the health trends in Berkeley. The deaths caused by drunk driving can be managed by revocation laws and suspension of licenses of drivers failing to take alcohol tests. Another strategy is to restrict alcohol use in public areas such as in sporting events and concerns as well as in beaches and parks to curb its use. On the other hand, sexually transmitted infections can be managed by ensuring that there are behavioral interventions to prevent STIs. This may involve providing training, support, and education that may affect the social norms of STIs. Physical inactivity may be addressed by establishing supervised activities and games in schools for students to involve in them and better their health. Furthermore, activity programs such as social activities can be crucial for adults as they involve community involvement. The increased cases of obesity in Berkeley can be managed by ensuring that physical activities are established in school and older adults can get involved in community-based activities. Furthermore, dietary programs can also help address the issue by guiding the foods to consume. Adult smoking, premature deaths, and teen births can be managed at the county level by putting in place policies that positively impact how people smoke, delivery of care, and the need to save lives among teens.

Raise Public Awareness and Promote Public Engagement

Several ICT strategies can be used to help raise public awareness and engage the public in the listed programs. A nurse can initiate a referral program to help in generating leads. For example, the strategies recommended above can be spread among people as they feel obligated to check them out and try to utilize them. The nurse can also utilize technology and create infographics to ensure that the citizens can consume the information as soon as it is published. This technology-based model creates visual content that can help create awareness of the need to utilize the presented programs. Lastly, nurses can utilize ICT by running contests on social media. This helps to generate leads on the various strategies presented to curb and manage the health behaviors facing the county. When people compete on who adheres to the guidelines, they end up having the awareness.

Monitoring and Evaluating Action Plan

Evaluation and monitoring of the proposed strategies and programs will involve various aspects of data gathering, representation, and analysis. to gather data on the effectiveness of the campaigns, nurses will rely on mentions and engagements as well as online surveys on whether the information has reached people. This will also involve online questionnaires on how people are utilizing the strategies presented as well as the services and programs aimed at minimizing the seven health trends in the county. Monitoring will involve the use of sentiment, mentions, and engagement metrics. Sentiments will inform on the positive and negative aspects of utilizing the strategies listed. Engagement will also involve how people see public awareness of utilizing the strategies to manage the health situation. Scatter diagrams on excel will be used to evaluate the data based on the location of the respondents and information reach. The data will then be presented graphically to aid in analysis and reporting.

  1. Data Sources & Methods

Data was collected using the random digital dial phone survey known as the behavioral risk factor surveillance system and was conducted in all states in the USA. The data acquired from the surveillance system represented each state’s population health targeting over 400,000 respondents. The data was also weighted using the ranking method hence reflecting the distribution of the population. Information acquired using the survey system was then used to measure health-related quality of life indicators.




County Health Rankings & Roadmaps | County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (n.d.). Retrieved from

U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Berkeley County, South Carolina; United States. (n.d.). Retrieved from,US/PST045219?

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