20 Secrets to Becoming a Successful entrepreneur

20 Secrets to Becoming a Successful entrepreneur Focus keyword: Successful entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial magazines, entrepreneurial ideas, entrepreneurial characteristics, entrepreneurial spirit, entrepreneur mindset, entrepreneurial skill, and entrepreneurial cycle. Meta description: The only way you can be a successful entrepreneur is when you develop that entrepreneurial mindset and learn from your mistakes by taking the right actions. What It Takes to Be a Successful Entrepreneur That You Ought to Know. Enjoying the ambience of persistence growth is what every successful entrepreneur wishes for. But that success I bet every prosperous entrepreneur will tell you that, it takes time and lots of sacrifices. Of course, every success story varies from each entrepreneur, but the journey is more or less similar. It all comes to that bold decision you make, or the vision running through your brainwaves or even taking advantage of that window of opportunities that presents to you. Now, most of the entrepreneurial ideas emanate from a problem that the people face and looking for ways of solving them. Indeed, you're bound to experience setbacks along the way, and from these setbacks, you get some life teaching lessons. You may lose your entire savings, or get turned down by financiers, duped by the so-called friends, as part of business learning curve. Here are some known tips on how you can become a successful entrepreneur.
  1. Be Passionate
Do you know what your passion is? If you do, well and good, but if you don’t, you better find out quickly before venturing in the world of business. A smart entrepreneur will put all the time and energy on their business, especially if that's their passion. In actual sense, you draw your motivation from what you love doing, and you'd burn the midnight oil to make it happen your way.  Now, if you don't like what you're doing, what's the point to pursuing it in the first place? The glaring truth is that you never get tired doing what you're passionate about, and you always want the whole world to know about it. Don't get absorbed in the euphoria of “this business is lucrative” if that’s not your passion.
  1. Have Faith
If you aim to join the class of successful entrepreneur, you have to believe in yourself. Having faith means that you trust your intuition and decision-making process. And by listening to your inner-self implies that you'll start gathering confidence in whatever you do. If you don’t have faith in yourself, who do you expect to trust in you? Entrepreneurship comes with a lot of responsibilities, and from such obligations, you gain entrepreneurial skills. As a result, your experience takes away the uncertainty that comes along with running a successful business. Remember that along the way you'll mistake, and from your mistakes, you'll learn. Some entrepreneurs start their business after decades of experience working for someone else. Therefore, if you feel like swaying out of your path, feel free to ask or seek help from veterans who have seen it and done it. Having trust in yourself is something that will never be taught in school; it has to come from within you.
  1. Consider Taking Risks
You may have heard that the most exceptional entrepreneurs took profound risks to succeed. Elon Musk is one such example who took a massive gamble on SpaceX and pundit saw that he made a wrong move. He had a vision and never looked back; that's why it is one of the most successful technology entrepreneur. Just like Elon, learn what kind of risk you can take, learn to identify the risks that will benefit your business and embrace them. You may as well note that taking risks has its own twist-and-turns, but the opportunities they present are enormous than the potential danger.
  1. Be Gritty
Before you decide to plunge in business, ask yourself whether you have what it takes to persevere any form of turmoil that comes with entrepreneurship. Now, grit is the ability to endure something that you're passionate about and continue when you experience difficulties. I bet you have no choice but to have endurance if you want to be a successful entrepreneur. The world of entrepreneurship is full of obstacles that can demoralize your ambition. Without commitment and hard work, you're fighting a losing battle. It is one of the entrepreneurial characteristics that should stand out among the rest.
  1. Appoint Talented Partners
A successful entrepreneur knows the importance of having the right team under their sleeves, no doubt about that. Now, the challenge would be getting the right team/partner that supports your vision and mission. When it comes to hiring the right partner, it shouldn’t be about getting someone who can do the job but preferably someone who has the integrity and to deliver beyond expectations. But hiring a talented team is not an easy process, and it time-consuming and, therefore, you should take your time and never compromise on the right people.
  1. Take Action
Planning, jotting down ideas and getting your finances ready may be futile if you don’t take action.  What I mean by this is that you have to throw yourself out there and practice what you preach. Get everything rolling by testing your products/services in the market. Don’t be a hostage of your ideas, planning, what you haven’t done and make something happen. After all, how will people know what’s you have to offer without taking action.
  1. Map Out Your Finances
For you to operate your business, you need finances. More often, you hear entrepreneurs saying that getting funds is an uphill task. They would spend a lot of time, especially startups searching for investments and less time acting. Mapping out your finances should start right from the beginning through your business plan. A business plan articulates your financial plan, how you’re going to move from point A to point B, therefore, make sure you formulate a business plan that would convince financiers. Learn to stick to your financial plan right from the start and minimize your risk. Using your savings to start your business might not be the best form of financing as it's much risky.
  1. Get Acquainted With Your Customers
Entrepreneurs introduce a product/service in the market with expectations that people will come to buy. I bet you cannot get your product/service out there if you've no ideas who you're going to sell to. Now, before you hit the road with your business, make sure that their existing customer who can buy or use your service. Your customers are the heart of your business, and a smart entrepreneur should know that firsthand. By getting acquainted with your customers’ means, you're learning what they need and want regarding products or services.
  1. Pay Attention Criticisms
More often than not, we tend to pay attention to the more significant issues and forget about the nitty-gritty details we get. Now, I should say that this tip is essential that every entrepreneur should learn. One thing you should know is that your customer is your third eye and the moment you get complaints, learn to pay attention to them. Without the customers, your business is as good as dead. Learn to take your customers seriously, look into their complaints critically and find ways to solve them. Inasmuch as you want to deliver the best, think in their thoughts because your customers know what they want. If you're going to see your business tumbling on the floor, ignore customer complaints.
  1. Go Beyond Expectations
Now, if you offer quality goods and better services, your customer’s stream will continue to soar high. But the moment to deliver beyond expectations, you’re likely to get more loyal customers much less more investors and business partners. Human beings tend to cling on things that give them that extra satisfaction and contentment. Therefore, you should hit the road, get the heads rolling and deliver the best you can, because if you break the promise, you might quickly lose your business.
  1. Build Your Network Channels
As an entrepreneur, you cannot operate in a vacuum; you have to build your network channels far and wide. The thing is you never know where your next opportunity may come from and, therefore, networking should be a continuous process. Get yourself out there and interact with people in events, book clubs, seminars and workshop, you might bump into another entrepreneur who’s interested in your business idea.          
  1. Challenge Yourself
From your days in school, you've always pushed yourself to get the right grades. Having a successful business is no exception as you need to challenge yourself every single day. You need to find your innermost self that pushes you to go that extra mile even when you don’t feel like. Get into a position that you're continually looking for the next new challenge within your business frontier. A sort of that you're ready to tackle anything that comes your way. However, as you do so, remember not to get on a challenge that's beyond your limits.
  1. Control Risks
Every entrepreneur that has seen substantial growth over time would tell you that they're risk-takers. Yes, that's true. But does it mean that they lurch into any risk that presents itself? No, instead they manage their risks. And so, you must begin to learn how to identify which risks are worth taking and which you should take your back from. For instance, if you know technology is not your fit, find something that makes your eyes glow and lurch on it. At the same time, learn to understand when to take that risk. Remember, as you move up your entrepreneurial ladder, the risk tends to grow exponentially, and that's when you have to calculate your moves. If you win that battle of managing your chances, your odds of being a successful entrepreneur goes high.
  1. Study Success Stories/Case Studies
In most cases, as an entrepreneur, you're inclined in solving a problem, and you'll do whatever it takes to achieve that. However, your accomplishment will only depend on what you do during your leisure time. If you love reading, what kind of books do you read? Are they inspirational, entertainment or fictional books? Well…get used to reading case studies of successful entrepreneurs accomplishments. Learn from their mistakes and apply what you've learnt into your business. Read their biographies from any source you can get your hands to whether its entrepreneurial magazines or documentaries. Equip your mind with a lot of information from a prosperous individual within your industry.
  1. Innovate and Learn
In our every day’s lives, we learn new things from different information flowing around us. And as an entrepreneur, having that entrepreneurial mindset of innovation and learning is the key of being successful. But developing that type of mindset may be gruelling and exhausting, especially during the initial beginning. The reality is that without it, you’re odds of embracing tangible achievements are slimmer. Here's the thing. For you to attain such a mindset, you must stay away from ideas or activities that doesn't benefit your thinking, whether it's TV programs or movies and instead reading case studies relating to your business. It's fundamentally important to take care of your mind and body to set it around being constructive and creative. Learn to know what's new in your niche and peruse more information about it. It follows that for you to be a successful entrepreneur; you must discover activities that relax your mind and stick to them to help your recondition your innovation and learner mindset.
  1.  Inquire
A smart entrepreneur learns from others because you can’t know everything by yourself. Therefore, always ask; seek advice from mentors, business gurus as long as you're alive. Don't feel that you're asking too many questions, because from those questions you gain from the information given. The more informed you are, the more you'll be able to run your business successfully. Like we mentioned earlier about entrepreneurial mindset, it’s only through the advice and information is where you develop that mindset. Get that affirmation from those who know better than you even if you feel you know much.
  1. Focus
If you want to succeed in life, you must have a vision and focus on that vision. It's evident that in the entrepreneurial cycle, you're bound to get entangled with lots of multitasking during the running of the business. But this shouldn’t distract you from focusing on your primary goal whatsoever. You must shade off anything that keeps you from concentrating whether it’s your friends, emails, or unnecessary calls entirely. Learn to schedule your to-do-list and put your full attention on one task at a time. For example, you can set two or three tasks that you're able to complete in a week or so. Then at the end of each month, you account for what you've accomplished and what's pending.
  1. Define Your Goals
The essence of venturing into business is to solve a problem, and if you want to achieve that, you must have set goals. When arranging your goals, ask yourself whether those goals are realistic, sustainable or tangible. Don't be too ambitious that you eventually find yourself in a roller-coaster of ideas that are mind-bubbling. Now, there are several ways of defining your goals where you can jot them down on a piece of paper or discuss with your partner or colleague to get a glimpse of where you want to go. Focus on your strength first following through to your weaknesses. Remember, your business is a work in progress, and some of the goals might change along the way.
  1. Consider Time Off
More often, people feel fulfilled in their own careers or businesses and find it hard to draw a line between work and life. But do you know that your mind needs some time off away from the regular routines? Yes, and that where you need to find hobbies that can make you relax to sharpen your mind. Getting your time off has some personal growth and enriches your emotional health. Again, if you're an introvert, you get a chance to dust off some of the traits by socializing and making friends. It's worthless to make money and spend a majority chunk of it in hospitals bills just because you're a workaholic.
  1. Establish Company Culture
What identifies a company's belief and moral set up is enshrined in the company culture. In today's age and time, the social media has created the world to look small. People can access and know about a company through continuous scrutiny by a click of a button. And, therefore, setting a positive company culture right from the start is the beginning of attracting positive vibes from customers, to suppliers and other potential investors. Companies like McDonald has set precedence across the world of what their company culture is all about, and to be a successful entrepreneurs, you have to establish one of your own. Conclusion Most of the success stories have some rough patches along the way. The process may be unforgiving at times and, therefore, you must take the baby steps to be successful. Success does come overnight! It's a journey that only the strong-willed make it. Whatever that worked for someone else may not work for you, but you can learn from others mistakes and successes. Entrepreneurship isn't for the lone-rangers. It takes a lot of consultation and brainstorming from far and wide to reach your destination. Check out what tip is more challenging to you as an entrepreneur and work on it to become the next successful entrepreneur.  
Date 28 May, 2020