Coca-Cola product

Political factors The introduction of the Soda tax major IS cities has dramatically affected the Coca-Cola consumption Coca-Cola product is at, the mercy of FDA. Changes in established laws may work to prevent from distributing drinks. Fundamental accounting, taxes internals marketing and changes in labour can work to affect Coca-cola in various ways. Economics Hundreds of countries sell Coca-Cola products. These activities have different customs, culture and desires. Coca-Cola has significant changes and updates how it hands its product in creating various flavours in taking consideration of all these customers More people are not able to afford the products sold by Coca-Cola and do want alternative drinks. However, the company is making the minimal effort in this direction Social factors The company distributes most of its products in various cultures. Most of the religions are tied to foods and drinks. As such, the company is massively trying to cope with the different needs of the social groups globally in terms of the drinks they serve. Technology factors The use of technology has assisted Coca-Cola in effectively manufacturing its products and in higher qualities. For example, the company in Britain has the greatest and the most effective use of technology, increasing its production capacity and efficiency. Legal factors Coca-Cola has managed to retain all the rights related to their business operation in the various countries where it operates Environmental factors. Any company operating must pay closer attention to the element of environmental conservation.  The company has dramatically achieved this element of environmental protection.  
Date 13 Aug, 2020