
Libertarianism Political Philosophies primarily explore a wide array of subjects relating to human rights, politics, justice systems, market systems, freedom, equality, and how systemized laws and regulations apply within states. Also, many political philosophies exist in the United States: Conservatism, Liberalism, Populism, and Libertarianism, among others. Yet, irrespective of whatever philosophy one chooses, it is often a personal ideology that one holds within the realness of their lives that matter. During national polls such as the ongoing preparation for the forthcoming presidential elections, political parties use their doctrines to demonstrate to electorates what they envision for the country once voted in. In this study, I will explore my political ideology, elaborate on the reasons for my choice of Libertarianism and how it suits the world. Brief History on Libertarianism Libertarianism is a political ideology that seeks "a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives, and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her value” (Libertarian Party). It is one of the oldest philosophies tracing its roots from Lao Tzu - the Chinese Philosopher around the sixteenth century, American History, and Western Civilization. The ideology which emphasizes respect for individual rights and economic freedom continues to grow in the United States. Some of the factors leading to the fast rise of the ideology include events such as financial crises, significant wars, costly drug wars, chronic deficits, and the growth of executive powers” (Boaz). Further, around the seventeenth century, American Statesman Thomas Jefferson captured the spirit of Libertarianism through the annotation" We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that their creator endows them with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit for happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.'' (Boaz). Question 2 a): Explain How Your Philosophy Fits the World Many of the topics mentioned earlier relating to liberty, human rights, market systems, and property ownership determine and shape the way of life of a people. Governments are further made valid through analysis of the fundamentals of politics, taxes, economics, education, foreign policies, healthcare, and the overall social wellbeing of its citizens. Reflecting upon specific questions provides a basis for a robust philosophical argument regardless of one's standpoint. For instance, Is the government legitimate, What duties and responsibilities should it perform for its citizens, and What rights and obligations do its citizens have, among many others. According to Libertarian thinker Leonard E. Reads., the libertarian idea holds the belief that everybody has the freedom to do 'anything peaceful' (Jacob, 4). Liberty, peace, and freedom, therefore, form a fundamental base for the libertarian ideology. Simply, as proponents of the libertarian ideology, we believe in individual liberty as an essential element in realizing one's fullness in life. This freedom encompasses the political, economic, moral, and social domains of one’s life. The libertarian view upholds that every person is free to live their own lives in whichever way that pleases them, without infringing on the rights of other people. Furthermore, laws exist with the fundamental mandate that seeks not to restrain nor abolish freedom. Instead, the law should enlarge and preserve the freedom to be enjoyed by everybody. Also, the libertarian perspective does not profess that people can do anything that pleases them and that no one can say anything. Instead, in pursuit of individual happiness in everyone's uniqueness, they respect other people's rights while the law protects them. While appreciating the rule of law, libertarians enquire on several aspects that inform the understanding of their ideology. For instance, they seek to know the meaning of government. Also, what legitimizes it, its responsibilities, as well as the rights and responsibilities of its citizens. Accordingly, libertarians agree that in any state or government that exists, the fundamental value in politics is liberty. The liberty allows its citizens the freedom of choice which has several other aspects; First, freedom allows for government institutions that safeguard the fundamental rights of people. As such, the government agencies have some minimal power. The simple institutions thus serve to enhance and promote the use of natural abilities and gifts to create goods and services, thus expanding commerce and ultimately benefits all people in society. The institutions also provide conducive platforms through which people can invent and innovate products that entirely revolutionize the standards and way of life of a people. Second, freedom, according to libertarianism, allows people to define life in their terms. It eliminates the forces of coercion, which implore people to act in specific "unnatural" ways and achieve particular outcomes. Instead, it provides a chance for people to live dignified lives where they make their own choices and take their responsibilities. This liberty eventually translates to people living meaningful and satisfying lives. Third, economic freedom allows for a liberal interaction of the forces of demand and supply within the markets. This libertarian view recognizes the negative impact brought about by government interference in market systems. Still, it advocates for a freer interaction that provides room for negotiation and determines the prices for which goods are bought and sold (“The Economy”). Also, as people exercise the right to property ownership, they can exchange their merchandise at will in mutual agreements. Therefore, as people become more unconfined, they tend to prosper due to reduced government interference in economic activities. Fourth, Libertarians believe that freedom promotes the peaceful coexistence of people in society. As people live free from commands and expectations, they become more inclined towards one another regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, or social status. This peaceful coexistence creates social harmony, which eliminates war and conflict. Thus, people can discover their true selves while appreciating others in society. Fifth, is the belief in a free healthcare system. Here, the libertarian view holds that government interference compromises the quality of healthcare (“The Economy”). With the government providing only a regulatory role, the cost of healthcare would decrease while its quality rises for all citizens irrespective of race or economic status. Question 2b): Things in Other Ideologies that are Appealing Whereas conservatism aims at preserving the traditional social institutions in the United States, its standpoint on individualism is laudable. Libertarians, too, uphold that every person has the right to liberty, life, and personal happiness. Hence, this forms a common ground for both conservatives and libertarians. Also, the liberals' support for limited government intervention in economic activities, free trade, free markets systems, equality, and respect for individual rights concurs with the libertarian ideology on the same principles. Furthermore, anarchism, which is a political ideology opposed to authority (whether political, social, or economic), supports individualism, which is one of the principles practiced by Libertarians. The Anarchist ideology supports the scrapping off of authorities and governments for society to operate independently. Anarchism thus believes in individualism, where people have the right to choose and order their lives. (Amato).   Question 3: Research Three Current Issues
  1. The Corona Virus Pandemic
Health is a critical component of any country worldwide. It forms the center of human joy and happiness, contributing to economic progress and overall wellbeing and fulfillment of citizens. The current global coronavirus pandemic has affected all economies of the world. The number of casualties continues to rise each day. This pandemic calls for fast measures to contain the situation in the United States. The Libertarian view cites one of the roles the government as existing to protect the rights of its citizens, including the right to life. According to Andy (Graig), government policy strategies should be specific to respond to the health emergency as it is a threat to national health for the American people. He also lauds the government moves to decongest cells for minor crime convicts, saying, "It has been one of the primary targets of the Libertarian Party to protest against unnecessary legislation, which infringes on the rights of people, denying them total freedom. He, however, critics the government's coercive and forceful approach in implementing some of its strategies such as social distancing and the lockdown. The Libertarian ideology does not support the use of too much power by governments and interference in people’s personal spaces.
  1. Abortion in Texas
The medical termination of pregnancies is a controversial yet legal practice in the US. However, the recent suspension on all medical abortion procedures has sparked rows between parenthood and abortion centers and the states’ legal system (“Abortion”). The judges in Ohio State and Texas ruled in favor of suspending all abortion procedures with those jurisdictions. The move, according to sources, supported the state in its fights against the coronavirus pandemic by reserving valuable resources. The service providers, however, termed those claims as unconstitutional and outright denial of rights to those seeking abortion services. The libertarian view upholds that individuals have the freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of their decisions. Also, if people's actions do not infringe on the rights of other people, they are at liberty to choose so. However, considering Rand Paul's perspective, there is no single position on abortion as, like him, other libertarians also strongly disagree with abortion rights. (Molly)
  1. Gun Control
Gun-control remains a subject of concern among citizens, especially in first-world countries. The United States recorded the highest number of homicide-related firearm incidents among developed countries (Duignan). This rise is despite the existing laws and regulations on the use of firearms. The proponents of gun-control argue that it is an essential self-protection measure while the opponents consider it a national safety threat. Also, the proponents say that implementing gun-control measures could help curb crimes and increase public safety, whereas those objecting it ascribe it to increased vulnerability. Libertarians, however, hold a contrary opinion on ownership of guns. According to this view, people have a right to self-defense, and it is immoral for the government to deny them such rights (“Gun Ownership”). They further argue that denial of access to and ownership of guns makes people vulnerable and fearful to conduct their daily business
  1. Same-Sex Marriage
Same-sex relationships have been a subject of contention for a long time in the history of the American people. The issue gained popularity in the nineteen seventies when same-sex couples filed for constitutional recognition. Though most of the attempts did not yield much, then, there has been significant progress that led to the legalization of same-sex marriage. The libertarian view supports gay rights and same-sex marriage. According to libertarians, the state has no power to deny people making voluntary choices on their sexual orientation. The libertarian principle of individualism and the freedom of choice allows for the free expression of sexuality rather than forms of standards that are set by modern society. (Raico).     Question 4: Conclusion The libertarian philosophy's fundamental principle is freedom and liberty for all citizens. It envisions a world where the citizens make most decisions, and governments do not have concentrated power to coerce and force people into acting in a certain way to get the desired outcome. Instead, a free world where everybody can pursue their fulfillment without violating the rights and freedom of other people. The political compass test accurately describes my value as a libertarian. It provides an analysis that draws from both the social as well as the political dimensions. The political dimension focuses on a liberal political structure in which people have the right to ownership of property, and there is freedom of commerce where people can freely exchange goods and services on an agreement. The free environment creates incentives that promote product invention and innovation. The new products, in turn, enhance the standards of life of people.     Works Cited "Abortion." Guttmacher Institute, 2020, Amato, David "Anarchism And Libertarianism: Two Sides Of The Same Coin." Libertarianism.Org, 2020, Ball, Molly. "America's Libertarian Moment." The Atlantic, 2020, Boaz, David" Introduction To Libertarianism." Libertarianism.Org, 2020, Duignan, Brian "Gun Control In The U.S.." Encyclopedia Britannica, 2020, Graig, Andy "Libertarianism And The Coronavirus Pandemic". Libertarianism.Org, 2020, Huebert, Jacob H. Libertarianism today. ABC-CLIO, 2010, pp 4-6 Libertarian Party. 2020. Gun Ownership, Raico, Ralph "Gay Rights: A Libertarian Approach." Libertarianism.Org, 2020,  "The Economy." Libertarian Party, 2020,
Date 13 Aug, 2020