Political science

Political science The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed in the year 1949 to provide collective security against the threat posed by the Soviet Union. NATO uses two official languages that are English and French, to communicate efficiently to many countries in the world. During the cold world war, NATO, the primary purpose was to defend the western interest and values. Their mission has advanced not only in creating interest and in values but is also making sure that security is stable in the world. The political guideline behind the NATO agenda is that when there is instability outside the Euro Atlantic space, it poses a threat to the Alliance members; that is why they always make sure that the world security is stable. NATO no longer perceives one threat to its collective security, but they are looking at many risks in the world. For example, the threat of terrorism in the world NATO has decided to break the chain by carrying out the entire military task to deal with the disease of terrorism. They have promoted peacemaking in a full-scale war and preparing themselves to respond to threats against the west wherever they face any kind of threat. Considering the path that NATO has taken since the end of the cold war, they are taking anti-terrorism patrol in the Mediterranean, train the Iraqi army, and gives logistical support to African peacekeeping. They have played a role in ensuring that the security stability is experienced in each corner of the world. The gulf countries are led by the Gulf Cooperation Council, which aimed at achieving unity among its members. The gulf countries are mostly the countries of the Middle East that is Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, among others. The states need to achieve unity based on their shared goals and objectives, their similar political and cultural identities that originate from the Arab and Islamic cultures. The alliance was formed to strengthen relations among its member countries and promote corporate among citizens. The Gulf Cooperation Council mainly focus on security coordination and economic improvements of its members. Shanghai Cooperation Organization is an intergovernmental organization that was formed in Shanghai. Their focus is mainly on regional security issues, its fight against regional terrorism, ethnic separation, and religious extremism. They prioritized on regional development and security stability of its members. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is being observed in the United Nation Assembly since the year 2005. The department of political peacebuilding affairs in Asia maintain regular contacts with the Shanghai Cooperation to achieve the set goal value of preserving peace in the alliance countries. The gulf countries should become members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization because they are aiming at promoting peace the same thing that Shanghai Cooperation provides. When they become members of the Cooperation, they will build strong regional security, economic, and political coordination. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization will serve stepping-stones in developing closer relations with the states of the gulf region. Because the organization covers a wide range of issues that affect the gulf countries such as security and stability, conflict resolution, disaster management, and religious dialogue, they will be able to provide them with the solution to gap the problem. Pre-emptive self-defense is a unilateral action by a state or states to remove and eradicate non-imminent security threats. It relies on the mere possibilities of an attack at an unspecified future period. Preemptive self-defense involves proactive rather than reactive forces. It approaches the issue of international peace and security in a unilateral way rather than multilateral approaches. The claim to the right to pre-emptive self-defense is the latest and radical step taken in the United States of America to loosen international laws constrain on the use of force. The United States of America have expanded the scope for unilateral military action by increasing the rights of self-defense.  They rely on customary international laws rather than charter provisions. Many countries in the world are starting to adopt pre-emptive self-defense to ensure peace is experienced among its citizen. They deal with the threat of a unilateral military defense action. Many nations are no longer relying on the solely reactive posture of the past or prevent hostile acts by adversaries; they instead depend on pre-emptive self-defense way. The idea of pre-emptive self-defense is a need in the current challenge of insecurity that most countries faced. The states deal with the threat in a unilateral military way rather than depending on multilateral military action. This action will enable the military operation to attack the terrorist only in the place they will investigate and kill them rather than attacking the whole country and causing enmity. The primary purpose is to attack those people who bring threats and insecurity alarms to the country. When action is done in this way, many terrorists will be attacked and be eradicated rather than attacking the whole country, when the primary terrorist attacks in the unilateral military means, the rest of the terrorists will fear because their leaders have been attacked. The idea of adapting the pre-emptive self-defense is the best in the current terrorist challenge around the globe.   The Russia National Security Strategy is to overcome the systemic political and socio-economic crisis in the country by the end of the 20th century. They are pursuing a state policy of national defense state and social security and development, which respond to the internal and external conditions. It is implemented by the creation of social harmony based on shares values and the freedom of independence of the Russian state. In the context of the globalization process of development as well as the political and economic relations, it creates new threats and the risk of development of states. Russia is transitioning to a new state national security policy as a guarantee of successful national development. The other strategy is the threats to the Russian federation's national security. Russian society and criminalization of social relations and the growth of crime has increased the scale of terrorism and has created the internal and external threats to the country. These threats have caused the economy of the country to reduce. The implementation to mitigate these threats is military law enforcement, the providence of firm state social policy, and eradication of the corruption rates in the country—the application of operational and long term measures for preventing and neutralizing the internal and domestic threats. The given strategy forms the basis of the development of a system in ensuring the national security of Russian federation and present plan action and measures intended to provide national security in the country. Russian national security laid a foundation for constructive interaction among state bodies’ organizations and the social groups to defend the Russian national interest. They also intend to safeguard the security of individual society and the state. They follow a system of national security to ensure significant national security.  
Date 13 Aug, 2020