POLLUTION                             Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances that pollute the environment. Pollution across the globe has been a problem, but China is one of the most affected. We get to see that the sources of china's pollution are; biomass burning, fossil fuels, factories heating chemicals, wastes from farms. For example, the substances from factories have various causes that affect the people living in the environment, for instance, respiratory problems, I the o-zone layer, which helps with the sunrise not to be harmful to the skin. This source leads to pollution, which has too many effects such as; premature deaths around the country, pollution of the air, pollution of water that may be harmful to plants, animals, and people. Contamination of water has a lot of effects on people, for example, drinking or cooking water when it's contaminated it may bring health problems. In animals, the water may make the animals die due to chemicals in the water, and in plants, they may dry up or have stunted growth. We may get problems but have solutions like in china they decided, to treat water places to make the water-efficient for use, they also starter planting trees to help when chemicals released from the compounds not to affect the O-zone layer, they also were given instructions to avoid littering in the environment to prevent polluting of the environment. In conclusion, pollution is a problem in growing countries and countries that have already developed. I believe that if the government of each of these countries, if they come up with solutions and strategies to beat this problem, pollution will not be a problem at all in the years to come.                         References Clark, R. B., Frid, C., & Attrill, M. (1989). Marine pollution (No. 363.739 4 C171m 2001.). Oxford: Clarendon Press. Brunekreef, B., & Holgate, S. T. (2002). Air pollution and health. The lancet360(9341), 1233-1242. Arya, S. P. (1999). Air pollution meteorology and dispersion (Vol. 6). New York: Oxford University Press.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Date 13 Aug, 2020