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Post on Plagiarism

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Post on Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a process which involves the following activities; First, stealing one’s ideas or words and passing them as one’s own. Secondly, using someone’s production without acknowledging the source. Thirdly, engaging in literary theft and finally presenting an already existing idea or a product as new and original. Generally, plagiarism is an act of fraud since it entails stealing someone’s work without crediting the source and after that, lying that it is your original work. Some of the causes of plagiarism include lust for a good grade, for instance, in an examination. Secondly, plagiarism can occur when a student fears to fail in exams. Other causes include lack of proper time management strategy to ensure that adequate time is available to synthesize ideas in own words, lack of interest in the assignment, assumption that no will notice the plagiarism and lack of clear understanding of what constitutes plagiarism. The consequences of plagiarism are; destruction of student’s reputation through expelling or suspension, destruction of professional reputation since it may lead to demotion of a professional from a respectable job, Ruining of academic career through either denial of publication rights and authority.

Moreover, plagiarism can lead to the jailing of the plagiarist when the owner of the work seeks court justice. This option can cost the plagiarist a lot of money according to the decision of the court. Finally, plagiarism in research can have devastative impacts. For instance, loss of lives since the findings may differ and fail to apply in the current situation. Some of the types of plagiarism include; Direct plagiarism which involves the use of the word after word of someone’s work without crediting or quotation. Self-plagiarism occurs when someone submits his/her previous work without seeking permission from all supervisors involved. Mosaic plagiarism entails use of one’s phrases in your work without quotation marks or use of synonyms for someone’s works while maintaining the original meaning and structure. Plagiarism is unethical since it involves stealing. Therefore, plagiarism is illegal. Ways of avoiding plagiarism include; use of plagiarism detectors, paraphrasing while adding ideas on someone’s, and use of in-text citations and references.


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