Practice simplifying complex problems by separating a problem into smaller
| The answer |
Identify major symptoms (Explain what is the problem)
| i. Stagnated sales, the failure to increase in sales was facilitated by the decrease in the visitors ii. A decrease in tours, declined rate of the tours can be attributed to the high charges that the destinations charges as well as the tour companies iii. Competition, nevertheless 5% sold more tours meaning their marketing strategy was good or they have better packages that attracted the guest to use their facilities and services. |
Subproblems (Ranked from most important problems to least important)
| i. Security, security issues can be a threat to the guest who is traveling to the new destination. For the countries hosting the tourist, they are opting to cancel the travel for the safety of the visitors as well as the maintaining of the reputation and destination image. ii. Economic decline, an unstable economy can be a problem as to why the stakeholders are recording the slow tours and diminished sales since then, travelers especially the middle earning population may not have the disposable income to spend for holidays. iii. Poor airline services, service being an intangible element can be a vital factor and if there is a disconnection between the service provider and the recipient it can be disastrous to the service provider. It will take a button click to rate an airline company or service provider zero. To avoid such an awful experience the stakeholders can hold on some activities to fix the sensitive part which is service delivery.
Interdependencies (The definition of interdependence is people, animals, organizations or things depending on each other. The relationship between a manager and his employees is an example of interdependence.)
| i. Human interdependency, humans depend on each other for the activities they cannot perform, for example, people in town depending on the farmers for the produce and crops, farmer depending on the scientist for the advice on soil PH. ii. Organization and staff interdependency, the organization is not just the building it takes staff to grow and develop to the desired objectives and goals iii. Busine and client’s interdependency, if the business is established however stocked it is, it would require a client to purchase. It is the customer who will bring in the revenue and the revenue go back for the development of the business.