Prevention of sexual abuse on campuses
Prevention of sexual abuse on campuses is a violent incidence for the last two decades. Sexual abuse has varied types ranging from rape and harassment, which may be attempted or complete. Learning institutions have joined forces with student services and agencies, including CDC, to fight sexual abuse. There is an absolute need to address this matter since school has many people of different types motivated by different things and have diversity in values. Existing researches are only abundant in the effects of sexual offenses, and therefore prevention aspect has been ignored. Hence, this aspect calls for intensive and extensive research on preventive measures and their effectiveness. Besides, the objectives of the research are to investigate the effects of social media in curbing sexual abuse and the worthiness of prevention measures on preventing sexual violence on campuses. The study’s significance is relevant to students and staff in understanding the preventive measures and how to apply them. Administrators should carry out a periodical assessment of the creditworthiness of preventive strategies.
Preventing Sexual Abuse on Campus
Background Information
Sexual abuse is a dire problem amongst the university students; the issue has raised concern in the United States of America and all agencies connecting in control and prevention of diseases. The most common sexual abuse indicators are either completed or attempted rape, forced sex, undesired contact, and non-contact undesired experiences like harassments. To combat or prevent sexual violence amongst higher learning institutions calls for a positive cage in cultural practices and learning environments. Primary prevention of sexual abuse seems like a hard task even though it is the best way to avoid accruing repercussions (Claeys-Kulik & Ekman 2018). Sexual assault and harassment are more often to females out of the large number affected.
Therefore, this calls for urgency to all campuses to strategize how to prevent sexual violence incidences within the schooling environments. Sexual violence is a criminal offense that calls for conviction and disciplinary actions within school contexts. Recently attention has been shifted from the sexual violence victim to the preparator (Franklin et al. 2020). Existing researches have concentrated on the effects of the outcomes of the violence on the victims rather than stabling core measures on how to prevent them. Understanding the causes and effects of creating a platform for formulating strong preventive measures. To mitigate the rate of violence, prevention is a core step. Most of the victims of the sexual violence of their offenders are people known to them. Also, males undergo such violence; however, they are ignored, and most human rights activists tend to focus on females more (Bonar et al. 2020).
Some task forces have been obligated to reinforce federal law implementation efforts to prevent sexual violence, especially among the young populace. Giving a backup for schools to respond quickly is crucial to prevent sexual violence occurrences. Most researches have shown that most females are raped, and 6% of males undergo either attempted or completed sexual assault. A viable framework for campus sexual assault prevention efforts must be based on comprehensive prevention measures; all the strategies should complement each other. Appropriate partnership and suitability among all stakeholders engineered towards preventing sexual violence. The basic principle which advocates for morals has to be stipulated to encourage safe dating. Safe dating is significant at an individual and societal level (Franklin et al., 2020). Campus infrastructure has to be qualified to address sexual prevention strategies like well experienced and specialized staff in human rights fields.
The proposed strategies have to be evaluated periodically since the world is dynamic, so is to cultural practices among higher learning institutions. The promotion of social morals that prevent sexual abuse is a significant strategy for young people to mobilize on the existence of sexual violence. Equipping learners to skills aimed at preventing sexual violence includes social, emotional learning, safe dating in young relationships like condemning cohabiting, and promoting good sexuality practices. Scheduling for opportunities to empower young people by reinforcing their economic status as well as enhancing their self-esteem. Creation of an environment that does not encourage sexual improper behaviors like enhanced safety in school contexts. Setting up centers that address sexual emotional among students as well as among the staff.
Statement of Problem
Ensuring pure diversity, inclusion, and equity has been the core objective of many learning institutions. This aspect has not been easy to implement since different people have different values and ambitions. Besides, a lot of research has been done only on the effects of sexual violence, forgetting its roots, and how to combat them. Despite the reasonable efforts put forth for societal welfare, young people tend to ignore walk in their paths to gain their satisfaction. Such rebellion moves have recently been associated with sexual violence among higher learning institutions. Therefore, there is a need to develop strategies that prevent sexual violence since most of the survivors take long to overcome, and they are also stigmatized in society. Sexual violence has been a norm recently that has degraded morals and self-esteem of many victims, and it is quite hard to restore an individual’s dignity (Edwards et al. 2019). Therefore, this forms a strong basis for coming up with strategies and approaches that can be implemented and evaluated periodically to curb sexual violence.
Study Objectives
- To determine the impact of social media on mitigating sexual violence among campuses
- To investigate the creditworthiness of prevention strategies on curbing sexual violence among campuses
Study Significance
More importantly, the study will benefit learners who are primary victims of sexual violence and especially ladies in learning institution context. The campus will also benefit from how to create a conducive environment for learning as well as mitigating sexual violence incidents at school and community level. Since sexual violence has been associated with disease infection, student service, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will be able to execute their roles effectively. Besides, human activists will have a basis for advocating sexual rights for everyone, including minorities and LGBTQ students (Garvis & Pendergast, 2020).
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
This a body that was found on July 1st, 1946, and has remained significant to date. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention is national public health in the United States of America. The main goal is to safeguard public wellbeing and security via the control and inhibition of ailment, injury, and disability in the US and across the globe. It focuses on infectious disease; this agency is crucial in this study to prevent sexual infectious diseases. This is especially, most cases of sexual violence victims suffer from such disease and other sexual pathologies. The agency also carries out research and gives information on non- infectious diseases, such as diabetes and obesity, and is the founder of the International Association of National Public Health Institute. CDC’s funding for the 2018 fiscal year was $ 11.9billion. It gives grants that aid many organizations every year to improve the States Countries’ health status, security, and alertness at the community level (“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Part 2,” 2016).
This aspect helps campus to execute their mitigating responsibility of sexual offenses within school setups. The body has also employed many people who are qualified and experienced. Hence, they can deliver the best services at a societal level by customizing their services. CDC has a lot of datasets available in their platforms that are helpful and significant to this study; for instance, how to prevent infectious diseases is having safe sex or abstaining. This calls for the readers to strategize ways to keep themselves safe to avoid any sexual violence incidents that can get one infected. It provides surveillance services, medical statics, and behavioral risk statics as well. The medical statistics portray the rate and categorization of ailments and how they can be prevented, causes, signs, and symptoms and effects (“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),” n.d.). The body also has popular cultures and incidences through its publications.
Scholarly Review
Meta-analyses have discovered little back up for the effectiveness of prevention strategies on sexual abuse in campus contexts. Therefore, the research also indicated prevalence knowledge concerning to impacts and repercussions of sexual abuse by presenting the majorly affected. Nonetheless, self-reported stigmatization and victimization were found to have fewer effects, especially to perpetrators, unlike to the victims. The review also concluded that lengthier, barely concentrated interpositions, delivered by experts, with sure well clear populace were more sufficient at delivering significant interventions. Existing studies have indicated that both the significance and shortage of information details about clinical interventions in preventing sexual abuse among the young people (“critical review of sexual violence prevention on college campuses,” n.d.).
A computerized scholarly review of the databases PsycINFO and scientific webs was carried out by utilizing many combinations of several search terms including “intervention’’, “prevention’’ and sexual “abuse’’ (Amateur, 2020). Besides, the source segment of compelling articles was investigated to highlight and find extra studies that might be suitable for inclusion. Only the reviews carried out in United States College populaces and which scrutinized original effect on sexual abuse rates met inclusion standards. One hundred and fifty studies of researches were highlighted; after intensive appraises, 130 pieces of research were excepted due to inadequate quantitative values (O’Donohue & Schewe, 2019). The study concluded that primary prevention is essential in preventing sexual. A study was carried out to examine the efficacy of the male’s project on reducing rates of sexual offenses. Male residents in ere aimlessly allocated to either therapy or preventive groups. Significant outcomes were discovered for mitigated sexual offenses in the therapy group compared to the preventive groups within the four-month follow-up scope, which were 1.5% and 6.85%, respectively.
Since the late 2000s, bystander programs have become one of the most familiar types of mitigating and prevention measures. The theoretical bases and the material fact that the tackle participants in a friendly manner and appealing. These programs consider the participant’s potential helpers rather than offenders or victims. They have grown out to be the most effective strategies that are accommodative to all. It triggers the underlying sense of preventing sexual harassment, especially rape, is more frequent among females. Outcomes showed discrepancies statistically in reports of undesired sex victimization for all students and undesired sexual experiences. The study was successful in examining original rates of victimizing and sexual offense. From the feminist view, these measures can be perceived as somehow disempower women (Ottens & Kathy Hotelling, 2000)
Original Argument
The article reviews evidence-based sexual violence prevention. This part focuses on sexual abuse prevention measures on campuses, and similar entities ought to integrate. The review focuses on issues related to effect sizes, prescription, the generality of effects over time, comprehension of mechanisms of change, strategy cost, and additional practical measures. Currently, significant heterogeneity avails across US colleges institutions about the prevention approach utilized. A modern review of campus provided sexual abuse services indicated that 85% of the colleges indicated holding some training on sexual harassment. These regular condensed pieces of training appeared at a new scholar’s orientation. Many researchers have argued that prevention is better than cure, therefore preventing sexual, violent actions are the idea of subjecting the victims to therapy programs to cope with the harm (O’Donohue & Schewe, 2019).
Real consent shows an inventive and possibly cost sufficient technique for sexual harassment prevention in an easily distributed package. The significant effects discovered by this review, particularly the reduction in definite perpetrators manners and provide progressive back up in evaluating the real consent in preventing sexual offenses. Inadequate information about the strategy’s social authenticity, collectively with the significant dropout rate and the evidence that research participants got financial compensation, may show that respondents viewed the therapy at least rather than undesired. Most finding show that most victims are harassed by persons known to them, and therefore keeping a healthy relationship is very important (Linder, 2018).
Sexual violence on campuses stands predominant despite the spread over the last three decades of deterrence and peril mitigation programs and research appraising them. Even though there exists a piece of conclusive evidence that stands inadequately about which therapy decreases rates of sexual abuse, many strategies are taken into account in implementing by campuses and other bodies in the United States of America. For prevention strategies to be effective, a conducive environment and relevant infrastructure have to be instituted to promote good a culture that prevents sexual abuse. The barriers should also be eradicated for the effective preventive measure to be effective. Campus administrators should carry out periodical evaluations on the prevention strategies to abolish some and modify others effectively. Students and other staff should enroll in programs that educated them on existences and forms of sexual abuse in school contexts.
Claeys-Kulik, A. L., & Ekman Jørgensen, T. (2018). Universities’ Strategies and Approaches towards Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Examples from across Europe. European University Association, Geneva.
Franklin, C. A., Garza, A. D., Goodson, A., & Bouffard, L. A. (2020). Police perceptions of crime victim behaviors: A trend analysis exploring mandatory training and knowledge of sexual and domestic violence survivors’ trauma responses. Crime & Delinquency, 66(8), 1055-1086.
Bonar, E. E., DeGue, S., Abbey, A., Coker, A. L., Lindquist, C. H., McCauley, H. L., … & Cunningham, R. M. (2020). Prevention of sexual violence among college students: Current challenges and future directions. Journal of American college health, 1-14.
Edwards, K. M., Banyard, V. L., Sessarego, S. N., Waterman, E. A., Mitchell, K. J., & Chang, H. (2019). Evaluation of a bystander-focused interpersonal violence prevention program with high school students. Prevention Science, 20(4), 488-498.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Part 2. (2016, January 10). Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.). Retrieved from
A critical review of sexual violence prevention on college campuses. (n.d.). Retrieved from
O’Donohue, W. T., & Schewe, P. A. (2019). Handbook of sexual assault and sexual assault prevention. In undefined.
Amateur. (2020, May/June 16). Significance of preventing sexual abuse on campuses.
Prevention of sexual abuse on campuses.
Garvis, S., & Pendergast, D. (2020). Health and wellbeing in childhood. Cambridge University Press.
Ottens, A. J., & Kathy Hotelling, A. (2000). Sexual violence on campus: Policies, programs, and perspectives. Springer Publishing Company.
Linder, C. (2018). Sexual violence on campus: Power-conscious approaches to awareness, prevention, and response. Emerald Group Publishing.