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The main problem in my breakfast preparation process is time management, where I consume a lot of time. Consumption of excess time is a significant problem because breakfast preparation is a small process and should not take more than 20 minutes, especially if I am preparing for one person. Time is lost, especially in the preparation of ingredients, and management of this area can have a positive impact on the entire process. In particular, my breakfast preparation process takes between 30 and 60 minutes, which is a huge problem. I take a lot of time to gather the ingredients, mostly in the kitchen, which recurs daily. The goal is to reduce this time to between 15 and 20 minutes without compromising the quality. I usually time my preparation process to see where most of the time it consumes, and hence it will be possible to measure the changes.


The site is useful since it employs the A3 strategy and lean transformation to focus on the facts of the problem and come up with solutions to the problem. In particular, A3 encourages deep understanding of the underlying problem since it is only through this that it is possible to come up with solutions. Lean transformation and the units’ helps in identifying areas of wastes leading to the problem and hence institute changes smoothly based on this data. Previous changes like eliminating wastes have impacted greatly on the current situation since it reduced the time from more than 60 minutes. Before I used about one and a half hours to prepare breakfast, but after looking and reducing the wastes, this was reduced to the current 60-30 minutes. The breakfast preparation process takes place at my home in the morning, and hence friends and family are the ones affected. It is crucial to address the problem nonetheless to reduce the waiting time since it is not pleasant for one to wait excessively for breakfast in the morning.

Current Condition

The current condition can be explained in terms of the spaghetti diagram below. Order placing desk refers to the genesis of the breakfast where all the ingredients are placed on the desk. The process is not usually uniform since I prepare different ingredients depending on the day. I usually chop onions and tomatoes to include either vegetable or meat which are cooked alternately. When this is happening, the tea is usually boiling on the stove and uses the oven to steam the vegetables. Time is, however, lost in chopping and cooking since I take more than enough time.mmm

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