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Program Outcomes Retrospective Paper

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Program Outcomes Retrospective Paper


Anyone who has gone through the same experience as mine understands that M.Ed. in Advanced Studies (Math & Adult Education) is not a joke. The course has continued to have different development areas that are instrumental in enabling anyone pursuing it to become more proficient and flexible in delivering the required tasks. The program is designed in a way that it assists anyone wanting to teach at any level of education (mostly secondary and college level) to meet educational requirements. My experience in the learning environment has been wonderful. My teachers have produced the right candidate to change the academic sector in my country. I believe that a teacher is an engine towards the development of any given society. The main reason for this is that a teacher comes into contact with any professional before being nurtured to become an asset to society. For me, this is my pride and joy-to see society nurturing the right skills and talent. For the M.Ed. in Advanced Studies (Math & Adult Education), my experience has been about acquiring an opportunity to expand my career options. The options are both inside and outside the classroom. Apart from the two subjects offered in the degree, I have also learned more about leadership and curriculum development.

Mastery of the Program Outcome

            The degree is more focused on the practical and field-based experience that helps anyone comprehend and critically evaluate different educational practices. Individuals pursuing M.Ed. in Advanced Studies (Math & Adult Education) can use the acquired knowledge to develop strategies applicable in the learning environment. The coursework is more defined and comprehensive and combines history, psychology, research, and theory to offer a more dynamic learning outcome. It also provides significant knowledge when it comes to the history of knowledge, but with a key focus on math and adult education. The curriculum and instruction are important in producing the best educators in mathematics and adult education. Any student who comes from the degree gains an understanding of the use of current research and theories in teaching and learning to understand the area of study and development.

As a graduate, I believe that I have gained the right nutrients in teaching mathematics and adult education at all levels. Concerning levels, they begin from college to leadership positions across the field. Apart from the above, I have become more refined in analyzing theories regarding curriculum development. I am well-versed with learning and assessment in the field. Through the various areas of studies, I hope to become more focused on introducing equity in mathematics education. I have already begun to practice how relevant I can become in the field by becoming an agent of change in mathematics education. The experience and outcome of my learning to achieve the M.Ed. in Advanced Studies (Math & Adult Education) is discussed through the following:

Assessment of Contributions to Solve Problems

Mathematics is an important component of our daily lives. Almost everything in our world runs through the application of mathematical concepts (DuBrin, 2015). This means that we may not survive without mathematics because of the need to know about the quantity of everything around us. The curriculum provided by the degree and its associated courses has provided me with the skills to ensure that I can pass them to those I would teach in my learning environment. I have been in a position whereby I can calculate any mathematical equation while quantifying a situation to a level that makes it understood to those around me. The M.Ed. The degree has influenced me to have an open mind in terms of interacting with those around me.

The aspect of having the skills to teach both adults and children is great for anyone in the field of education. I have gained more exposure to teaching adults through the course than any other experience. When it comes to my testimony about teaching children, I believe that my interactions with children in the past and throughout my education can make me fit in the primary education level. The degree that I have acquired in the last years has taught me behavioral analysis and individual thinking evaluation. This is important in the learning environment because it creates a comfortable learning environment (Volegzhanina, Chusovlyanova, Adolf, Bykadorova, & Belova, 2017). It enables me to understand if my students do not grasp concepts in mathematics and other important questions. Studying nonverbal and verbal cues in communicating with the students makes me know they are either satisfied. It serves as a foundation through which I can know if the class was either interesting or boring.

Evaluation and Conducting Research

The M.Ed. in Advanced Studies (Math & Adult Education) has helped understand the application of theories, principles, and standards, in the professional environment. Theories in cognitive learning, social, behavioral models, and mental health have and continue to be instrumental in guiding me on how to deal with my students. Students may become stressed with their personal lives; it may become harder for them to concentrate on acquiring the right skills and knowledge from the classroom. Cognitive and behavioral evaluations of such students make it possible to know the reasons for their stress and ensure that they are able to sit well in the classroom environment.

Concerning principles, ethical behavioral developments, and conduct in the classroom environment is critical. The course has helped me become respectful in the relationships I have with my students and anyone I work with. I have learned how to act professionally through the establishment of effective communication approaches. Concerning standards, I am always empathic when interacting and communicating with my students. This helps me become more focused on the teaching process than just looking into their individual lives. I am also able to comply with the different teaching laws and regulations in the education sector that focus on ensuring the delivery of the right teaching outcomes.

Professional Influence from Knowledge in the Classroom Environment

The learning environment has a large volume of sources for research and general learning sessions. The course has many materials that a person may access at any given time. With the above, I have been able to gain significant from my library and the internet. The university’s library has journals and books that contribute significantly to promoting the right knowledge. In the case of Mathematics and concepts in adult education, the coursework identifies problems in the secondary and college levels. The situation influences proper research outcomes among learners. The above approach leads to the research having to either add or subtract information that makes sense and is vague, respectively.

The coursework is instrumental in providing overarching data that has enabled me to create predictive models that have been instrumental in testing against gathered data. I can say that I am able to determine accuracy through the model of testing against the data I collect. The study of mathematics is important because it brings the human factor into discovering fundamental constructs that influence the comprehension of underlying concepts (Turulja & Bajgorić, 2018). The knowledge acquired from such an area of development is instrumental in promoting critical thinking.

Introducing Ethical and Professional Conduct in the Workplace

As reiterated in the above segments, relationships are crucial in influencing the development of different development areas in our markets. The course has been instrumental in promoting individual growth and development. I have learned to develop a positive sense of self-esteem, which enables me to rise about challenges in terms of thinking and behavior. With the above, I am able to identify the various issues surrounding my professional environment and work with them despite their severity. The subject of mathematics creates the possibility of creating the right decisions. I am able to calculate the possibilities of issues before I decide on what to do concerning an issue. Research has been crucial in ensuring that I am able to develop the required skills and knowledge in transitioning to different areas of my profession.

This is crucial in ensuring that I am able to remain focused on delivering the right incentives in my teaching environment. The coursework has enabled me to preach about good behavioral conduct in the examination room. I have taught my students the crucial role of transparency and honesty while doing exams and learning. The aspect of introducing morals in the learning environment has enabled me to focus on promoting ethical developments in different areas of life (Turulja & Bajgorić, 2018). One of the areas comprises of defining law and applying it in the best way possible.

Developing the right Evidence to generate innovative Solutions

We are in a world whereby innovation is the foundation of research and development. Almost everyone would want to remain developed. New ideas are the center of the course. The degree is highly saleable in the market such that they keep recruiting in many universities each year. I believe that I have already gained more than enough knowledge to bring about solutions in my learning and working environment. Also, I am an enthusiast about knowledge, and interacting with different people to gain knowledge has become a norm in my profession. I cannot interact with a person without having to focus on the benefits that I should gain from the person.

I am always focusing on the aspect of ensuring I remain aware of the different issues around me. This enables me to become more focused when it comes to handling issues. The aspect of interacting with people influences me to become more innovative. I get to learn more about my environment and the various challenges that affect the teaching environment. This is the right incentive in terms of wanting to become a changemaker. Education is about gaining new ideas and implementing them in a way that they become instrumental in changing the environment (Volegzhanina, Chusovlyanova, Adolf, Bykadorova, & Belova, 2017). I believe knowledge management is the main foundation of growth for our society if applied in the best way possible. People meet with different individuals in their environment that are influential in determining the type of decisions they make in responding to their society’s issues. I want to participate in environments that are more focused on introducing policies and strategies to grow the sector. The course has continued to give more than enough reasons to become a change-maker in my living and working environment.

Promotion of Leadership Skills and Identification of Gaps

The situation influences me to become a leader who is focused on ensuring that policy and practice are aligned to achieve the required outcomes. I believe that it is important for the coursework to enable both adults and young learners to learn about mathematics and other areas of development. This is crucial in supporting the development of relevant curriculum that is focused on changing the environment. Learning is an interesting factor to consider. It is the right methodology through which many societies are able to define the right direction in meeting their needs and promoting economic and social developments. The position of The M.Ed. in Advanced Studies (Math & Adult Education) ensures that knowledge and skills are aligned with the needed development.

The reason is that it has enabled my classmates and me to become refined in the application of information that we acquire from our learning environment. This has influenced and motivated us to remain dedicated to reading more research materials to find gaps. Concerning the above, the field of mathematics and adult education will continue to grow as time passes. Strategies should change in the manner of introducing more practical lessons and internship programs under the coursework before one starts focusing on the development of the required thesis work. Practical skills will help promote the right experience that ensures one moves into a relevant working position after graduating.


My M.Ed experience in Advanced Studies (Math & Adult Education) —–Degree has been unique and interesting. I would like to confirm that I have gone through the right channels, with my teachers providing me with the best skills and knowledge. Knowledge regarding efficient and ethical teaching practice has enabled me to focus on promoting the right incentives in my workplace. I have become a leader after doing the course. It has provided me with leadership skills by enhancing my self-esteem when dealing with different people in my professional environment. As a person, I communicate and think better than before. I used to make bad decisions in the past, but I am a good thinker who focuses on applying knowledge to change my workplace and living environment. I can calculate decisions and choose the best outcome in them. I am highly competent in my professional work because I am able to balance between projects and time while delivering the best outcome in terms of teaching my students. The course has also introduced a high possibility of determining the professional environment’s required strategies that relate to creating the right professional standards to support effective teaching outcomes.



DuBrin, A. (2015). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. Toronto: Nelson Education.

Thal, S., & Lommen, M. (2018). Current Perspective on MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 48(2), 99–108.

Turulja, L., & Bajgorić, N. (2018). Knowing means existing: Organizational learning dimensions and knowledge management capability. Business Systems Research: International journal of the Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, 9(1), 1-11.

Vogler, D., Macey, S., & Sigouin, A. (2017). Stakeholder analysis in environmental and conservation planning. Lessons in conservation, 7, 5-16.

Volegzhanina, I., Chusovlyanova, S., Adolf, V., Bykadorova, E., & Belova, E. (2017). Knowledge management as an approach to learning and instructing sector university students in post-Soviet professional education. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 8(2), 39-61.





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