Project Integration Management
Effective implementation and coordination of all rudiments of a project, tasks, resources, stakeholders, schedule, scope, quality, risks, and conflict resolution, are essential in achieving the project’s strategic objectives. Any well-planned project has specific goals to be attained within a scheduled time frame. Besides, projects are unique and involve several professionals and sectors. The life cycle of a project encompasses defining, planning, executing, and delivering. (Larson & Gray, 2017, p. 7-8). For effective project integration management, this essay gives an in-depth knowledge about project management, process groups, scope, and work breakdown structure (WBS). The paper takes a case study of the Manchester United Soccer Club (MUSC) to reveal how these dynamics influence a project. Nicolette is appointed to lead the planning of a tournament. Without a clear view of what it entails and a concrete plan, she called for a meeting that ended up without significant milestones. Later, her hubby notices that it’s a big project that needs to begin from preparing a WBS. The knowledge about project integration management empowers project managers to be active and avoid errors; Nicolette didn’t have to make mistakes.
The integration management knowledge areas.
The major deliverables of soccer tournaments like this would include a playground, invitees, team uniforms, referees, awards, accommodation, security, playing schedule, and sponsorship. Whereas it’s true, according to her husband’s advice to start with the preparation of WBS, Nicolette needed to learn a lot first. Firstly, project integration management is the coordination of all aspects of a project. It’s very interactive and occurs throughout the life cycle of the project. For instance, the integration management knowledge areas include developing the project charter, preliminary scope statement, management plan, and execution, monitoring and controlling work, integrated change control, and closure. (Heldman et al., 2007, p. 32-49). The charter contains the project’s goals and objectives, roles and responsibilities, and the appointment of the project manager. It’s generic and thus doesn’t change much in the course of the project; it gives authority to start a project. Besides, the scope statement summaries the project deliverables and gives criteria for measuring success; it lists all tasks to be completed throughout the life cycle of the project and is vital for this project. The magnanimity of the project and outcome of Nicolette’s meeting is sufficient justification for a project. The goals include generating revenue, increasing competition level among recreational players, and preparing them for the state Olympic Development Program and/or high school teams. Also, the projects assume that the teams, players, coaches, and referees will get time to participate. Also, it assumes that it’s easy to find sponsors. The foreseen constraints include lack of time for planners and financial support. The project is exclusively for the summer tournament and would not apply in subsequent tournaments. (Mulenburg, 2010, p. 49). The management and execution plan stipulates how execute various tasks and roles for greater efficiency and productivity. It includes the schedule, budget, resources, and the approach. Moreover, many management plans are essential; communication, human resource, quality, cost, and procurement management plans. Further, the monitoring and controlling of integrated changes are critical in project management. As the project progresses, monitoring helps ascertain when a change in management, tools, and techniques is needed. The project’s change control board reviews and approves these change requests. Finally, after the project, it must be closed. The process involves evaluating the processes and procedures used, and lessons learned, and documenting them for future reference. (Schwalbe, 2008, p. 108-116). Project managers need to understand strategic management, for they lead the multifaceted team in achieving overall objectives. They should review and define the project mission, assist in formulating and analyzing strategies, set the objectives to help achieve the strategy, and implement the strategies in the project. (Larson & Gray, 2017, p. 9 & 29).
The project management process groups.
Nicolette also needed to learn that a greater comprehension of the complex interrelationship between all facets of the project is essential for effective project integration management. Consequently, integrating five groups, initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and control, and closing process groups, is a good idea. (Schwalbe, 2008, p. 70). The initiating group prepares the project charter and approves that the organization’s resources are used to implement it. The planning committee sets the goals and objectives of the project, selects staff, and identifies stakeholders. The documents produced by the group include all key project areas and are depended upon by subsequent process groups. The execution team implements any approved changes. It’s a critical team who take most project time and resources and often have a busy schedule. The monitoring and control team determine whether the project is implemented as planned, on schedule, and propose possible corrective measures. Finally, the closure team documents essential information and facilitates the closure, approval, and acceptance of the contract. (Heldman et al., 2007, p. 25-26).
A work breakdown structure.
Appreciating the importance of the WBS is critical for a tournament director. Because of the complexity of projects and the variety of people involved, it’s coherent to divide the work into discrete tasks and group them logically in a hierarchy. The WBS is what brings such order. The WBS provides the basis for planning and managing schedules, costs, changes, and resources. (Schwalbe, 2008, p. 116). A good WBS can be estimated, manageable, independent, and measurable. Also, it can be easily integrated, adaptable, and definable. (“The importance of a work breakdown structure,” n.d.). The first planning meeting ended without a concrete resolution. How could have a WBS helped? The WBS could have provided a clear plan and task breakdown to help Nicolette manage the meeting. Besides, it could have guided members to understand their role in the project, how the teams would coordinate, and make it easy to allocate tasks. To avoid the kind of mixed reactions experienced in the meeting, the WBS would have provided a clear direction on the project because it gives the bigger picture, precise plans, and responsible priorities. Where would she find information to write WBS? She can research past tournaments from their websites or contacting their management. Also, she can plan for a brainstorming session with her colleagues and club members to identify deliverables and tasks. The WBS is useful in the development of the tournament budget; it will make the budget realistic. From the holistic picture painted by WBS, Nicolette, and her task force can break the whole event into real small tasks and activities and approximate the cost. The sum of the activities’ individual costs is what will make the budget estimate for the project. Below is a sample of a WBS she can use.
This essay is resourceful to managers and includes critical information about project integration management, deliverables, objectives, assumptions, constraints, process groups, scope, and work breakdown structure (WBS). For instance, if applied, Nicolette would have effective meetings and effectively manage the summer tournament. The WBS is essential in the initial planning stages of a project, gives a clear direction on the course the project should take, and makes it easy to come up with the project budget. Had she learned the ideas discussed in this paper, Nicolette couldn’t have driven home with seven sheets of thoughts and a headache. Below is a sample WBS that would be helpful to her.
Fig: Sample WBS