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Project Termination in Project Management

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Project Termination in Project Management

Reflection and Discussion

The most important aspects of my learning involved the primary topic project termination. This implies the reasons that cause the termination, how it’s applied in our real-life situations, and finally, the use of technology in carrying out the activity. According to Wiley and Asia(2016), project termination is the last phase of dealing with the project and happens after the implementation stage has ended. An audit is then undertaken with the customer and other task partners, during which the undertaking results are assessed against the projects expressed points and targets.

The learning was worth the time and money because of its useful information concerning project termination. Furthermore, I was able to learn that for project termination to happen, there have to be some reasons involved. The first reason and most important is the lack of a good plan concerning the project. This implies an imperfect risk management process. The other reason involves the technicality of the project, thus termination due to technical issues. Also, when the necessities or particulars of the task result are not satisfactory or ridiculous. Finally, when necessities or particulars change on a fundamental level with the goal that the underlying agreement can’t be changed accordingly.

Project Closing fills a significant need for the association and causes it to maintain a strategic distance from ominous and unfriendly scenarios. Confirming that targets have been met to the customer’s fulfillment gives the customer and the undertaking group a feeling of achievement and conclusion. It gives the customer a feeling that you and your organization are not kidding about helping them meet their targets, and you will remain responsible for what was guaranteed. Avoiding this progression is a major no. It resembles your beautician giving you another hairstyle, however not showing you the mirror at long last to guarantee that you like the new cut.

Moreover, unless we think back and consider every commitment, it is difficult to gain from it. During the task conclusion process, it is fundamental that lessons learned meeting occurs with the customer and another with the inward group. Customers will regard you more for posing hard inquiries and requesting fair criticism. An outsider that was not engaged with the undertaking ought to encourage these meetings.


Response 1

In my opinion, the canceling of the battery-powered electric vehicle project was justified. The decision was accurate because it was a venture that, at that time, faced a lot of technical hitches in terms of implementation. The advantage of the project was that in terms of new technology, it would make work easier concerning the transport department. The disadvantages it was a big project whose risks were high compared to its advantages, thus resulting in termination.

Response 2

First, you involve the stakeholders of the software package that is to be implemented. You keep the vendor of the software accountable by creating a needs document. The next thing on the list is to control your scope. The needs document you created defines the extreme levels that the system can achieve, enabling you to put your attention to the selection stage. Furthermore, the needs document would guide you all through the implementation and the training stage. The next and most critical step is assembling a competent team that would get the job done. The characteristics of the team would vary concerning the type of business and scale of implementation. The next aspect of the undertaking is to put strategies down that would enable user adoption of the new system in the organization. Finally, you have to work with the system daily, focusing on continuous improvement concerning the betterment of the business.

Response 3

In the event of project termination, the first step is to look for the reasons for the termination. Does this imply questions such as; was there a technical issue? Has the project lost its value concerning the goals of the business? Has the business objectives changed?Is it a problem with the cost? The next step is to involve my team on the new developments concerning the project. It was finally activating the project termination process.

Activity 1


  1. What is your best software package?
  2. Why did you purchase this software product?
  3. How satisfied are you with the software product?
  4. Would you recommend this software package to another company?
  5. If you could change one thing about the software package, what would it be?
  6. Which other options were you considering before this software package?
  7. Did the software package help you accomplish your goal?



Company 1 Questionnaire

  1. What is your best software package?

The Microsoft 2010 operating system

  1. Why did you purchase this software product?

Because it meets the needs of the company in terms of computer usage for different functions of the organization

  1. How satisfied are you with the software product?

I will give a five-star rating

  1. Would you recommend this software package to another company?

Definitely.Because it meets the current technological needs effectively.

  1. If you could change one thing about the software package, what would it be?

Not much cause it covers a lot of areas in terms of operating system usage.

  1. Which other options were you considering before this software package?

UBUNTU product and the Apple product

  1. Did the software package help you accomplish your goal?

Yes, in every aspect.



Company 2 Questionnaire

  1. What is your best software package?

Ubuntu operating system

  1. Why did you purchase this software product?

It’s the best in terms of malware prevention

  1. How satisfied are you with the software product?

I will give it a four-star rating

  1. Would you recommend this software package to another company?

Yes it’s an excellent software package depending on your needs

  1. If you could change one thing about the software package, what would it be?

Its user-friendliness is wanting

  1. Which other options were you considering before this software package?

Microsoft products.

  1. Did the software package help you accomplish your goal?

Yes, on a large scale.


In a comparison of the two responses, the Microsoft 2010 software package is the best cause it doesn’t have issues concerning the users, and it was well-received by the particular company.

Activity 2

The projects that I have been involved with recently are the implementation of a new company attendance software and designing a portfolio management office. This implies the change of the company attendance software to cover the new needs as the old one was not effective. The portfolio started with a concession to standards; at that point advancement of the structure dependent on planning with the critical planning, execution announcing, and venture the executive’s groups. This was trailed by the plan of the procedures dependent on a conventional methodology not subject to a particular toolset. The structure accommodated prioritization, benefits management, and permeability of the portfolio and progress of the constituent undertakings.

The criteria used would focus on whether the project is achieving its set goals per each phase. In the event, this is not met leads to termination. The direction of management at that moment with regards to the project would also activate the termination process. The activity of the adoption of the particular project to the organization was done poorly. It had to be passed to the relevant personnel for similar future projects to be undertaken effectively. Also, there was an issue concerning documentation, which could be a great hindrance when scalability of the particular implementations needed. The termination phase is delicate concerning the perfect Passover in terms of the project and future projects that enable effective and efficient project management.





John Wiley & Sons Asia. (2016). Project management: a managerial approach.



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