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The first name culture of most multinational companies is prevalent. These companies often believe that equality should be present in the same status. In any organizational hierarchy, positions usually play a vital role in seniors and their subordinates, but in the real sense, no one comes under anyone’s obligations. The rules that have been put across apply to all the employees. The department of Human Resource plays an essential role in coming up with organizational cultures. For instance, depending on the ranks that employees have in the organization, they are expected to have particular dress codes. An ideal integration of an HR department that has organizational culture has good results. The reasons why some companies like Google, Scripps, and UPS are successful are many.

For Google, the HR of this company concentrated on the work environment. The company also concentrated on offering its employees flexibility for them to achieve good results. Google also decided to come up with an effective administration because it needed to have efficient HR practices. The company also made good use of technology, and the efforts of HR were reduced. For Scribbs, HR is essential that helps to decide the strategic efforts and goals. The company concentrates on the culture match if it wants to retain its employees. HR also supports the organizational culture and core values. The focus of the organization is paying employees according to how they perform. The company also concentrates on leadership development. For company U, the primary objective of HR is keeping employees informed concerning the goals of the company through interactive communication.

The cultural facet of the company that it is an e-learning company that is established in India. The company’s working culturedepends on the culture of the parent company that is located in the U.S.A. The people in high positions in the Indian branch are all Indians. The company has to operate in many shifts to refrain from time clashes.The difference in all these companies’ views is that Google concentrated on making itsemployees comfortable, Scribbs on developing its goals, and improving its leadership, while UPS  concentrated on ethical codes for all its employees.


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