racial discrimination of black people in America
In American society, black people, for a long time, been subjugated to racial discrimination. Terms such as animals, thugs, Niggas, among others that paint black people’s image from a negative light, have been advanced by the whites Americans to propagate their supremacy and drag people off the African origin into believing that they are a lesser human being. Ironically, some black Americans have unknowingly turned into spreading this backward belief of white supremacy and blacks’ inferiority. Furthermore, traditional mechanisms to contain white supremacy and advocate for equality among all Americans have turned out to be less effective. In this context, this paper reflects the factors that propagate white power and new dynamics that can be used by black communities in the US to uphold their human dignity.
For a long time, African Americans have been subjected to believing that they are a lesser human being by their white American counterparts. Terms such as animals which equate African American behaviors and morality to that of animals is not news. Even in judicial systems, terms as NHIS to undermine search for justice by youths of African descent who have been exposed to injustices such as police brutality are common.
White supremacy has been advanced by the white themselves but the black people have also contributed in cementing the status quo by embracing
derogatory terms such as Niggas and adoring the white culture. where blacks people engage in fighting for their rights and emancipation they unfortunately routinely employ the same procedures and tools which have proved to be less effective. As xx holds use of strategies such as critizing the flaws of the white Americans instead of taking bold steps to challenge the white believes in regard to the black people is among the forces that contributes to subjugation of the black people in the American society. Infact xx equates use of same approach in addressing violation of blacks as moving in the same social orbit which ends in the same unsatisatisfactory results. In deed failure for black activist and black people to challenge the white believes by proving their capabilities and refusing to participate in peopergating ideas such as slavery which are used by whites to propergate the white supremacy can help in
addressing this contemporary sovialnproblem in American society.
Taking a different approach in challenging the white supremacy is and restoring african American dignity can be a viable alternative ending the misconception of black inferiority in the American society. The new conceptual architecture which xx termed as Afrofuturism is broadly based on encouraging moving to the unknown territories that seek to challenge the popular myths advanced by the whites and drawing on new perspectives to advance abilities of black people.
Methodology: in advancing his thinking on ways of addressing black inferiority in the American context, xx draws from the history
as a discipline. This discipline helps the author in building a solid case regarding the topic by drawing history of blacks and factors have contributed to inequality in the American society. Indeed,use of historical references in pinning the arguments of the topic provided insights to factors that
contributed to propagation of white supremacy at the expense of black committees.
xx creates a compelling text that addresses one of the emotive issues in the American society. Xx criticizes
works of authors who while condemning white supremacy are cautious not change popularity methods employed in addressing the problem
The article has presented an intriguing
perspective for addressing
subjugation of rights of the black people in the American society. I find
the concept of Afrofuturistic as advanced by xx to be a viable approach in address the problem. Refusing to buy ideas advanced by the supporters of white supremacy which are founded on past injustices to the black people such as slavery and instead ad locating for practices that seek to promote the capabilities of black people is an effective way blacks can address injustices levelled against them.