Reading Response Template:
- Be sure to include page numbers when citing an author or an idea
- Each question should contain an answer of 3-4 complete, complex sentences.
- What are the key terms and phrases from these readings? (Please list at least three, including definitions and page numbers)
- Please draw a connection between at least three of the authors – this may be a criticism, a common viewpoint, a similar voice, a conflict, etc. (Be sure to include page numbers and author’s names)
Agree/Strengths: | Disagree/weaknesses: |
| 1. |
| 2. |
3. | 3. |
- Critical questions: please provide three questions these readings inspired for you. Ideally these questions will dig deeply into the author’s thesis or challenge claims the author makes. They may also arise from your gut response to the reading.
- Draw a connection between the readings this week and a current event (please cite a source so I will know where to find it.)
- So what? Make it personal. Have you been inspired to do anything differently? What have you learned about your life/ what you do/ your “habitus?”