Recreation of the Human Body
Apart from the human body experience’s physiological and cognitive complications, it is always assumed to be in perfect shape. However, in science, there is always room for more research and improvement. Human beings have sought to improve their physiological and cognitive capacities for hundreds of ages, often effectively – and still with inconclusive, comedic, and sometimes catastrophic consequences (Lu et al., 2019). If given a chance, there would be several changes that human beings can add, change, and improve on all the body systems. These changes can mostly be done using bionics.
The physical body is a magnificent biological mechanism assisted and sustained by excellently-structured and interrelated body structures and their specialized organs, all of which contribute in numerous forms to a human being’s biological, physical, psychological, and behavioral wellbeing. The integumentary system of the body works to regulate the body temperature; it can be advanced to allow it to regulate the body temperature in water just like the reptiles and amphibians. The musculoskeletal system functions as the locomotive system of the body. Through the intersection of the cartilages, tendons, joints, and muscles, the body can navigate turns in different directions. This system can be modified to allow 360 degrees to turn to allow more efficient movements of the body joints that help protect the body in danger. The endocrine framework is a biochemical communication scheme composed of stimulus cycles of the hormones emitted specifically into the bloodstream by an organism’s inner glands, which regulate distant focus organs. The endocrine system can be modified using the bionics technology to install mechanic versions of the stimulus tissues that can sense distant danger. For instance, the body can be modified to sense the excess or insufficient sugar percentages in the body. After the detection, the machines can indicate a positive or negative percentage to aid diabetic patients in regulating the sugar levels in their bodies. The cardiovascular system of the human body is regarded as the transport system of the body. It consists of the cardiac, blood, and blood vessels. The heart acts as the central organ of this system since its actions lead to blood movement along these vessels. The cardiovascular system can be modified to accommodate a cardiac support system in case of its failure. Using the bionic technology, a mechanical heart machine can be installed in the body to assist the heartbeat. In the case of heart failures, which have caused several deaths globally, the support system can help the body continue with its transportation of oxygen and nutrients in the body. The lymphatic system acts as the body’s immune system. The lymph nodes can be modified to eradicate disease-causing pathogens and store them in the central lymphoid system, located somewhere around the abdomen. These bacteria can then be converted to nutrients that can be absorbed into the body. The human respiratory organ comprises organs that are liable for oxygen absorption and carbon dioxide emission.
The breathing system’s main components are the lungs that conduct this interchange of gasses. The body stores only less oxygen that cannot sustain the body further when breathing stops (Herlihy, 2017). The respiratory system can be modified to create an oxygen store. Large amounts of oxygen can be stored and transported to the heart when breathing stops just as the digestive system has a waste store in the rectum, so it should be modified to have a large food store. The system can be modified just as the cow where food can be stored in large quantities to allow for processing later. This will aid the human body to survive for days without having to intake food. Once the store is empty, then more food can be consumed. The body male reproductive system can be modified to alter the male and female chromosomes. These two can have a weekly or monthly alteration to allow human beings to determine infant sex. The female reproductive system can also be modified to allow for a faster gestation period. It can be lowered from 9 to 3 months. The sensory organs of the body also play a vital role in the body function to sustain life. However, some modifications can make these organs more efficient. The eyes, for instance, can be modified to store light to allow vision even in darkness. The mouth can also be modified to absorb oxygen along the mouth walls to aid the respiratory system. The human ears can also be changed to allow intake and out of the air, hence helping the breathing system. The brain functions as the main sensory organ where all the responses are triggered. It can be modified to sense the dead cells, such as the hair and nails that outgrow the body’s surface. The body systems can have several modifications to fit human visions. However, as it is, the body still functions adequately to sustain life.
Herlihy, B. (2017). The Human Body in Health and Illness-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Lu, Y. C., Erol, O., Orrego, S., Wu, Y., & Zhao, L. (2019). Bioimaging Innovations in Bionics and Biomechanics. Applied bionics and biomechanics, 2019.